MovieChat Forums > Cobra Kai (2018) Discussion > I have no idea why I keep watching this.

I have no idea why I keep watching this.

i. The long wait for S4 meant that I'd already forgotten a lot of the previous stuff. When I saw the tribute to Ed Asner, I was scratching my head trying to remember who he was in this series.
S4 also (re)introduced Thomas Ian Griffith and I had no clue at all who he was. I thought I had seen the original trilogy, but now I'm not sure. At any rate, IMDB tells me he really is a proficient martial artist, but has no official filmography. Did he ever do any other martial arts movies?

ii. How can Ralph Macchio still look so bad at karate? After all this time, you'd think he would have invested a little time in mastering movie martial arts at least... you know, enough to look passably proficient. Zabka looked legit in the first movie with a minimum of combat experience and then went on to train for real in martial arts.

iii. Some of the kids look proficient in fighting, but others such as Daniel's daughter hit like... well, hit like girls. Regardless, the fights look ridiculously over the top... bodies fly through furniture and walls like these kids are in an old school Chuck Norris or Steven Seagal flick.

iv. The drama is sophomoric. The kids' loyalties change back and forth on a weekly basis, usually on a whim. And these high school kids are bizarrely wholesome. No F-bombs ever dropped. They don't party hard, don't drink, don't smoke, don't vape... The result is that the whole series is schizophrenic... it can't decide whether to be an adult drama, or some sort of 70s era after-school special about those 'whacky teens'.

v. They are dragging out everyone from the previous movies it seems. Any word on whether Hillary Swank will slum it with an appearance? Will Jaden Smith or Jackie Chan put in an appearance as a nod to the re-make? (Will Smith IS listed as one of the producers so...???)

Random musings I know. I think I'm hanging in there just for the sake of nostalgia. Anyone feel the same?


i. I still like the show but each season the quality dwindles just that little more. I could have done without Silver coming back and like you I had forgotten who he was. I could have also done without seeing StinkRay again.

ii. Agreed and his acting is terrible. That said, he does act like a car salesman pretending to be a karate expert and actor.

iii. What gets me is how quickly they seem to become experts. That little black kid went from cowardly nerd to fierce lion a little too quickly. It has happened with just about all of the kids throughout the show. I don't buy it. But it is TV.

iv. The show does lack direction and storylines. It's like they never expected it to last more than 1 season and so now are stuck. Making Daniel's son a bully was a little different at least.

v. Yep. I wouldn't mind seeing Hilary on the show but I couldn't care less about Chozen or Silver. Given Will Smith is a producer I am dreading seeing him throw his son in. I can't stand that kid. It's almost like they might get the guy who played the waiter or something in the first KK film back.

I like the nostalgia but even that is wearing thin now. I don't buy Johnny as a Black Sabbath fan either, he was wearing a Sabb t shirt in one of this season's eps.

I feel like a lot of the story lines just repeat themselves. And how long have these kids been in high school now?


Chozen is awesome everyone digs him.


They are just doing what the movies did. Same exact evolution and formula....


They are, most of the conflict comes from misunderstandings and ego. Still a fun show but it can get old.


Sure. I think they should have gone 4 seasons. But we are getting one more and possible movies. The writers and actors admit they probably jumped the shark already. Lol But I'm guessing most fans of the show are younger rather than fans of the films and they require more over the top material to keep them interested.


I am almost at the end of Season 5 and I have noted they have dialled it back a bit. A little more serious but still in keeping with the fun vibe. I would prefer it end on a high note then just be run into the ground after way too many seasons.

I think the show is a Jump is the Shark in itself but that is what makes it fun. They don't take it too seriously and Macchio still hasn't learned how to act.


Haha. Wait till the last episode. It's one big shark. But yeah fun.

Macchios acting never really bothered me. I thought he was great in the KK films. He really had that nerd vibe down perfect.

This season the breakout character was Chozen imo. He gets some of the best scenes...


I've finished the season now. I thought it was a bit dark for Chozen to be dead and sure enough he wasn't. How you don't drown while lying in water with cuts all over you is another matter.

Chozen is funny. I think part of that is how different he is to the super serious and dark character he played in the film.

Macchio does have the nerd vibe but at times I can see he struggles with acting itself, more now as an adult than when he was younger.


Chozen was a dick in KK2. I like how he has grown since then and lightened up. Reminds me of Mr. Myagi. Serious but with a sense of humor. I hope next season the gang goes overseas for the Taikei tournament...


To answer the last question, the actual timeline of the show takes place in less than 2 years.
Season 1 covers the academic year 2017-18 (although there's a sudden jump from just after halloween to just before the tournament in May!)
Season 2 covers the summer of 2018
Season 3 the autumn of 2018, ending with the Christmas Special
Season 4 winter & spring of 2019
Season 5 summer of 2019

Problem is the younger actors - the kid who plays Anthony Larusso in particular - have quite visibly aged by a lot more than 18 months during the filming. They've sometimes changed appearance significantly in the time between seasons too, even though they're supposed to follow on immediately. Miguel looks different in Season 4, there's no way Brooks' hair could have grown that long in a few months etc - that said Eli's original Hawk hair was about a foot longer than his natural hair at the time!
Anyway, if the main older kids were about to go into junior year at the start of the show then that's right - although it means the show's writers have missed out on them deciding which college to go to, pressure of final exams on top of the upcoming tournament etc during Season 4.
If it carries on much longer (and I hope it doesn't) they'll have to work the pandemic in to the storyline.


He has 32 acting credits: You look in the wrong spot? How are you a Karate Kid fan and not know who Terry Silver is?

Teen drama, unrealistic fights... do you not remember original movies? Particularly the original with the teen drama. Johnny, Ali, and Daniel ring a bell? Mr. Miyagi could barely move, but never loses a fight. The fights are and always have been very telegraphed, choreographed, and fake. Do you really think Martin Kove can fight? He can barely walk. Ralph Macchio has always been bad. This show is a fantasty. It's the movies on steroids. Accept it or don't.

I agree the constant switching sides is annoying though.


Weird. On IMDB yesterday, nothing of Griffith's films showed up, although they do today. Looks like he did a lot of action movies, but not many martial arts specific flicks.

I'm not a fan of the movies. Only someone who thought I had seen them all. I don't remember his character at all. The third movie was rated 5.2 so maybe it was completely forgettable.

We agree that many of the fights look awful, although Zabka's stuff looks good. Realistic even, compared to the ridiculous stuff the kids do.

I came late to the Cobra Kai party and only because the first two seasons were on Netflix. I think it's only Zabka that keeps me engaged. He's pretty good playing the clueless middle-aged slacker who has just one talent. The bit where he dramatically announces the name of his club "Eagle Fang!" and the one kid responds: "Uuh, I don't think eagles actually have fangs..." made me laugh out loud.

I think the fact that I couldn't even remember that Ed Asner was in the previous seasons, or the names of most of the kids is proof that this series isn't otherwise engaging me, and that I should just drop it.


"I'm not a fan of the movies"

Or this show, apparently. Yes, yes you should just drop it.


Just because these things were done in the old movies doesn't make them good now.

This show is an over the top soap opera for teenagers. I'm surprised this has such a high IMDb score, but I guess it's because of the nostalgia people felt in the first season, and then didn't bother to vote again after season 2 and onwards.


The old movies, which are teen dramas revolving around a community where karate is inexplicably popular, are a beloved part of pop culture. Why would a sequel to those NOT be about the same thing?


It can be. But nobody considers the original movies a high piece of cinematic work. So I was surprised when people thought Cobra Kai was a high piece of television art.


No one has said this.


And these high school kids are bizarrely wholesome. No F-bombs ever dropped. They don't party hard, don't drink, don't smoke, don't vape.

Have you been watching the same Cobra Kai as me?


I literally just watched an episode of them drinking at Stingray's house after prom. I remember Sam being drunk at least once. Pretty sure her friend that hit Johnny's car in THE. FIRST. EPISODE. was drunk too.


I know right. I also remember the hippie girl and blond bitchy girl smoking a bowl in the car and the little Asian kid with glasses said "They beat the fucking shit out of me" when the Cobra Kai's attacked him and stole the money raised for Mitch's surgery from the car wash. I suspect the poster is one of the types who looks up from their phone occasionally to see what is happening on the TV.


I enjoy the show, but your point iv my biggest problem with the series as well. I know it's meant to show characters evolving, growing, overcoming their biases and hatreds, etc. But the problem is that you have characters who take actions that are really beyond the pale, and which you don't easily come back from. For example, this season they are showing Tori's character arc, which is clearly meant to make her sympathetic -- she's got terrible challenges in her life, no family she can lean on, and this is why she's so angry and bitter. Moreover, Samantha is starting to look a little like a villain by comparison, because she won't leave Tori alone to work out her problems and improve herself. Problem is that Tori, in previous seasons, really was a grade A, vicious, psycho bitch who broke into Sam's home, AND brought deadly weapons into the fight. That crosses a line you can't just uncross.

Ditto Eli/Hawk. Started as a good guy, then, when he was with Cobra Kai he turned on Johnny as his sensei and Demetri as his friend, and became an arrogant, aggressive bully. Now he's a good guy again.

And it's clear the writers are making characters take some actions, not because that's true to the character, but because it's not true to the character, and therefore subverts expectations. When they reintroduced Terry Silver, he looks like a truly reformed character, who acknowledged what a bastard he'd been when younger, and who, when reluctantly dragged back in by Kreese, was still reformed, and not on board with Kreese's hyper-aggressive philosophy. Now, in the last episodes, he abruptly reverts back to evil, manipulative bastard, and Kreese who's been a villain from day one, starts to act like a good guy, saving Johnny from Silver, and encouraging Tori to use only honorable means to win against Samantha.


I know a lot of it came about as satire mostly from the show How I Met Your Mother when the character Barney talks about the "real Karate Kid" being Lawrence and how Daniel was the bully.

The funny thing is though it is a good point. Daniel did stick his nose in where it didn't belong and got his arse kicked for it.

It's one of the interesting things about the series. We now see Tori losing her job because Samantha's mother has to approach her at work and then Sam bumps into her at the kids party and harasses her some more. Pretty cruel given this is the job Tori gets after losing her previous one. And unlike Sam, Tori is not supported by anyone.

There's also Daniel's forgotten younger son who is full blown bully and doesn't seem to have any redeeming qualities at all.

Hawk went nuts when he got his first taste of power which is pretty realistic as it happens to a lot of people whether that power be a promotion or some kind of new skill that allows them to hurt people.

Kreese is a weird one, his weakness is Johnny. He sees him as his star pupil. Silver would have been better off left alone, Kreese is an idiot for approaching a man with a mansion and thinking he would want to come back to Cobra Kai to assist him. A man like that doesn't need to do anything that doesn't benefit him in some way.

At least we got to see him kick Stink Rays butt.


"The funny thing is though it is a good point. Daniel did stick his nose in where it didn't belong and got his arse kicked for it. "

Stop. It.


A kid in a new town, picks a fight with a bigger kid who rides a motorbike and has all his friends around him. What could possibly go wrong...


He didn't pick a fight...he picked up a radio. Johnny shoved him to the floor and LaRusso stupidly, instead of thinking he'd best leave it there, reacted to it.


That is all it takes though. Johnny was already pissed. An intelligent person would have stayed on the sidelines. Johnny would never have noticed him.

And yeah then to react to it all and run head first in like that.


That is all it takes though. Johnny was already pissed.
Daniel didn't know who johnny even was other than a guy pestering the girl Daniel was hitting on.

An intelligent person would have stayed on the sidelines.
Daniel is not known for his intelligence though is he?

Johnny would never have noticed him.
He already had through Tommy telling him to look to his right.

And yeah then to react to it all and run head first in like that.
And we're back to the intelligence part now.


"Daniel didn't know who johnny even was other than a guy pestering the girl Daniel was hitting on".
Even more reason to stay away! We're back to intelligence, or lack thereof.

No Daniel is not known for his intelligence and thought some Karate lessons at the YMCA would be enough to take on the world.

Just rewatched the clip, Johnny only trips him at first (after pushing him over) and is more interested in talking with Ally. Danielson figures he can still take him so rushes him and Johnny puts him down with a kick to the guts. Still is more interested in talking to Ally.

It is only after Danielson sucker punches him that Johnny gets serious.

All the escalations here point to Danielson. And his lack of intelligence.


Yes, but not that he picked a fight.
Johnny sees Daniel hitting on Allie who despite her saying it was over wouldn't accept that. Not sure why that gives him the right to demand she speak with him. no means no, surely? Daniel asks if Allie is alright and at this point Johnny was already in the frame of mind to show him he was the Alpha here. Hence he shoves him to the ground and initiates the situation. As you say, after tripping him a few times he then kicks him in the guts. Daniel reacts with a sucker punch and Johnny does what most people in that situation would do and gives him a beat down. But all this stemmed from Johnny initiating the situation not Daniel picking a fight.


I do get what you are saying but I still think Daniel was an idiot. He can see Johnny is hurt and is seeking some closure with Ali, possibly even hoping to work things out. Daniel gets involved and Johnny is presented with someone he can push. Not to mention he was flirting with Ali (or that is how Johnny would have seen it) just moments earlier.

I still think Daniel could have avoided the whole thing by staying home..


I do get what you are saying but I still think Daniel was an idiot.

Of that there is no doubt.

He can see Johnny is hurt and is seeking some closure with Ali, possibly even hoping to work things out.

We as the audience might see that but from Daniels perspective Johnny was being aggressive and Daniel simply asked Allie if she was OK. White Knighting her if you like.

Daniel gets involved and Johnny is presented with someone he can push.

Johnny wants this. Allie even agrees to talk to Johnny if he'll leave Daniel alone after he's kicked him in the guts, but Johnny refuses and goes over to Daniel to see if he's had enough yet. He wants to give him a beat down.

Not to mention he was flirting with Ali (or that is how Johnny would have seen it) just moments earlier.

Well as far as Daniel was concerned Allie was a free agent. In fact it was Freddy the weasel Fernandez who told Daniel to make his move on Allie. Why do this if she was Johnnys' girlfriend.

I still think Daniel could have avoided the whole thing by staying home..

Then we would have no movie.


Yeah I get that, he thought he was doing the right thing but you never get involved in a couple or ex couple dispute. Especially when you're the new guy and everyone else is looking on while munching pop corn, metaphorically speaking.

Now I have to watch the movie again as it's been a while. Never considered Freddy's role in this!!

Yeah but I do that, I solve all the problems and save films from being made..


Yeah I get that, he thought he was doing the right thing but you never get involved in a couple or ex couple dispute. Especially when you're the new guy and everyone else is looking on while munching pop corn, metaphorically speaking.

We're back to the intelligence part again.


Why do you engage these idiots? There's enough gibberish from them on the KK3 board, we don't need it here too.


"A kid in a new town, picks a fight with a bigger kid"

Stop. It.


The constant back and forth is annoying, I agree. I like the show - and sometimes it works, others it doesn't - but it's nonstop. Christ, Hawk was bullying that kid up until he's a full blown hero again.

I did, much to my surprise, feel bad for Kreese. I did not expect that at all.


I didn't know where they were going with the Silver/Kreese thing but I also didn't understand why Kreese thought it was a good idea especially after seeing how Silver lives now. Then the little games started and Silver also showed himself to be a better Sensai and more rounded than Kreese.

Which I know is a funny thing to say given what happened but in one season Silver outdid Miyagi Do/Eagle Fang by taking out Kreese.


Yea, I'd stop watching. You gave pretty valid reasons not to any more


I quit after Season 3. Rich guy is a self-righteous jerk, every time he and blonde guy see each other they trade insults, old guy is psycho, blonde guy's kid mopes, sad mystical Mr. Miyagi music, mohawk kid is an asshole, kids get mad at each other and have giant extended karate fight, blah blah blah. No growth, no progress.


I just think the show sucks and challenges me to stay interested.


You shouldn't give up yet on this show. I am hearing from some very reputable sources that Jessica will reveal herself to have been aligned with Silver this whole time in season 6


The reliable sources being who? You?


Not me. Cruisin109 and Chris822cats have posted it numerous times. I listen to those guys because they seem to be right all of the time when it comes to the Karate Kid universe


If you believe that then you are a bigger fool than them.

Goodbye millsey.


If its not revealed in season 6 that Jessica has been with Silver all this time, I would call out those who suggested otherwise, unless they tell me the reveal could happen in season 7. And I am not a fool


Now I won't have to watch it. Thanks.


I think I am still watching it only because I've invested a lot of time and want to see how it ends. However, the storylines are already extremely repetitive or stretched where I don't think I'll make it past season 6, I'm about halfway through season 5.
