MovieChat Forums > The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (2022) Discussion > An example of an inappropriate review th...

An example of an inappropriate review that was removed by Amazon.

I actually agree with the removal. Anyone ranting and raving about 'Mary Sues' is a dog whistling misogynist. Be better, learn to criticize without turning to sexist internet lingo.

I'm in favor of all 'Mary Sue' critiques being silenced. Such a stupid term that is flung at pretty much every single Female protagonist.


The world is getting sick of all the bashing towards everyone that isn't a white male. He tried to be clever how he said it, but we know what he's saying. I'm glad it got deleted.


OK, if it is because of people hating everyone that isn't a white male, then why does every other show that has female characters in it not get the hate that this show does? Something wrong with your logic, isn't there?


There's not. I think there's something wrong with yours cause you don't get it. Not every show gets this type of hate, but when they do, it's someone who's not a white male. Crying that it's woke. If it ain't white (male), it ain't right.

Here we are. It's 2022 and we're discussing things like this. For fuck's sake, it's only a TV show and a "certain type" complains all the time.


Why do none of these people hate the Resident Evil movies?


I mean it is a trash review, and the world will be no poorer for it being deleted. I guess it is questionable whether Amazon should delete reviews for being trash though, since it doesn't have anything outright sexist in it. There should be a clear criteria for reviews being removed, like foul language, general inappropriateness. On the other had, when you have people making accounts just to spam the site with pointless reviews like this, it's kind of understandable.


general inappropriateness

And who decides that plus very very vague

On the other had, when you have people making accounts just to spam the site with pointless reviews like this

And you have people who make accounts and spam it with 5 stars or 10/10 reviews

it's kind of understandable

No it isn't. An opinion is just that an opinion. There is absolutely nothign in that review that deserved it to be deleted. Nothing. All it shows is that Amazon can't tale anything negative. They are curating scores and reviews to make out this show is more popular than it actually is and that shouldn't be allowed to happen. It makes these types of sites absolutely pointless.


It was a standard hate-bot review that would typically be posted by the same loser with 1000 sock accounts 1000 times. I know these people exist, because of the IMDB chat boards that this site was made to replace. So yeah, in that context it understandable it would get deleted.

The people who decide what is inappropriate are the mods on the site. It's a movie database, not a court of law. Obviously if someone praises Hitler and the holocaust in a review, then it should be deleted. But it should be a consistent standard. Saying all of the female characters are Mary sues is a valid opinion. Like I said, the review is trash, but doesn't technically cross a line that warrants deletion, but when the site is being spammed with 1000s of reviews that basically say the same thing of this, and offer nothing useful, then it's understandable that IMDB would want to delete them.


It was a standard hate-bot review

Prove it

Didn't read anymore of you reply when you start with that. No much point as you will just say the usual reteric.




Prove that the review came from a bot

So what you are saying is if a show is innately boring and the main character is an unlikable Mary Sue then they are bots? No way that can be true. None what so ever. Oh ok.

So prove its a bot and not a real review. Please go ahead.


I said hate-bot, not a literal bot. Bot, as in people who act like bots..

There are probably lots of reviews like this that all look similar, they add nothing of value, hence I can understand why IMDB would delete them.


I said hate-bot

Again prove it.

A negative review calling a character a mary sue isn't a hate bot no matter how many times you repeat it.

There are probably lots of reviews like this that all look similar

And there are just as many 5 star and 10/10 reviews that are basically the same.

So prove its not a review and a hate bot as you call it. Personally I seesomeones opinion that you don't agree with and so call them a derogatory word top justify your claim as its easier. You are no better than the articles that call fans racist and sexist.

hence I can understand why IMDB would delete them.

So you just want an echo chamber of nodding dogs


I think I need to quit engaging with the autistic trolls in this site.


Why because like Amazon you don't like comments that disagree with you.

You have just called me a trollbased on what exactly.

Nothing I wrote was trolling or innacurate.

Just proves my point to be honest.

Edit - Still can't prove it I see


It makes these types of sites absolutely pointless.

User reviews have always been that. People have been upvoting or downvoting for all kinds of reasons unrelated to quality -- or no reason at all -- since forever. People mock critics as being out of touch or reviewing with social activism in mind, but at least they present a detailed case for you to assess and decide to take or leave.


It usually averages out. You have the curious situation where critics are highly pro-woke, and rate woke things too highly, and the rage mob downvote them, so you have a massive discrepancy between critic reviews and user ratings.

I actually like RoP though. I think the reaction is a result of building frustration after years of being gaslit, and now the rage mob is just reactionary and will hate things irrationally.


and now the rage mob is just reactionary and will hate things irrationally.

Or, and hear me out as in 2022 it is hard to believe but............*clears throat*............they just don't like it.

Huh what a shocker that peoples opinions vary.

So hard to believe I know that we all don't think and act the same. It truely is a new modern revelation.


We are not talking about dislike, we are talking about obsessive hate. People get addicted to be outraged. You
might not like the series, but there is nothing to hate it for.


We are not talking about dislike, we are talking about obsessive hate

Nothing in that review was hateful. Nothing. Not a single word.

People get addicted to be outraged

Your opinion that cannot be proved. Again. You are just saying that as an excuse to back up your claim.

You might not like the series, but there is nothing to hate it for.

Again. Nothing in that review is hateful in anyway shape or form.

See you are doing what the MSM does. Blame everyone for the tiny fraction. Don't like female character so you are sexist. Don't like black character so you must be racist. And in your case. Negative review is hateful. None of those statements are true.

It is a boring. Poorly written show with another unlikable Mary Sue as the main character. They do this because t he only way they can write the stereotypical strong female character is to basically make her and obnoxious bloke. It is always the same. Tell me what is hateful about that. I'll answer for you. Nothing.


Amazon has always removed reviews of books, in addition to banning the sale of the wrong political books. Pretty much anything right of Karl Marx gets positive reviews removed. Reviews, ratings, and comments on any website are part of the revenue stream or political agenda.
