Woke Disney Disaster
shareThe new trailer is out. Looks nice.
That man is rather angry over a children's movie.
shareI'm pretty much angry over a live action remake of children's movie.
shareWould you prefer that it be kept an R rated potential slasher flick like the original story?
shareIt wasn't a slasher. No one did actually get stabbed. It was more a Christian morality tale where a fish girl has to change her species, endure the pain of walking on knives while having to dance for the prince who took her as a slave, and then commit suicide just to earn a chance at getting a soul.
shareThat is why I said "potential slasher". I have the 1978 Japanese version that sticks much closer to the book, nudity and all. Unfortunately it seems that the translation killed the dialog; the 1989 version is far superior.
Imagine what Tarantino would do to this story. :)
I have a really beautiful hard cover illustrated version of the story. Nudity included. I was a little sad when the 89 story came out as it changed the story so much, but it still is one of my favourite Disney animated movies.
shareI could have told you that a year or two ago when they first announced the casting.
shareYou don't have too. I've already seen the news of this upcoming live action movie.
shareAfter the blackwashing I'd seen in previous films in the past 7 years, and the way people had reacted to those, I knew things weren't gonna end well for "The Little Mermaid." Even Overlord DVD called it on his channel 2-3 years ago.
shareOverlord DVD is part an Incel part of the Group of TFM a bunch of Angry Man babies who shouldnt have a platform and are racist conservatives as well