My alternative ending

my opinion this was average movie but it could've been better if there're no survivors. my ending would be getting the girls shot by the soldiers. Very cold and deferent!


I think the problem with that is throwing too much at the audience in terms of dissatisfaction. This movie gave too many tear jerking moments to the viewer. You already have a man giving up his life to save his wife, then you have a sister watching her sister die in front of her, then you have a young girl turning into a zombie as the boy who likes her watches on and the two eventually become zombies together, then finally you have to watch the main character leave his daughter in this epic sad moment as he's turning into a zombie. I think if they just killed these people without having these touching "moments" then your ending would be more easy to handle but having to go through all these moments then having to see the leftover survivor just get shot at the end is real disappointing.


Either ending where they kill the pregnant woman and little girl, or not kill them would be fine by me. But there will always be viewers that will disagree with one ending over another, sometimes quite emotionally.

But then again, I feel like if they shot them at the end, it would just be nothing more than to shock the audience. There would be no reason to do so as some of you had mentioned other than to make all earlier attempts at survival to be futile.

Perhaps that's what real life is where we try our best and even through adversity, we still have a bad ending. This movie and the scripts were written based on one person's or a collective group's preference and there would be nothing wrong with them choosing how they want to end their movie. I mean, we can always make our own movies if we want a movie to go our way.

Also, I don't see how not killing them at the end is considered a happy ending. Their families are already dead and we will unlikely to find out whether they will be saved by these soldiers or Busan will end up being like any other overrun cities before them. It's just a matter of preference.


I honestly thought it was gonna be some bs ambiguous ending where it went black right as he pulls the trigger leaving us to guess if they were shot or not. So glad they didn't do that bs


That would have been a better ending. Ambiguity is not a bad thing.


1. Shooting the girl would be "Night of the Living Dead". And if done before, then it is Cliché.

2. They should have fired a shot, and missed, then have the pregnant woman use the little girl as a shield to take the next bullet.


I think it was a good twist that they did not kill the survivors (a la other movies). And the singing part was OK, which tied into the earlier scene. But there is no real resolution to this movie as we don't know where things are headed.


Like the original "Night Of The Living Dead"?


It's funny you say that. I mentioned that idea to my wife, and I thought she was gonna divorce me.


no, it'd be better if the whole crew made it. everyone died in the most frivolous way.
