Snow White is supposed to be WHITE
very white, hence the name, this girl is latin
shareShe's called Snow White because her skin is as white as snow.
The original fairytale.
At the beginning of the story, a queen sits sewing at an open window during a winter snowfall when she pricks her finger with her needle, causing three drops of red blood to drip onto the freshly fallen white snow on the black windowsill. Then she says to herself, "How I wish that I had a daughter that had skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood and hair as black as ebony." Some time later, the queen dies giving birth to a baby daughter who she names Snow White.
she had an affair with th postman and the father wasnt show she'd hoped so she named her snow White anyway and hoped her husband wouldnt notice ?
shareMy wife is a big Snow White fan. She has been making the same points. Rachel Zegler has a dark complexion. It's going to take a very heavy makeup job to pale her down.
shareThey are not going to pale her down.
shareI think they made a point of using her because she was not white, so I don't think they are not going to cover that up.
shareIt's fiction.
shareIn the fiction she was white. This bears the same title and pretends to be the same fiction. So it's theft at best.
shareEven if it's fiction It's moronic to have a dark character called "Snow White" and have that name based on her skin color. Unless that character snorts some powder ...
And you are a moron if you don't understand it ...
So is Black Panther. Now there is no excuse not to cast Matthew McCaugnahey as Black Panther.
shareRace is essential to that character, though. He's a leader of the African nation of Wakanda.
shareIsn’t race essential to a character is skin is described as white as snow?
shareIt's fiction, so anything is possible. They can always make some revisions to the dialogue and the character's history.
shareIt's fiction, so anything is possible.
So since it is fiction can’t they make some revisions to Black Panther’s character history?
It’s not like there have never been white leaders of African nations before. However there has never been a browned skinned girl whose skin was as white as snow.
There is no African nation of Wakanda, idiot. So the fictional population of a fictional African nation can be also blue skinned.
shareAs long as the entire story is fiction whats the point of changing it and still call it "Snow White"...
The worst part of Disney's woke catastrophe is what they did to the dwarfs 🤣
Didn't there used to be a football player named Reggie White who was black? Much darker than this actress.
shareI'm surprised they didn't go all the way and cast a black dude for the role.
Not woke enough, will not watch 😠
if all you fookin outraged white suprmeciosts are soooo fukin obsessd with whiteness ..
why are white people always trying to get a suntan?
You imbecile, why are you morons so obsessed with replacing white characters and culture?
Make your own stories you imbecile.
I bet that NO "white supremacist" complained when Moana was not white.
But you retards complain EVERY TIME a white character is in a movie. "Where is muh representushun?"
It is a form of colonization that they are doing co-opting already established cultural icons and replacing their white characters for the sake of "diversity". It is about taking over/appropriating things. has nothing to do with "representation".
shareI’m a minority and I hate this race swapping crap as well. Leave the characters I grew up with alone.
shareTimes change and get with the times and adapt and evolve what mad a Hispanic/Latino actress got the role she deserved guess you want all Latino actors to lose roles man you sicken me you racist fuck and Fuck your wall also Tenoch Huerta Namor was much better than his Marvel comics version gave MesoAmerican Civilization the spotlight as well him being a Deity Ku'kuklan.
Huerta got caught grabbing a Mexican feminist and another instagram influencer by the pussy, though, it just might be that's the last we get to see of him anyway.
which has been proven false by him and reps that so called feminst wanted money
I’m actually Latino myself. And fuck this “times change” bullcrap excuse. Ok let’s race swap black panther then since “times change”.
Go make your movies instead of ruining mine.
It's called accuracy in casting. It's like casting a red haired freckled white girl as Pocahontas. It will bomb because no one will want to endure the entire movie having to maintain a suspension of disbelief.