MovieChat Forums > Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood (2019) Discussion > Where does this one place on your best-t...

Where does this one place on your best-to-worst Tarantino list?

1. Pulp Fiction
2. Django Unchained

3. Inglourious Basterds
4. Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood
5. Jackie Brown
6. The Hateful Eight

7. Kill Bill 1 & 2

8. Death Proof

9. Reservoir Dogs

The movies in each group are of about equal quality to me; I just added the numbers in case I was backed against a wall.


1 Pulp Fiction
2 Reservoir Dogs
3 Django Unchaned
4 Kill Bill 1&2
5 Inglourious Basterds
6 Jackie Brown
7 Death Proof
8 The Hateful Eight
9 Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


1. Pulp Fiction
2. Reservoir Dogs
3. Kill Bill 1 & 2
4. Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood
5. Death Proof
6. Inglourious Basterds
7. Django Unchained
8. The Hateful Eight
9. Jackie Brown


1. Pulp Fiction

Clearly the best of them all and one of the 2 or 3 best films ever made.

Almost as good, but not Pulp Fiction level:

2. Jackie Brown

3. or 4. Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood
3. or 4. Inglourious Basterds

5. Reservoir Dogs

There's a bit of a gap in quality between 5 and 6...

6. Kill Bill 1
7. Death Proof

Another little gap in quality, and we have

8. Django Unchained

Then comes a big gap in quality...

9. Kill Bill 2

Plodding and pointless, his only mediocre film, until...

10. The Hateful Eight

His only crappy film so far.


1. Reservoir Dogs
2. Pulp Fiction
3. Inglorious Bastards
4. Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
5. Django Unchained
6. Death Proof
7. Jackie Brown
8. Kill Bills
9. The Hateful Eight

I put Reservoir Dogs as #1 as it really made a huge impact on me when I first saw it, which was on Laserdisc if you remember those things lol. I can certainly understand and agree with anyone who places Pulp Fiction as their #1.


I can't list the films like that but for me Once Upon a Time + Kill Bill 1 + Pulp Fiction are placed at equal 1st.


by far his worse, even worse than the hateful eight

1 Pulp fiction
2 inglorious basterds (these two are top tier shit)
3 Django
4 Kill Bill 1&2
5 Hateful Eight (hated it)


Somewhere midway. I haven't seen "Basterds" nor "Django," since they just sounded unpleasant.

I'm not sure what the point of "Once Upon" was. It is interesting for its character moments of DiCaprio and Pitt dealing with has-been status in their own ways.

But, the intermingling of their fictional characters and the Manson family didn't connect for me, except to have an extra-bloody finale to the movie.

Personally, I think "Jackie Brown" is the most nuanced and dramatically accomplished movie Tarantino has made. Meanwhile, "Kill Bill, Part 1" and "Pulp Fiction" are his most audacious and cinematic accomplishments.


I place "Django" pretty much on par with "Pulp," although, if backed against a wall I'd go with the latter. I didn't consider "Django" unpleasant, rather, it's a unique and entertaining modern Western. It's the best (non)-Spaghetti Western ever made.

"Once Upon" is (1) Tarantino's "love letter" to late 60's Hollywood and (2) his cinematic revenge on the Manson dirtbags.


Yeah, it took me till after seeing it to "get" that the Manson killers we see are diverted from killing Sharon Tate, and end up being killed by our fictional characters.

I knew there was a bloody finale, so that thought followed, as I was at first thinking Dalton was heading to his doom as he walked into the Tate/Polanski house. But, I then got how history was diverted.

That does make the movie and its conceit more interesting, in retrospect.


Not only are the murders diverted but the Hollywood life as it was at that time is allowed to continue on. That entire vision of Hollywood that QT presents to the audience during the first 3/4 of the film is is essentially saved and is allowed to live on into the 70’s rather than taking a darker tone as we know it.

Our heroes saved everyone at the Polanski / Tate house and Hollywood but who knows for how long.


Thanks! Yeah, I get it now. I was thinking: Was that what happened? But, after reading the posts on here, I got it.


1. Pulp Fiction
2. Once Upon a Time...
3. Django Unchained
4. Inglorious Bastards
5. Jackie Brown
6. Reservoir Dogs
7. Kill Bill Volume 2
8. Kill Bill 1
9. The Hateful Eight
10. Death Proof

Hard ranking 2-6. They're really great, all of them. Pulp Fiction still stands above the rest, though, even after all these years.
