Kryptonite for MAP sympathizers
We all know that in the eye's of far-left extremists the safety of children is lower on their list when compared to support for MAP's.
Hence the attempts to discredit this movie, how pathetic.
We all know that in the eye's of far-left extremists the safety of children is lower on their list when compared to support for MAP's.
Hence the attempts to discredit this movie, how pathetic.
I still find it stupid that the news agencies are attempting to link this to Q-anon of all things. Aren't they aware that Q-anon was an FBI psy-op and a new "boogey-man" made up for the Left to attack? Hell, the only idiot who talks about it ceaselessly on here is Keeliar, and they're the most hard-left douche on the entire website! Nobody conservative/Republican I know talks about Q-anon at all, and many don't even know what it is, or didn't hear about it when it first became a thing because they didn't watch the lamestream news or visit hard-left websites online.
In fact, if you talk it out, it makes no sense. It's "Q-anon" to not want kids bought and sold as sex slaves on the market? Seriously? What exactly are leftists fighting for then? The right to sexually molest and brainwash kids?
And for the record, I will NEVER use a stupid PC name to child molesters, pedophiles, and pederasts. I will always call them exactly what they are: child predators, and nothing could convince me that they are anything but, even the "reformed" ones. Once a monster, always a monster.
Exactly. QAnon is brought up constantly by left wingers when they want to bring up how dangerous the right is. But I’ve never heard of them in any other context. Never heard of anything they’ve done, and the only person I’ve really heard associated with them is Jacob Chainsley. It’s ether overblown, or an outright myth.
And yeah, if you they find themselves siding with human trafficking, it’s probably a good idea to check what side they are on
QAnon = We don't want/like them speaking the truth!
Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.
Here's something that's been bothering me for a few years. Why are so many men in power pedophiles? I never understood that.
shareA guy that allegedly has links with Q-Anon (what kind of links??) made a movie about how bad human trafficking is.
Because we say that it's linked to QA (with no evidence) then we conclude that actually pedophilia and human trafficking are good!!!
Don't you just love it when a movie reveals the true nature of those who claimed they were the "good guys?"
shareI'm conservative, and I don't have any idea what "Q-anon" is, or if it's even real. Nobody I know has ever mentioned it, and they probably don't know what it is, either. The only place I've ever seen it referred to is in leftist posts.
shareQAnon is a real sort-of movement, but it's not organized or structured in any way. And while some of what has floated around in Q circles has been nonsense, the emphasis on powerful people and organizations being involved in sex trafficking is an idea that is supported by a lot of evidence.
shareYou mean pedos and kid-fuckers.
Fixed that for reality
Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.
Democrat party top platform items.
Pushing abortion past birth. (Child murder).
Pushing child pornography in schools.
Pushing genital mutilation of children.
Pushing endless child exposure to trannies in parades, schools, ymca.
This is todays Democrat party. The party of child rape and murder.
I didn't know Priests and Pastors, a majority of whom are Conservatives, use this Acronym.
Good to know.