We've had 6 SUPERMAN movies thus far if memory serves with the last one being MAN OF STEEL and truth be told, it didn't exactly light the box office world on fire and I don't expect this one will either. Honestly, if it weren't for BATMAN, I'm not sure what WB/DCU would do other than just stick to comics?? π€
After watching this teaser trailer, I'm still maintaining this ends up disappointing. I think it's the inclusion of the dog for Heaven's sake, but we'll see. MAN OF STEEL numbers is what this will receive and is nothing groundbreaking about it
Well, it looked OK, hopefully it will be at least decent. For me, so far, the main mistake was casting Brosnahan as Lois. It is a bit of a tell that there will be unnecessary comedy.
Rolled my eyes when i saw Krypto the dog. Just why. The full teaser trailer itself was a bunch of quick mostly talkless scenes that weren't very impressive
Lets see if Covid is still lurking when this gets released in July. Regardless though since its about 7 months away, just remember to mask up if you go to the theater
I read that as part of the agreement to show the Superman film next year, theater goers will be required to receive a booster shot on the way into the theater.
Booster shots and masking are pointless unless you're also socially distancing as much as possible too, I maintain 6 feet between all living beings at all times 24/7
No, I'm not masking up and never will again and I wish you'd have a little faith in knowing that both Biden and the CDC were simply not honest with you and lied to you and that this whole thing was a fraud, but I'm not turning this thread into Politics, but just saying. You can't live your life in fear from this and you need to take my advice and go to the theatre and see this AND before July if possible??
Why am I an idiot for not wearing a mask when your current President in Joe Biden stated that Covid was done, that we didn't have to wear the masks anymore?? Well?? How about it?? More shit this old geezer is lying to us about??
Sure, I'm bored:
"No, I'm not masking up"
Really? No matter the situation, or reason? Idiot
"and never will again"
Never? Ever? No matter what happens? Idiot
"both Biden and the CDC were simply not honest with you and lied to you"
What exactly did they lie about? Be specific. Oh, nothing? Idiot
"this whole thing was a fraud"
In what way? There really wasn't a pandemic that killed SEVEN MILLION people worldwide, 1.2 Million of which were in the US? Idiot
I could keep going, but: you're an idiot. It's wasted time and effort. Like I said: I'm bored. But there are limits to even my boredom. . .
And that's fine dumbass, you can continue to wear the mask and look like a fucking fool and know that the dirty ass germs you keep inhaling and exhaling is also not good for you VS breathing fresh air you fucking moron!! Take your liberal science and go pound sand, while wearing your mask of course π
LOL. . .you know even less about me than you do about life, science, logic, or common sense. Sit yer dumb@$$ down, or continue to make a fool of yourself. . .it's amusing either way
So now you're an idiot for falling for it to begin with and chances are, much like any young adult, you'll be dead or come down with heart complications in the next 5 years, so enjoy a slow death asshole and thanks for dragging Politics into what was a decent thread
Lol. I love how you idiots make claims and then when proven wrong move the goal post. I was told I'd be dead by now by another anti vaxxer on this board. As of now no issues. So if the 5 years passes and nothing happens you man enough to admit that you are wrong? Or you going to bitch out and move the goal post like the other fuckboy on here? I'm betting it will be the latter.
Hey retard! If you had the magic potion that protects you, then why the fuck do you need me to take it too? Aren't you already "protected"? Fuck off pansy fuckwit! Go butt fuck your boyfriend in the ass while you both smear shit all over your medical masks together.
Where did I tell you to take it? Comical irony alert! Your non sequitur is noted and consider it dismissed. I called out a bullshit claim he said about getting vaccinated. Nowhere did I tell anyone to get vaccinated fuckboy.
Did you really think the government would be dumb enough to give the kill shots to everyone? Maybe you got lucky and were injected with the saline solution? Oh, and calling people "anti-vaxxer" b/c they didn't want to take that jab makes you look like you're saying people should take it. Real vaccines are useful, but the CONvid jab was just an untested chemical concoction created by corrupt pharma companies that were slapped with the largest criminal fine in history. It's not a "vaccine" at all and is basically a depopulation bio-weapon. So, instead of "anti-vaxxer", maybe you should call us "anti-criminal"?
Whatever I label you is irrelevant. I don't give a shit if someone is a flat earther or whatever they are. The issue is idiots like yourself want to insult people who don't have your stance. Then when you get pushback you get upset. So let me peddle around your stupid feelings. I never once told you to get vaccinated, I made the decision to get vaccinated as it's a personal choice. Get the fuck out of here with claiming I told you what to do. Don't tell me what to do you understand me? I don't give a fuck how you take it. Rub dirt in it bitch boy. Oh and I got lucky? Interesting my entire family also must be lucky as well. Your bullshit is dismissed.
Yes, your entire family getting lucky is not that far fetched considering they only want to off about 5% of the population with it. The more shots you take, the dumber you are, and the government knows this too. They want to off the stupid people who are dumb enough to keep blindly listening to authority. It's like a eugenics program. So, if you only took 1 shot, you're chances are better. If you keep on tuning into the 11 o'clock news and panicking because of "omicron" or whatever the new variant is, getting another shot, then you are their primary target.
I lost my job because fuck nuts like you blindly obeyed this trash. It was either get jabbed or else. So, yeah, you claiming the fact that you rolled over had no effect on others is also not correct. When lemmings like you line up, it gives the corrupt aholes even more power. Next time use your fucking head and stand up for yourself pussy boy!
Funny I knew you would fall into that trap. My aunt works in the nursing field. Do not only was my whole family jabber multiple times but so were the patients. No issues of which you speak. So I will continue listening to doctors and my aunt who is in the medical field. It's a personal choice I made. You are free to not get vaccinated but see that's just it, you want to impose you or hire onto me. Yet you don't like others imposing their view on you. You are a hypocritical piece of shit.
I did make a stand for myself and that was to not listen to fuckwads like you. I'm glad you lost your job. The more misery people like you endure the better.
Funny I knew you probably had family in the medical field. The same "medical professionals" that LIED and said their hospitals were FULL, but when we went down to check, they were empty as fuck! Hospitals were getting thousands of dollars in federal funding every time someone in their care died from CONvid. This is why they started saying everyone died from CONvid. Someone gets shot in the head, they would use their SCAM PCR test to say he died from CONvid and cash in on the federal funding. That funding comes from our taxes!! So you and your loser Aunt were SCAMMING us all for profit!! Oh, and I already guessed you could care less if you blindly bending over for multiple shots without question affected others losing their jobs. Your admission proves not only that you're one of the dumbest fucks to have ever existed, but also that you're a complete piece of shit that only cares about themselves!! So, next time you want to blindly follow some fucking scam, wear a dirty medical mask for 3 years straight, and then tell everyone who didn't fall for it how dumb they are, don't be stupid enough to call those people out on a public forum years later after your SCAM was exposed. You just made yourself look like a complete fucking dumbass!!!
It worked for me. I don't bother to see most of the superhero films that come out, and have near zero interest or knowledge of Superman beyond what was put forth in the first two Donner films, but I'm extremely excited by this trailer. I *want* there to be a fun superhero movie that I can enjoy and take my young sons to see, and this looks like it might be just such a film. I'm cautiously optimistic about it, as one can only glean so much from a 2-minute-long trailer.
I didn't bother to see Venom 3 based on how terrible the first 2 films were, and it's certainly not a movie for young children. Thor Love and Thunder I did see, and it wasn't very good. Guardians of the Galaxy 3 is the only one of the three that was any good, but thematically and cinematically its aimed at adults, not kids.
Marvel has been much better than DC at making films fun and exciting for kids, while interesting and funny for adults. DC used to understand this. The original Superman and Batman films were just such films. I think the success of Nolan's Batman movies skewed their vision, and ever since they've made either dark, violent films that a child can't watch, or piss-poor imitations of Marvel's films that no one can watch. The only exception has been the recent Flash movie, which felt like a return to the '80s sensibilities in that it was fun for both adults and children.
I totally agree with you. There's something positive and inspirational about this Superman. The trailer looks great!
"Producer Peter Safran described the film's version of Superman as "the embodiment of truth, justice and the American way; he's kindness in a world that thinks of kindness as old fashioned""
"Man of Steel" Superman was basically a sociopath and lacked the empathy that Reeve's Superman had. Too dark and depressing.
(I plan to watch Flash based on your testimonial.)
I didn't see the first 2 venom but a friend made me watch part 3 and it was nice. I did not see much in it that would be harmful for a child, it seems safe.
Since the 70s, we had Superman played by Reeve, Routh, Cavill and now Corenswet. I think this movie is an update and continuation of the Reeve movies so I'm excited since his were the best ones.
Unlike all of the others, this one will include his dog and cousin.
The U.S. seems to have righted its ship with this past election, and it stands to reason that a lot of the lazy, loser behavior will be relegated to the past. I can very easily see 2025's Superman movie ushering audiences back into theaters, and bringing in a diverse audience.
You'll have all the hardcore superhero fans, of course, plus all the action-movie junkies.
You'll also have a lot of children, with their parents in tow, as families have long been craving a superhero movie they can bring their kids to see. I'm a part of that demographic, and I know I'm not alone. This is a topic that comes up regularly when talking to other parents. Superhero movies used to be for kids, but now they are too violent, sexual, or scary for young children, and we've all been hoping for a film like this. I took the family to see Superman 2 this past summer, and the 1200-capacity theater was nearly sold out. People want a kid-friendly superhero movie.
This also works as a date movie. Lois and Clark are an iconic, star-crossed couple, right up there with Romeo & Juliet, Mark Antony and Cleopatra, Daisy and Cleopatra, and Luke and Leia. My wife has zero interest in the Marvel films, and won't go near a Batman movie, but she'll see Superman if Lois and Clark aren't turned into a footnote, as they were in the recent Superman films, and if there's a cute little white puppy.
I don't see this movie knocking The Force Awakens out of the top spot on the all-time box office list or anything, but I can definitely see it doing Barbie-like numbers if the film is good. That's the big IF right now. We know Clark, Lois, and Superman are perfectly cast. The rest looks good, but if the movie itself is a turkey, a la Man of Steel, then all bets are off.
Maybe this needs a Barbie type of movie to counter it, to give it the "Barbenheimer" title, OR, does that have to happen just naturally and not forced?? π€
There are some interesting possibilities based on what we know is being released around the same time next year.
Superman's first apperance launched the Golden Age of comics in 1938. Though Marvel had been publishing comic books since 1939, in 1961 Marvel launched the Silver Age of comics with Fantastic Four #1. While both are superhero films, there could be a sort of comic book version of Blur vs. Oasis.
There's also another Jurassic Park movie coming out next July. I have no idea who watches those, but they seem to make money every time, so we could get a Supersaurus phenomenon.
If we're looking for a strict parallel of two very different kinds of films fighting for the public eye, we may have to wait and see what Serious Movies are slated for release next summer, and see if one of those can play Oppenheimer to Superman's Barbie.