The under 30 crowd...

What percentage of the under 30 crowd do you think know anything about what really happened on Cielo Dr? Do they even know anything about Sharon Tate, Charles Manson, or Roman Polanski? From the comments I heard after the movie was over, many of the young people seemed very perplexed about all of it. Funny how something that was so ingrained in our psyche for so long, is just not even on young people's radars.


really the only reason I know of it is because I watch a lot of film and television and pretty much by extension also know quite a bit through following Roman Polanski's own legal struggles.

Have a short review of this movie if anyone is interested. Enjoy! Review here -


Thank God! Manson loved the fame and notority. There SHOULD be some sort of satisfaction that gen y and z
don't know much about him!


True, but the fact that anyone under 30 knows very little about anything before 2000 is troubling.


I'm 23 and was seriously under the impression that everyone knew who Charles Manson was.


Yeah. I went to the movie with a friend who's 30, and he was a little confused by the Manson stuff. It was definitely easier to follow if you knew a little about the case. He knew who Manson was, but not much else.


It will be a total mystery to them. Hell, half of the people in this country don't know or care about anything happening in the real world. All they're interested in is social media, and their little electronic devices.

Yeah, go ahead and call me an old curmudgeon.



Over half of them have never heard of the holocaust, so...


Yes, a holocaust to them is not getting service on their I-Phone.


Maybe they should try reading about anything that happened before they know what, on second thought...they would never do that. The only thing that matters to the “me” generation is how many “likes” they get on the Instagram post of a picture of their breakfast on a plate.

I don’t like to generalize, but that would ruin my joke. Haha.


I’m 39 and from Australia but knew of Charles Manson and of the murders. There has been documentaries about him or news stories every time one of his followers was up for bail. Then I saw a news story about Roman and I was like “what? One of Charles followers killed his wife?”

I like news and current affairs shows but anyone under 30 I know doesn’t watch the news. I’m forever explaining pop culture to them.
