MovieChat Forums > The Flash (2014) Discussion > Damsel in distress ep leading to Damsel ...

Damsel in distress ep leading to Damsel in distress overall plot..?

Damn, Iris. I bet there will be yet another Save Iris episode before the Save Iris season plot is resolved, lol.


This episode just undid the last episode


Not at all. Is Joe suddenly a Dude in Distress because Barry saved him this episode? Being saved doesn't negate one's heroism.

I'll miss you guys. RIP IMDB Boards.


Last week was I will not be the victim
This week I am the victim


No one is in control of their own destiny. Joe was a damsel this week. Does that diminish his saving Barry's life in the pilot.

"I'm Wally West...The fastest man alive!"


It's awesome, isn't it? On a show like The Flash where he saves people each episode, they're now dedicating an entire half season to saving the leading lady. It's nice that people recognize that this show is about saving those in need. What an awesome concept.

There is no Flash without Iris West.


It's nice that people recognize that this show is about saving those in need. What an awesome concept.

And there's no one needier than Iris. Truly, an "awesome" concept. 


And there's no one needier than Iris.

Have you forgotten all those times Killer Widow needed to be saved? Go on, take a guess.I'll wait. Iris has saved herself more than precious Snow has. What about your fave Pathetic Patty? This chick was beyond needy. So needy, she was begging Barry. So needy, she called in a fake distress call showing just how needy and pathetic she is.

You tried it. 😙

There is no Flash without Iris West.


Hi Iris,

Why so defensive?  Your purpose is finally being utilized (yet still only underscores your limitedness). Also, congratulations on being Patty/Caitlin's number 1 fan. So uh, go you.


You are legit a damn clown and a fool. LMFAO. You always show it when someone puts facts in front of you and you can't spew anymore bull.

Congrats on being Iris' number one fan despite your "hate" for her.

You tried it again. Lol. Chile, please.

Ankhs, Hotep's, Coons, and Uncle Tom's will be the death of me.


Explains why the ratings are at their lowest.

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Well, the whole idea of the Savitar storyline is that every episode in Season 3B has to be about saving Iris.


Iris is worthless. Barry should let her die. Give her a scourging.



You mean Iris. Yeah, she needs to be flagellated.
