MovieChat Forums > batman6 > Replies
batman6's Replies
Misogyny means hatred of women. Flagellating them isn't hatred. Its a duty.
And if anyone is being defensive, its you. I guess I must have touched a nerve with my Princess Bride quote (the woman in that film also needs flagellating BTW).
And you think I'm the troll? That's rich.
You mean Iris. Yeah, she needs to be flagellated.
Iris is so stupid, she should be flagellated as punishment.
It creates a massive plot hole.
And what the fuck is a kiddie winkle?
I have no idea who this father is. And didn't Stryker do it in the films anyway?
Everything's cultural appropriation, apparently.
Prove I don't.
Also, you use the word "misogyny" a lot. I don't think it means what you think it does.
No, you're making the claim its not true, the burden is on you.
What else could it be?
That's not misogyny. Its a duty. My partner deals with the men.
How am I a "misogynist"?
Incest with his sister.
Its a whip with bits of metal, bone or other sharp objects.
Might be a pirate thing, I don't know.
Well, that makes things more complicated than they need to be.
Really? You wouldn't scourge her?
She needs scourging.