I have no idea why I keep watching this.
i. The long wait for S4 meant that I'd already forgotten a lot of the previous stuff. When I saw the tribute to Ed Asner, I was scratching my head trying to remember who he was in this series.
S4 also (re)introduced Thomas Ian Griffith and I had no clue at all who he was. I thought I had seen the original trilogy, but now I'm not sure. At any rate, IMDB tells me he really is a proficient martial artist, but has no official filmography. Did he ever do any other martial arts movies?
ii. How can Ralph Macchio still look so bad at karate? After all this time, you'd think he would have invested a little time in mastering movie martial arts at least... you know, enough to look passably proficient. Zabka looked legit in the first movie with a minimum of combat experience and then went on to train for real in martial arts.
iii. Some of the kids look proficient in fighting, but others such as Daniel's daughter hit like... well, hit like girls. Regardless, the fights look ridiculously over the top... bodies fly through furniture and walls like these kids are in an old school Chuck Norris or Steven Seagal flick.
iv. The drama is sophomoric. The kids' loyalties change back and forth on a weekly basis, usually on a whim. And these high school kids are bizarrely wholesome. No F-bombs ever dropped. They don't party hard, don't drink, don't smoke, don't vape... The result is that the whole series is schizophrenic... it can't decide whether to be an adult drama, or some sort of 70s era after-school special about those 'whacky teens'.
v. They are dragging out everyone from the previous movies it seems. Any word on whether Hillary Swank will slum it with an appearance? Will Jaden Smith or Jackie Chan put in an appearance as a nod to the re-make? (Will Smith IS listed as one of the producers so...???)
Random musings I know. I think I'm hanging in there just for the sake of nostalgia. Anyone feel the same?