The under 30 crowd...

What percentage of the under 30 crowd do you think know anything about what really happened on Cielo Dr? Do they even know anything about Sharon Tate, Charles Manson, or Roman Polanski? From the comments I heard after the movie was over, many of the young people seemed very perplexed about all of it. Funny how something that was so ingrained in our psyche for so long, is just not even on young people's radars.


I'm sure the under 30 crowd knows nothing about the Manson murder, or the JFK, RFK, MLKjr. murders.


To most people, if something happened before they were in high school, they don't know about it and couldn't care less.


Why is it so important that young people know this?


I wasn't saying that it is important to know about this event, but it does help to understand the movie better.


Ahh I see.

Honestly I’m over 30 and didn’t know all the details of the Tate murder. I’m just now realizing how many details were included in this movie. But I’m not sure I really missed anything that would’ve affected my overall opinion of the movie


That is because you didn't grow up with all the news about Manson and his children over the years. Just knowing about it and living it are two different things. I was 8 when the murders happened and all through the many years to follow Manson and his followers were always in the news. It was really something that had an effect on all of us who lived through it. The movie is sort of a commentary on Hollywood before the murder and the changing of what really happened was pretty cathartic for the people who lived through those times.


Interesting perspective maybe it’ll change my opinion of the movie when I rewatch it


