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CraigJamesReview (1813)


More cheesy fun than thriller: C+ weak comedy about a universal problem Ultimate cut isn't bad- almost a completely different movie One big horrid administration lovable Poorly written garbage Good fun from Moore Underrated and savagely funny He went out on this not bad View all posts >


Bird flu has been around forever and I don't remember it being taken even half as seriously as it is now. This hatchet job you're referring to is something that both Obama and Clinton have proposed in the past. Doge itself was actually a past Obama project. This cost cutting method was a long time coming 7. This is why I hope it is in fact over. I believe 4 wraps it up nicely and I agree trying to make a 5th now feels like these characters not only really are too old for this shit but also that it's probably going to bring a lot more characters in, people we don;t know, and who are going to upset the chemistry among the cast in the hopes of possibly rebooting this franchise. It won't work and nostalgia is why. There's too much love for what Donner, Gibson, Glover and the rest put together here that trying something new now will feel too much like a betrayal of what made the past movies so enjoyable 1. I think the series ended up doing this fully in the third one and it was just part of what it was becoming now 2. Maybe. But I loved all these side characters though, thought they were always very funny and had a terrific chemistry with each other. The strange family they created was very likable and I think this one another thing the series just went with and coasted on 3. To this I say the action of the film is the juice. Even in the third one the villain plot was very strong but I still had a good time with it. Li became a star off this and I agree that he should have. But mostly the plot is just a clothesline to string action and funny character interactions on and both are quite good here 4. This is why i'm glad Donner ended here, and yes, they did end it very well here. I liked the ending scene in the hospital with everyone there and the pictures of them all. To me it has always signaled what the series ultimately became which is that these people have grown into a weird sort of family and that is what Donner wanted us to take away from it. I don't believe he ever wanted to do another one after this and I felt he did mean this final scene as a sentimental goodbye- a bringing together of the cast and all the fun they had with each other. I remember Glover also coming out and saying this movie was meant to be the last around this time too so maybe that has always stuck out in my mind every time I see this ending. 5. I mentioned this already but bascially it what the series became. More character interactions, comedy, and action than fresh plots. That this cast was so lovable together I think covered these deficiencies well 6. now sure how the TV show being a generic cop show reflects badly on this movie at all. at least an 8, one of the tautest paranoia thrillers out there with excellent Robbins and Bridges The script, acting, and costuming of Batman and Robin is an abomination but this is still worse. Somehow this manages to come off like a cheaper knockoff of its former movies than even that movie. Plus the whole Superman 3 thing is much worse than Batman Forever too. The Richard Pryor casting is atrocious its a comedy wasteland and not much in the way of an action movie either If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve - dont know why I even bothered starting the second season. its still as abysmal as the first, maybe even worse it doesn't offer much of that either, as I said, but I;m assuming you've seen the film and disagree To me this is with a doubt the best butterfly effect movie out there, the movie that basically defined it and made it as thrilling as possible. It;s as good as the original. Three feels like we're walking on to one of those old western TV show sets. It's fun, but kinda in a breezy, low stakes way View all replies >