MovieChat Forums > The Haunting of Hill House (2018) Discussion > The most disappointing thing about this ...

The most disappointing thing about this show (spoilers)

I had my mind blown by episode 5 when it was revealed that the Bent Neck lady which was haunting Nell was non other than herself. Holy shit I thought, so this is why this show got raving reviews. Then it's followed by 2-3 boring episodes with cheap jump scares and by the time the show ends, we have an happy ghost family living in the house.

The shocking Bent Neck lady revelation is never explained or revisited. None of the other ghosts have a connection to their victims like this one.


I loved the first 6 but it starts to go down hill after that.


I agree, the first five were really good and it goes downhill from there. Overall I thought it was good, but the direction towards the latter episodes and ending were a bit of a disappointment. Certainly worth a watch and I would be interested in where a season 2 would go perhaps with a different family.


You'll find that an awful lot of modern shows and films don't have any idea how to tell complete stories, or give real payoffs and satisfying endings. They take ideas, and then don't really know what to do with them.

Also, personally, I didn't find the Bent Neck Lady being poor Nellie to be great, or worth rave reviews. To be honest I kinda hated it. The idea, to ME personally, of her haunting herself, and basically driving herself to her own death, to BECOME the thing that haunted her. Yeah, I could see how some people would find that "clever" or "deep", and it was certainly shocking. But, on the other hand, it made me cringe and almost laugh.

And yeah, the entire show is, if you ask me, a lot like Lost. They just throw a bunch of ideas out there, things that seem vaguely creepy or interesting, but very little of it is even remotely explained. There's little payoff to anything. And the end "swerves" you and makes it try to seem as if those souls basically being stuck in hell, is totally OK.

The house has SO many ghosts and events that don't get any explanation. Leaving them basically just random things that are there to make you think more is going on than actually is. To me, that's lazy storytelling. No, especially in horror, you don't show/tell the audience EVERYTHING. But they deserve more explanation and information than the show gives, by far.


Apparently they did plan on explaining a lot more but those episodes were scrapped.


That's interesting.



'The house has SO many ghosts and events that don't get any explanation. Leaving them basically just random things that are there to make you think more is going on than actually is. To me, that's lazy storytelling. No, especially in horror, you don't show/tell the audience EVERYTHING. But they deserve more explanation and information than the show gives, by far.'

Gotta agree with this. I liked the show, but things like 'clock man', for instance. They went out of their way to make sure we saw him, noticed him, heard him directly referenced, then pointedly seen again. For what?? I was waiting for his backstory.


Agreed, there was no consistency, just lots of ideas farted out amongst endless filler which never come together. The show is basically an exercise in stringing you along.


'I had my mind blown by episode 5 when it was revealed that the Bent Neck lady which was haunting Nell was non other than herself. Holy shit I thought,'

Yes, never saw that coming!
