(Spoilers) Problem with final plot point of ep. 1 - Lot 36?
The final plot point is that the Mexican (?) woman who Nick earlier treats cruelly appears (conveniently!) outside the locked door through which Nick wants to escape the storage complex (and the oncoming monster). Nick pleads through the door for her to open it but she's understandably 'Nuh-uh'. The woman watches calmly as the monster finishes off a screaming Nick (how she could be quite so calm, so sure that the Cthulu-esque monster won't come crashing through the door and finish her off too - and then maybe the whole world? - isn't explored).
My problem with this ending: why should we or Nick think that the woman has a key or any other way to open the locked door from the outside? No storage facility would *ever* have a simple pull open/turn knob/lift handle mechanism *on the outside* (particularly not when it's securely locked on the inside), so while the woman being there as a witness to Nick's demise is fair enough, the idea that she has any power to save Nick which she just declines to exercise seems spurious.