MovieChat Forums > The Orville (2017) Discussion > Now that is more like it (Majority Rule)

Now that is more like it (Majority Rule)

This episode which I am in the middle of watching
is more like what this show should be about. Very
clever and funny, though it is a complete rip-off of
a Black Mirror episode, "Nosedive". Black Mirror is
much better, but I like that "The Orville" tries to
lighten up with some humor. This is the first
episode that seems worth watching so far to me.
I hope for more episodes with some satire and
social commentary. Great!


I liked the subject matter but I personally didn’t find this ep that funny. I watch every week and will continue. The coke head joke was ok.


I found this one to be the weakest so far. Interesting message, but the humor needs to go. This corny dialogue makes these decent-written stories harder to accept.



I agree... one of the best episodes so far.
Wish it had a little more humor though.


Great episode!


Still better than Star Trek Discovery! I'm a spaceman!


I am a long time Star Trek fan but I am finding that I look forward to The Orville each week more than ST: Discovery.

I think they got the serious/humour balance right in this episode. The best gag for me was the pretzels request at the conference table on the ship.


The Black Mirror Episode was brilliant ... the Orville Version was ok. Lacked logic. But the Show is really stretching it, how far you can go with copying ...


Yes, Black Mirror is consistently brilliant ... I have yet to really see anything brilliant in "The Orville", it is more stupid, which is why I never watched this guy's stuff before. The Western movie was kind of funny though.


You mean when John acted like a superidiot at his first seconds on a newly discovered planet? Worst script writing ever!


Just rewatching this now.

It is a good episode but it's such a blatant rip off I'm surprised they didn't get sued.
