Why all the hate?

I watched the 1998 series back in the day and i liked it. This one is not so bad, i just binged the first 12 episodes and i can say that i liked it a little better than the first series due to a faster pace, better CGI, and a better plot/sub-plot development. Same thing with the vampire diaries, the originals and now legacies, i quit watching both TVD and TO after a few episodes because they were both too melodramatic and slow-paced, however, Legacies is a 180-degree turn in comparison due to the faster pace, and actual CGI-antagonists like the new Charmed series.
However, if my focus was biased and prejudiced towards sexual gender preferences, racial diversities, and propaganda obfuscation than I would probably be hating as well. I liked the acting of all actors and actresses for both series and it would not really be fair to compare them since they both have their own unique acting styles regardless of the similar roles.


It's really bad that is why. Full of PC agendas, ugly women and just bad storylines and acting.


However, if my focus was biased and prejudiced towards sexual gender preferences, racial diversities, and propaganda obfuscation than I would probably be hating as well.

I suppose that means that if the show portrayed systematically all white characters as good and strong, all black ones as criminals, stupid or rapists, and all hispanic ones as lazy or useless, you would be OK with it, wouldn't you? Because your focus is not biased, you really would enjoy such a show, isn't it?


"However, if my focus was biased and prejudiced towards sexual gender preferences, racial diversities, and propaganda obfuscation than I would probably be hating as well. "

Sounds like you're the bigot. Maybe people just have better taste than you.


It seems that both of you misunderstood and misinterpreted my comment and obviously see things from a different perspective, and yes taste is a matter of "perspective" and not about "better or worse". I personally have never been racist, prejudiced or biased for or against race, nationality, religion, ethnicity, or gender. My point is that these characteristics have never influenced me on whether i like or dislike a film/tv-show, and i personally do not believe people should be so "bigot minded" as you put it with a dash of some hatred to go along with the focus on these qualities because both of you choose so see things from that hateful mentality. I have read many other comments on this show and several other shows where hateful-racist-prejudice against nationality, gender, and propaganda is the sole and central focus for disliking or "hating" something or someone. My only aspects and elements on whether i like or dislike a show/film are "character, plot, conflict, resolution, structure, scenes, dialogue, and visuals", nothing more and nothing less, but apparently there are others who mainly "hate" by attacking personal characteristics based solely on certain "biases and prejudices" as i stated in my in initial comment.
However, I suspect that both of you; deep down knew better, or just enjoy trolling.


I understood what you said ...they turned it around on you and tried to make it like you have those qualities. When in fact the whole PC thing is why THEY hate it....lol


You understood absolutely nothing if you didn't see how hateful he was being to those with a different opinion. lollollollollol🙄


You did not provide an opinion, you simply posted your two cents worth of actual trolling bigotry because my statement obviously made you uncomfortable so you could not help yourself but to deflect. Now it is clear that you did not misinterpreted or misunderstood anything from my initial statement, you simply get off on trolling.


No, I did not troll, I just commented on your bigoted attitude. Your statement adds nothing to any discussion about this show. Its sole intention is to get a rise out of people. You're just a big ass troll.



No, I saw your generalizing statement about people with another opinion than yours and saw it was bigoted. Now you are the one who posted your bigoted opinion on this forum, I simply commented on it. If you can't handle criticism, then don't post your bigoted opinion on a public forum.

You're the one acting like a crybaby because there are people who don't like this show. That's why you make up excuses and dismiss their opinion as bigoted.

Trolls need to be put in their place. Now stop your rambling.



And of course you just keep ranting. It doesn't seem you're capable of more than that.

No, I had to defend people with a different opinion than you against your bigotry.



Clearly you are the one who can't accept the truth that people simply have another opinion than you. Nobody here is asking you to make bigoted assumptions about that large group of people. Your thread has no use whatsoever except to insult those people. Pointing out you're a bigot is no namecalling and is certainly no worse than anything you said. You have the maturity level of a three year old.



Idiot? Moron? Ah, so funny to see what a hypocrite you are!

I made no racist remarks whatsoever, you lying troll.

Of course you're not going to admit you're intolerant of other opinions. It's obvious that you are, though. Just look how you're crying over people not liking this show.

Clearly you don't know the meaning of racism or bigotry. Back to school with you!



Aspergers much?

It seems the words "idiot" and " moron" would apply more to yourself. Bigotry is not about race and calling someone a bigot even less. So I guess you're a racist for calling others biased, prejudiced and basically racist? If me saying you're a bigot is racist, then that certainly is as well. Freaking hypocrite.

But yes, just keep making a fool of yourself and ranting and crying over people having a different opinion than you. So pathetic.

Why should I start a thread? I have no interest in discussing the show.



Yes, I already know you love to make bigoted assumptions about other people.

Get over yourself. I came here because I wanted to check out what people had to say about the show. Then I saw your bigoted thread. Since its only intention was to insult those with a different opinion, I decided to call you out. Grow the hell up, pathetic troll.

Please buy a dictionary. A racist can be a bigot, but not all bigots are racists. And it certainly doesn't mean that someone calling another a bigot is a racist. Total lack of logic there.

And if YOU like this show so much, where are all your threads discussing the show instead of attacking those who don't like it? Right, because you're a troll who gets off on insulting people.



Wow, that's one insane rant.

Maybe you need to go back and read your first post. You made unbased assumptions about people who hate the show, accusing them of being racist (isn't that namecalling???). And after that you kept making unbased assumptions about me. Stop crying about me saying you are a bigot. That's not namecalling, it's stating a fact. It's there for everyone to see. Maybe you should embrace your bigotry instead of denying it. Now just stop embarrassing yourself.



Blablabla. Ranting seems to be all you can do.

No, I'm defending myself for pointing out you're a bigot after you posted a thread that only served to insult those with a different opinion than you. And no, that's not namecalling, unless pointing out that someone is a racist is namecalling.

No excuse you come up with can justify your bigoted attitude and continuous namecalling. And that's not an "assumption", it's made very clear in your posts.



Are you serious? You are the one calling others names and making false accusations and you're calling ME arrogant? You're a joke!

You think your rants are saying anything new? You just keep making a fool of yourself. Yes, we get it, you're a bigot.

You pretended to know that the reason for people's dislike was their hatefulness. You insulted everyone who doesn't like this show. Just own up to it, you freaking crybaby.

Your thread was sitting there quietly for months because this site has hardly any traffic, let alone this board. Are you really that dumb, you bigot?

If you don't want me to defend myself against your false accusations, then don't post them.



This is just hilarious. YOU are the ranting crybaby here who can't deal with people not liking a show you do like and who can't stop with the namecalling. Every insult you've thrown at me applies to yourself.

You did not make an inquiry. Your thread title asked a question and then you gave your own bigoted explanation. It's funny, by the way, how you accuse me of hijacking a thread but you yourself keep straying further and further away from the original topic with your ranting and namecalling.

Seriously, there's something mentally wrong with you. You are absolutely ridiculous. Bigot.









Hilarious how YOU are the one calling ME insane. You've only got your own ranting to blame for this ridiculous thread.



Which, of course, makes YOU very sane...



If you're so sane, then why don't you stop replying and just move on?



Being the OP does not require you to respond to me. In fact, if you believe I'm hijacking your thread, that would be the dumbest thing to do.



Insulting people because they don't agree with you is courtesy and etiquette?
You keep responding to me with no clear intention to end the discussion, why shouldn't I respond back? It's courtesy and etiquette. I'm also not the one who claims sane people should move on.


"because both of you choose so see things from that hateful mentality"

Yep, you're the bigot here.



Okay, thanks for proving that YOU are also the troll here. And a boring one at that.



I responded directly to your bigoted attitude in your post towards those who do not share your opinion about this show. You're the one that's deflecting by calling me hateful and a troll in return.



You didn't simply inquire why people hate this show. You went on to provide your own explanation based on an assumption that was incredibly judgmental.

I'm sure I don't have to remind you again that the traffic on this site is extremely low. Also, people don't seem to read further than the thread title.



They are responding to a question you already answered yourself. I can't help it if they can't see through your intentions.

I don't care why people like or dislike a show, I do care about making unfair and unbased assumptions about people who have a different opinion, which is what you did. If your intention was to criticize those who hate the show because they're biased and prejudiced, then you should've done so (and no, disliking the political agenda does not make one biased or prejudiced). Don't go and complain about me not interpreting your post any differently than the way it is.



It's not an assumption or presumption, it's right there in your post:


"Why the hate?"

Your explanation:

"However, if my focus was biased and prejudiced towards sexual gender preferences, racial diversities, and propaganda obfuscation than I would probably be hating as well."

That's not a sincere inquiry. You're making a prejudiced assumption about those who hate the show. Nowhere do you mention that a lot of hateful comments seem to be coming from people who are prejudiced against certain races, homosexuals, whatever. Again, don't go blaming me for misinterpreting the intentions you now claim to have had.



No, my main issue is that you knew exactly what you were doing. And no, you're not judging yourself, you're judging those who hate the show.



You don't need to use the word "those" to refer to entire group of people. You said "if my focus was biased and prejudiced (...) I would probably be hating as well" in response to your question "Why all the hate?" You were not talking about yourself, but people who hate the show. And you assumed bias and prejudice were the reasons and not something else.



Those are not the only words in the English language to use when referring to a group of people.

You asked: "Why all the hate?"

You answered: "if my focus was biased and prejudiced (...) I would probably be hating as well."

Pretty clear. Nothing indicates that you were just implying that a lot of the haters seem to be biased and prejudiced because of the remarks they've made online. Your post was a generalisation about a whole group of people. And I think you are very much exaggerating, by the way. Hating a political agenda in a tv show does not make one biased or prejudiced.



You're being ridiculous. In your "hypothesis" you placed yourself in the position of the haters (the subject of your thread). The only point of it was to offer an explanation to your own question. So what you did was make an unfair assumption about those people.

Your subsequent excuses do not justify your remarks in your first post. It's very clear what your intention was.



What's wrong with you? You don't have to use the word "assume" to make an assumption. If the only explanation you can imagine for hating a show is being biased and prejudiced, then that rather makes you biased and prejudiced with a very limited imagination.

I don't care what your sock had to say. Your post was unfair and its intention clear. Get real, you were not referring to yourself.



I can't believe how silly you are. Probably the majority of assumptions are expressed without the wors "assume". For example, "You're going to love this tv show!" is an assumption, just like, "I think men with moustaches are bad kissers".

You asked: "Why all the hate?"

You answered: "if my focus was biased and prejudiced (...) I would probably be hating as well."

You did not say "Are some of these people perhaps biased and prejudiced? 'Your intention was clear. My "assumption" is based on evidence in your post, it's not an unfair and prejudiced generalisation of a whole group of people with a different opinion like yours.

Yes, I'll continue to believe that I'm right in my assessment of you. None of your lame excuses and deflections will change my mind. I don't see why I should even give you the beneft of the doubt after all your namecalling and insults.



"If I would have worded it according to your suggestion then I would have been directly and explicitly guilty of what you have been judging and accusing me of this entire time."

Absolutely not. Especially if you also would've mentioned examples of biased and and prejudiced remarks. In that case it would've clearly been an sincere question, instead of just a way to insult those who have a different opinion.

An what was the intention of placing yourself in the hypothetical position of the haters? Right, to draw a conlusion about them and answer your own question in the thread title.

Saying that someone is a bigot is not namecalling. It was no worse than what you implied about haters of this show in your first post.

"Don't forget, that it was you who had no interest or care about this or any show coming here to this post as you simply came here to attack, judge, condemn, deflect, insult, and patronize me and others so that you can feel justified and excused for your behavior all in the defense of opinionated racist haters that you have absolutely no familiarity of."

Another biased and prejudiced assumption. I simply came her to read what people had to say about the show, then I saw your bigoted post and decided to call you out on it.

"If you are so intent on defending others that have a difference in opinion than why are you not over at other posts, threads, and forums attacking and defending?"

You love making baseless assumptions about other people, huh? When I see a bigoted post like yours, I certainly do respond. What would you know about that? If you're not a troll out to insult others, why are 99% of your posts only in this thread?

"however, that does not give you the right to blatantly impose it on others."

I did no such thing, you freaking condescending crybaby bigot.


No offense but if you like this show you have terrible taste.It's an obnoxiously preachy agenda show with below average acting and bad writing.The original was cheesy a lot of times but at least it had good talented actors you enjoyed watching.Don't really care about these actors.And my opinion has nothing to do with race or gender.Their just not that good.I like how they claimed to have respect for the original and what it did but then turned around and erased all of the original characters and plots and basically just stole the title and did their own thing.How is that at all respectful.


So true!



Don't be such a ridiculous, pretentious, condescending prick. You were not being "objective", you were imagining what their reasons were from YOUR perspective.

Get over yourself. I have over 12000 contributions to movie and other discussions on this site, 99% of your posts here consist of insulting others and it doesn't seem you're going to change that any time soon. Nobody is forcing you to reply. You really have a problem taking responsibility for your actions. Here you still are writing ranting essays because you're a crybaby. Hypocrite.

You're attacking me personally, of course I'm defending myself. You're not very logical, are you? I still take issue, though, with your bigoted generalisation of a whole group of people.

Ah yes, your sock can tell lies about my motivations (in an extremely immature manner), but I can't say he ignores a certain part of your post. Hypocrite.

So bigots like you are violent, you're saying? That doesn't surprise me. I've called out bigotry in public and got the same crybaby result as I'm getting from you. But I don't need any advice from a bigoted troll who lives in his mother's basement, thank you very much.



You talk out of your ass, I have no such reputation. It's really sad you feel the need to make things up.

My, how insecure you are! My more than 12000 posts comment was simply to point out that I'm a member here to have actual movie discussions. You only seem to be here to insult people.

You blame me for you having no interest in other discussions on this site? What kind of nonesense is that? I've made plenty of posts about movies and tv shows in the meantime. It's very much possible.

You need to look up the definition of the word "rant". I've simply been defending myself against your false accusations. You're the one getting worked up over nothing and throwing out condescending crap.

"but you just proudly admitted that you are an instigator of violence."

I did no such thing. You are the one who claims that calling out bigotry instigates violence, not me. I simply said I receive immature responses like yours.

"Instead, you arrogantly insert yourself into every post, thread, and conversation...are you that lonely and need that much attention? That is a massive amount of tantrums, and you call me the crybaby."

And another rant with bigoted, baseless assumptions. You really live in your own little world, don't you?



Haha, I doubt you read all those 12000 posts or even the majority of them!😆 99% of your posts consists of ranting and whining, what exactly does that say about you???

"Yes it is possible but you made it clear twice that you had no interest in this show, you only came to defend "those people""

Again you're making up lies. I said I wasn't going to start a thread because I had no interest to discuss the show (where are all of your threads about the show itself, by the way?). I also said I came her to read what people had to say. I didn't come here to "defend" anyone. Am I clairvoyant or something?

Good lord, you do have a problem taking responsibility for your own actions. You can blame no one but yourself for your own rants. Just like a person can only blame themselves for getting violent after I call them out for being a bigot. You are absolutely ridiculous.

No, saying you sound like a bigot is no assumption, it's about the words you said.



"Mr"? Another assumption!

No, I did not "come here" to defend anyone. Like I already said, I came here just to read what people had to say. Then I saw your bigoted post and decided to call you out. After that you just continued your trollish behavior and I kept calling you out on it.

You're mistaken and confused, unlike you I'm not whining that you are forcing me to post.

You are absolutely absurd. If you use violence against me after I call you a bigot, they'll put YOU in jail, not me.

You are the one who came here posting a thread just to judge others. In no way did you make any contribution to an actual discussion about the show.

Your condescending attitude boggles my mind, since you're one of the most pathetic creatures I've seen around here.


Not an assumption, it was intentional. I know what you are, and it makes no difference.
"No, I did not "come here" to defend anyone"...Still lying and denying...your own words: "No, I had to defend people with a different opinion than you against your bigotry"...you defend the prejudice and racists that I referred in my statement.

"Then I saw your bigoted post and decided to call you out."...You called yourself out and exposed your ignorance of bigotry by reflecting your bigotry on others as the one who was "intolerable of my statement" based on your asinine presumption. You came here judging and trolling so I responded in the same manner. If I were trolling "your posts" by judging you, and calling you names, than I would be deserving of the same response.

"You're mistaken and confused"...precisely what your 1st reply says about you. "I'm not whining that you are forcing me to post"...trying to get rid of a hijacking troll like you is far from whining. You are the one who is incessantly forcing yourself to reply since you can't help it, 12000 posts is evidence of that.

"If you use violence against me after I call you a bigot, they'll put YOU in jail, not me"...Instead of talking out of your ass, you should educate yourself 1st. If you incite verbal violence in public, you can be fined, sued, or jailed for (verbal assault, verbal harassment, verbal abuse, and verbal libel/slander/defamation).

My contribution was both a general question and a hypothetical POV about the show. Your only contribution was judging and name-calling. Apparently, entitled hags like you have nothing better to do than troll other people's posts. It is no surprise that this site is low in traffic. You whine and complain about my condescending and insults, yet you continue to come back for more of it...that is truly pathetic.


I also know what YOU are, a bigoted troll. My contribution was calling (not "namecalling" you really need to learn the difference) you out on that.

Please find me an example of someone being thrown in jail for calling someone a bigot. If you punch me in return, YOU go to jail, not me. God, you're such a drama queen.

"You whine and complain about my condescending and insults, yet you continue to come back for more of it...that is truly pathetic."

The pot calling the kettle black...

My post count proves that I come here to talk about a variety of things. 99% of YOUR posts consists of insulting replies to ME. You better think twice before calling someone else pathetic. You believe I'm a troll who's hijacked your thread, but still you keep this thing going. Now how dumb is that?



"My contribution was calling (not "namecalling" you really need to learn the difference) ".
Trying to change the semantics of the word "calling vs name-calling" does not help your defense; one word is part of the other and they are "synonymous". "Calling" someone a bigot is both name-calling & judging which is the only contribution you made.
Name-Calling: The act of insulting someone by calling them rude names. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/name-calling

"Please find me an example of someone being thrown in jail for calling someone a bigot". Examples="Google it", do some actual research. Keywords: "jail for social media offences" & "verbal assault law/crimes".

"The pot calling the kettle black"...that is precisely what you should have said about your 1st reply on this post.

"My post count proves that I come here to talk about a variety of things"...a variety of things like judging and name-calling. Your post count proves nothing except your arrogant and entitled need to assert yourself in every post including mine. You came to this post as the bigoted troll still crying about my 99% of insults@U that you earned and deserved. Don't forget that someone else here called you out 1st.

"You believe I'm a troll who's hijacked your thread, but still you keep this thing going. Now how dumb is that?."...apparently, no dumber than you since you continue to troll my post. I just noticed other user's posts where you have been trolling and hijacking their posts as well with your bigotry and judgments...that is beyond pathetic.


Enough. Nothing productive is coming from this exchange.

Thanks for your understanding.






If I'm not allowed to defend myself against false accusations, then at least he should be exposed for what he really is.

The homophobic remark and virtual threat of violence were not enough for an official warning?




They need a like option on here 👍


For me, no Allysa Milano prrrrrrr. Sorry to be sexist but she is/was really something super sexy to me.


Most people hate it because it's rubbish and has no saving graces. If anything, the racial diversity would have been at least one if the show wasn't so utterly hopeless.


I was happy with the original show and am insulted that they'd want to tell it the SJW way less than a decade later. Sorry, but I get tired of leftist reinterpretations of beloved shows or movies. It doesn't work, and they still haven't figured out why the "reboots" fail.


because the show sucks
