Sweet garbage

Im reluctantly watching this 3rd and final installment bof season 6. On our revenge tour for the umpteenth time now. Old garbage. Nuttin learned. Childish lazy writing. But why stop. I've seen up to this point, might as well finish so i can discuss with all you fine folks.


This website keeps getting worse because it's filled with toxic shitheads who do noting but BITCH, BITCH, BITCH!! Enjoying being toxic shitheads, people?! You only have yourselves to blame!


What, do you buy lunch and launder shirts for the cast and crew and are desperately hoping for Season 7? You're more hostile and toxic than most of the criticisms on this forum. So stop being a blubbering vagina and belching out phony righteous indignation.


What, did you daddy touch you in the naughty spot or something? Go to fucking Hell you son of a bitch!


Did you miss your nap? Or needed a bottle or pacifier when you wrote this? My comments are realistic. They arent toxic endless thoughts to be considered toxic shithead style bitching like your baseless comment.


Wow, you're a pathetic piece of shit! Go fuck yourself! Also, don't forget to put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger because nobody wants to deal with a lowlife shithead asshole dickhead loser like you!


I'm honestly just kind of watching it to get it done with. Season 6 has been pretty disappointing from the start. Which is unfortunate because this show was so damn impressive when it started.


Next year we could get Cobra Kai: The College Years


If anyone out there wants that, that's cool, but I'm all Cobra-Kai'ed out. I was just thinking about how sometimes these IPs are more special with more mystery surrounding them. Like when there were only six Star Wars films and we just had to wonder about all of the things like "do you think Boba Fett survived after falling in the pit?" The endless debate and discussion was fun. That's kind of how I feel about the Karate Kid trilogy. It was cool when John Kreese and Terry Silver were just these characters who would forever exist in the '80s. Wonder what ever happened to them?


What about a new series called Iron Dragons?


I'd be even less likely to watch that because my whole purpose for watching Cobra Kai was to see the where the legacy characters were after 30 years. LaRusso, Lawrence, Kreese, Silver, etc. Any other spin-off would essentially be like the Jaden Smith movie to me. A hard pass


Season 1, especially, was a very clever inversion of the characters we saw from the '84 film. The writers ran out of good ideas very quickly, especially when the focus shifted to the teens and their daily dramas. Johnny being an out-of-place 80s guy trying to give his life meaning in the 21st century was the heart of the show, along with the original Karate Kid turning into a smarmy ass.


I just replied to Kippito which is below this comment. It fits responding to you somewhat as well i think.

The part you say the writers ran out of good ideas very quickly is an understatement though. Man it was fast, dont blink, lol


So we are in the same boat sort of. Im more reluctant to say it was ever impressive though. It did start out much better though. I thought during season 3 that it was just a lazy written rinse and repeat. By end of season 4 i was really over it, but i didnt get to watching series until there was 5 seasons done already. So i just continued to finish 5 as well. Season 6 was pretty hard to finish. I think the 3 segments of being released allowed me to get through all 15 episodes.


I think the reason I say it was impressive was because of what ccr1633 was talking about. Flipping the Lawrence and LaRusso characters' roles as protagonist and antagonist was really fun to watch and unexpected for me. Add to that the fact that Lawrence's son is competing as LaRusso's protege and it seemed to have a lot of the ingredients of good storytelling.

Starting with season 3 it became less and less good at storytelling, but it was still really fun for me to watch as such a massive fan of the first three movies. I couldn't believe we were seeing Chozen, Terry Silver and Mike Barnes after 35 years. That was all really special to me. The show overstayed its welcome by one year and I wish that Season 5 had wrapped it up.

Oh well, season 6 was bad, but it doesn't mean that the early stuff wasn't really good.


I didnt care for the constant i learned something, im turning a new leaf over, then right back to the same ole person. Johnny was the worse at this. I know some people never grow up, learn much or change but i dont really care to see it in a tv show because it gets old. Several times each season characters go through this. To me its lazy writing.

Mike Barnes was good cuz his stay wasnt overly long. However, Terry Silver & John Kreese were on the show way too long.


It ended really the only way it could for me. Happy endings all around. Someone might want to tell Chosen his chick is into patricide.


Well - grand-patricide, anyway. But nobody's perfect.


Yeah I was wondering about that. I looked it up. I guess patricide covers grandfathers too.


The show has been dead since the fifth season. I can't even think why they went so far as a 3 part split sixth season. It's just Netflix keeping people subscribed.


3 part season 6 was only way i got through it i think. I responded to others above that i believe responds to you as well.
