Do Atheists believe the Warrens?

Or is their skepticism limited to organized religion?

The Warren Case Files: Fact or Fiction?

For years, the general public took them seriously. They always had their detractors and skeptics, of course, but they struck many as serious professionals. Something Brittle’s book only emphasized.

But then, following Ed Warren’s death in 2006, people began to recant their original testimonies. Families stepped forward to claim Ed had even paid them to lie, while investigations into several of the Warrens’ cases—such as the Enfield Poltergeist in London—revealed the pair had been far less instrumental in the events than they claimed.

Even their biggest claim to fame, the Amityville Horror, has been thoroughly debunked. According to the lawyer William Weber in 1979, the events at Amityville were completely fabricated by him, author Jay Anson, and the Lutz family “over many bottles of wine” as a means to recoup the family’s losses in their unwise investment.

My friend Emma sums it up nicely: the real-life Warrens are trauma vultures, quick to latch onto anything that implies supernatural interference, while the movie Warrens are precious darlings with a love story for the ages.




Of course not


The thing with demonic possession is that it only happens to people who believe in demonic possession.

There are no demons, but there are plenty of ways for humans to go crazy (pardon the term if you have some form of mental illness, as a large percentage of us do.)


Well, by definition, true atheists don't believe in any of that shit. Even if someone wasn't Christian, it doesn't mean they don't believe there was something to the Warren story. I know pagans that I believe to be reasonable and intelligent people that truly believe they have seen demons or some shit.


There is no logical connection. An atheist is someone who doesn't believe in god. There's no reason why an atheist can't believe in ghosts.


You could argue that if you are a person who doesn't believe in a god then you, by extension are rejecting the supernatural altogether.


I can't see how anyone who possesses (no pun intended) any type of logic, religious or not, could believe in such crap. However, I am impressed that the Warrens could carry on about this BS so much that they even got movies made in their name. But when there's money to be made, even stupidly can be up at bat.


^^This^^. " But when there's money to be made, even stupidly can be up at bat."


The Warrens were nothing more than hucksters. It's all b.s. They even supported fellow huckster the Lutz's (Amityville hoaxers).
