MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Picard (2020) Discussion > s3 - 'best Trek since First Contact'

s3 - 'best Trek since First Contact'

looking at twitter and the professional trekkies/critics have seen the first 3-6 eps and its overwhelming positive saying its superb, the nostalgia is off the scale, finally got it right, way better than s1/2, the best Trek since First Contact etc


It seems to me anytime a new installment of a popular franchise is being released, the early reviewers rave about how great it is and then when it comes out it isn’t all that terrific.


Yep. Everyone should recognize this pattern by now. It's so routine.


Ordinarily id say the same except in this case Robert Meyer Burnett (who HATES Kurtzman Trek with a passion) has been raving how good it is..


as they say - money talks
Perhaps they finally met his price
Having said that, it's not impossible for the s3 to be better than the first 2 seasons - they were that shitty.
Usually, TV series start off with a bang and then slowly but surely (once the original material runs out) turn into shite in latter seasons. Picard started off shitty - s2 was not an improvement - could s3 be a slightly better polished turd? Could be


I wonder how much they were paid to say that. Usually the going rate is $1.5 million, but that depends on whether these are seasoned critics, veteran actors, or social media influencers that have the most followers and have never been on tv before.


agreed - sold out shills


Twitter is not reliable. Professional trekkies do NOT exist!
Nothing about previews from google or on Reddit


professional shills do exists though - they've just been given a new title - lol


you do realize the "anti-woke" brigade on youtube are shills as well? they are shills of the opposite side. their formula is to call everything that comes out "woke" and this is how they make their money.

the critical drinker has done interviews with the daily wire and ben shapiro. how is that not shilling?


Have to say, over more than a few years, I have found, watch it yourself, if you like it then it is good, if you don’t, then it isn’t 😀


I just read a vicious review about how bad it is on Engadget .


Dave Cullen says it’s Rikers best season ever. And he hated the first 2 seasons like everyone else.



there's probably a reason why they were given access to only the first 6 episodes - lol


They were probably restricted by OSHA due to the mental safety risk of watching more than just a few hours of it.
