MovieChat Forums > The Little Mermaid (2023) Discussion > Who is your ideal choice for Ariel?

Who is your ideal choice for Ariel?

I'm torn... I'm kinda leaning towards Arianna Grande but I haven't really paid attention to her career. Looks-wise she seems like a good fit but I'm sure there are plenty of others!


Francesca Capaldi would have been perfect.


Oh wow, she's gorgeous and such beautiful hair! Good call 😊


Morgan Freeman


Well, that's pretty close, lol.


Kim Wahlen


Oh wow! What a lovely young woman! She is Ariel. So sad about who they went with.


It is funny how nobody guessed it right.


I know! I was so looking forward to the remake but I think I will pass. Beauty and the Beast was ok but honestly I did not like Emma Watson as Belle at all. I like the actress herself but I just didn't care for her in that role.


All these "remakes" are pure dogshit.
The cartoons are the only legit version, and miles better than any of these pathetic cashgrabs.

This one is just straight up insulting, considering the casting choices.


Any teen aged actress with a good singing voice. Ariel was only 15 when she went ashore; 16 in the Disney cartoon. Anderson described her with skin (light green?) as clear and delicate as a rose leaf. I doubt the prince would be attracted to a green girl washed up on the shore, so changing the skin color to anything else would be a plus.

I think Grande is too old, Halle Bailey at 22 is also a bit old to play a teen.


They tend to hire actors in the early to late 20s (sometimes even early 30s) to play teenagers because of labor issues & probably because hiring an actual age appropriate 15 year old to play Ariel could restrict their options for a potential sequel if she suddenly looks very different in a couple of years because she's still going through puberty.


My ideal choice for Ariel is ... StinkyPoopyPants !


Laverne Cox. That'd be a threefer right there.


Mackenzie Foy would have done a lovely job. She could have also played a very lovely Snow White. She's just that beautiful an actress.
