MovieChat Forums > batman6 > Replies
batman6's Replies
Yes, she must feel the whip. It must never stop.
She needs flagellating.
She needs to be flagellated.
This is why I think it will bomb.
She's eleven years old. She should have stopped doing that long ago.
Sara simply didn't care. The whole was just an excuse to hurt them for giggles.
The police probably let him go, fearing they would be called racist if they pressed charges.
That's kinda a stretch.
You could try flagellating them.
Yes, that was retarded. What was Mystique doing there.
Actually, the wheelchair was stupid. Even if you except that Xavier had a braindead twin brother, if would make no sense for him to be paralysed.
Xavier's mind powers killed the X-Men.
Its explained that Transigen found the X-Gene and used industrial connections to make sports drinks, fast food, sodas, etc, isolating the X-Gene.
I doubt mutants allowed it.
The X-Men films are filled with plot holes like Emma being younger in Origins than she was in First Class, Angel being in Apocalypse when he wouldn't have been born yet according to Last Stand, etc. Its completely retarded.
Logan was getting sick from the adamantium. Again, explained in the film.
Well, that's retarded.
So Zander's dad was some mook in Apocalypse?
Exactly, Logan apparently killed some unknown guy we never see.
Rice would have had way more impact if he was connected with someone we already knew (like Stryker) than some guy we don't even know.
That's not how it happened in the previous films.
What tried old shtick are you on about?
You're starting to sound like an SJW.
Stryker being invoked in Weapon X is against canon.
In real life, all the kids would have tried to beat Laura beat up for it.
Doesn't work so well, since it means they created this new character for no apparent reason.
It would have been much simpler to retcon that Stryker had another son (especially when you take the alternate timeline into account)
In X2 Stryker created Wolverine.
In Origins: Wolverine Stryker created Wolverine.
In Apocalypse Stryker created Wolverine.
Now in Logan, we're being told Zander Rice's father who is a completely different character to Stryker created Wolverine.