MovieChat Forums > Mignonnes (2020) Discussion > The normalization of pedophilia is comin...

The normalization of pedophilia is coming

I really don't think we will be able to stop it at this point. Society particularly in modern western countries is too far gone and entangled with the ideology that is pushing for these things. We already have an upcoming generation that have been brainwashed at schools and universities with things like critical race theory, gender ideology, feminism and such.

The plan behind the normalization of pedophilia is to lower the age of consent and to make it acceptable not just for kids to enter into relationship with adults but to also be able to give consent to gender change treatments which is what the people pushing the trans agenda want.


Note how they are doing it in degrees. First, homosexuality, with two consenting adult partners, this one was relatively easy to put across. Next, the visibly unorthodox trans movement that would not have flown without the precedent of legitimized homosexuality. Now, pedophilia. Incest is also becoming a popular theme in Hollywood. What's next? Zoophilia? Watch for an upcoming movie to appear about a girl falling in love with her dog. It will garner awards and praise, no doubt.


You realize there’s no pedophilia in this movie right?


There is, however a whole lot of sexualized images of children which would seem to indicate a desire to normalize the thought of children as sexual partners. Plus, it's going to appeal to pedophiles in a very big way. It's basically soft-core porn they can legally own.


It's Pedo wank material...equally as disgusting.


"What's next? Zoophilia?"

Not only has it been done already, but it won best picture -


First homosexuality? There is a canyon between adults having sex with children and adults having sex with each other. The right has been saying this forever but accepting lgbt people has absolutely NOTHING to do with pedophilia, no matter how much you want to associate them to make it okay to hate on them. The church has compared homosexuality with pedophila for centuries and guess who turned out to be the pedophiles.


The connection is, that both activities have long been considered sexual deviancies. In fact, until relatively recently, homosexuality was perhaps even more reviled than pedophila, despite the fact that homosexuality can involve two consenting adult partners. Acceptance of one such society-deemed deviant activity pushes the envelope of acceptance for the rest of them. It's the same as legalizing pot making cocaine seem less sinister. Also, in the 70s before it became really loathsome to society, the homosexual rights movement gladly included pedophile societies such as NAMBLA.


The homosexuality rights movement did NOT gladly include NAMBLA. There was this clever propaganda ploy to not only deftly exploit the public's ignorance on homosexuality but that it was involved in pederasty as well when NAMBLA included ‘themselves’ In the movement, and were immediately reprimanded by the lgbt community for attempting to legitimize sex between children and adults by confusing the real needs of Gay youth with a call to repeal all age of consent laws. NAMBLA was also started in 1978 and was opposed by lgbt organizations by 1979 and were repeatedly banned from the parades by 1980 so. . .

We will not passively march alongside pederast banners or signs, nor quietly stand and listen to pederast speeches at any march or rally. We will not support pederasts within the Lesbian and Gay movements nor anywhere else. - Gay Rights Coalition April 1st 1979


There was no "t" in 1979. It was just LGB. "T" has included itself, much as NAMBLA glommed on in the past.



'Shape of Water' was about a disabled woman fucking a large amphibian mutant. It won four Oscars from 13 nominations.


Society particularly in modern western countries "

you do know that this shit is far more widely used in the middle east and africa, right?


There's nothing new about it, the British paedophiles of the time were trying to LEGALISE the activity, they formed a group called "Paedophile Information Exchange". They really went that far with it. I suppose they figured with people like Jimmy Saville at the BBC, they couldn't lose. But they did lose.


It is absolutely coming. I'd bet my life on it.


They will call you racist if you don't agree with it.


What 'race'?


It’s not coming. It will NEVER be okay to rape children . . . Jesus!


Society has decayed to a point that it will be normalized. It is coming, get ready.


No, it hasn’t and it won’t Ever be normalized, you can believe whatever crazy shit you want but who is it that you believe will ever accept that as normal? Who?


If, in 1960, you had told people "someday there will be tv comedy shows about homosexual couples, people will fly homosexual flags from their front porches, homosexuals will have civic parades during which some will be naked, the U.S. president will host a fete at the White House for homosexuals and men pretending to be women, and men in dresses and makeup will hold high federal government offices, they would have said "believe whatever crazy shit you want but who is it that you believe will ever accept that as normal? Who?"

Pedophilia is the last frontier in the progression. A time will come, within our lives, when those who speak out against it will be labeled bigots.


Then who is it ok to rape?


This is cute, do you think I meant it's okay to rape people?


Don't get mad at me... You're the one who didn't proof-read your own musings...


Well it's only been out of style with the human race for the last few hundred years. The natural state of man is total barbarism.


Are we going to bring back wives as possessions in the States or the UK? How about sending them out into the wilderness when they get their periods? Drill a hole in someone’s head to relieve headaches? How dystopian do you think we are getting?


Literally Zardoz.


Now that we're dreaming . . .I'd like a pony.


Zardoz is actually pretty close to the society the Left is creating: Insular "enlightened" society of masculine women and effeminate men, trying to control the deplorable, violent Brutals. I guess we know who represents Zed, the uncouth barbarian who appears and messes up their whole game.


It must never be normalized. Anything relating to pedophilia must be publicly called out and shamed with extreme prejudice.


it won't be normalized. People love to imagine the worst possible outcome or suggest a slippery slope when they feel threatened.




No it isn’t. Saying a cute kid is cute isn’t pedophilia.
