The choice was obvious? *spoiler*

Am I the only one who thought the choice of who to kill was obvious? It seemed to me that killing the daughter was by far the best choice. Naturally it's still going to be difficult to kill your child, but left with no other option, get rid of the daughter who:
a) Seems to actually be siding with the weirdo little shit making all this happen in the first place!
b) Told her mum to fuck off
c) Can't sing

Ok so b and c are a bit of a stretch, but really it's all about that first point. She knows he is somehow responsible for what's happening, but has professed her undying love for him regardless (as to why that's a whole other question) and plans to run away with him? Even if they get out of this situation, she's absolutely tainted by his weird evil. The only way to fully escape the nightmare and all the consequences of it is to cut her out.

Still makes a hell of a lot more sense than spinning around blindfold ffs


Didn't the mother tell him to kill one of the kids bc she could make another one? Maybe the mom should have been picked.

You could spin around in a circle like that and run out of ammo long before you hit anyone. Or you might wound someone. Also, how does the family explain the absence of the son?


Yes she said that. And because she said that she wins the award for worst mother


There's nothing "obvious" in this movie, the director could have chosen anything and we'd still be wondering. And people would still have thought the movie was marvelous because things without meaning are "deep". (Yes, I know about the Greek myth, which in itself does not make sense)


Or the obvious. Kill the weirdo Martin and his crazy ass mother.



This couldve been a great film and it fell flat. That Actor Barry was in Saltburn as well, and was also a weird ass loose cannon. Hes a great actor but is this what he is known for? To be honest, I was hoping the father would shoot himself during the spinning in circles.
