As with the book. Even Saudi Arabia and Iran are NOTHING like this. What makes people think the U.S could become this reality?
The woman writing the books must be insane. Social Conservatism could get out of hand in the U.S but the worst that could get is state run abortion laws.
Alarmist, hyperbolic anti-conservative, anti-Christianity propaganda "warning" from Hollywood. EVERY time a conservative is portrayed in a Hollywood movie, they are an overbearing, controlling greedy dictator. Every time a Christian is shown they are a crazy lunatic. This gives you the best of both. Margaret Atwood, the writer, is one of Canada's most respected authors, and yes, she is insane.
It is nothing but preposterous nonsense. And yet, sadly, there are women who take this fantasy seriously and think they are actually living in the early days of it now.
This book is a fictional dystopian story that took influence from many religions and cultures and had the setting that would most resonate with it's target audience.
How fans react 35 years after the book was published isn't really on the author. Those women would have protested the confirmation hearing regardless of what they were wearing.
As for my reply to the OP, I'm just wondering if they thought that George Orwell was insane for writing 1984, or Harry Harrison was for writing the book which Soylent Green was based off of? Why should Atwood be signaled out?
"Hyperbole (pronounced ‘high-purr-bo-lee’) is a figure of speech in which an author or speaker purposely and obviously exaggerates to an extreme. It is used for emphasis or as a way of making a description more creative and humorous. It is important to note that hyperbole is not meant to be taken literally; the audience knows it’s an exaggeration."
It is a very ridiculous setting. No Christian would ever condone the things the Sons of Jacob did. Only stupid, Christian-hating liberals (many being women) would believe that something like this could happen in the US.
It would be easier to see this series as symbolic of Margaret Atwood's messed-up psyche. She first wrote the book this show is based on back in the 80s in response to Ronald Reagan. Basically, she's showing that she hates Christians, she hates men, she hates conservatives, and she sees conservative women as enablers who will get bit in the end, showing support for right-wing causes. She also thinks Christians are anti-science, seeing as the Sons of Jacob refuse to use artificial insemination or tanks to grow babies, instead relying on impregnating [unwilling] surrogates and refusing to admit that maybe the men might have issues with fertility as much as the women. Atwood also appears to be an environmentalist (and a very stupid one at that) blaming the infertility of the Americans in the story on pollution. You will note that the people who fight back in this series treat Canada like a haven, the promised land, if you will, when they want to flee Gilead.
I'd actually hoped the old broad had croaked by now, but nope. She's still alive and kicking. More's the pity.
You're argument that no Christian could ever do wrong isn't helped by you hoping Atwood is dead because she wrote a book you didn't like. 🙄
The fact is you have a lot of so-called Christian Evangelicals who worship the likes of Trump as a God.- who are literally a crazed cult.
You have a large bloc of so-called Christians who champion anti-science Republicans and migrant prison camps, the indiscriminate bombing of "heathen" lands, the right to be armed to the teeth, and the eradication of feminism and the equal rights of women.
So it is entirely plausible that mass infertility and a great reduction to the population would lead to a dystopian America - where the role of women has regressed to that of an imprisoned breeder. That life itself is akin to 17th century Puritan America, where emphasis was placed on "good" breeding stock to populate and harvest a fertile land.
You appear to be a crazy RWNJ conservative, and for a woman to be to be so is like a chicken begging its masters to be cooked and made into a nugget.
Blade Runner is probably the most ridiculous movier ever then. Los Angeles looked nothing like in the movie in November, 2019. No flying cars, no replicants, no almighty Blade Runner police squads...