MovieChat Forums > Doctor Sleep (2019) Discussion > why not call it The Shining 2?

why not call it The Shining 2?

Or The Shining Returns or even The Shining: Doctor Sleep

maybe might not have bombed so much?

then again they recreated the face in door film poster and had 'The Shining' logo on it so ...


The main reason people don't like it is that it isn't like The Shining. Calling it that would cause people to be even more put off.


I think this film is getting very positive reviews and while the first weekend will fall short of projections, I think this movie will make a very nice profit in the end. Remember at 2 hours and 40 minutes, theatre's can only show this film twice in the evenings. This leaves theatre's with a super early showing (say 7 pm) and a kind of late showing (say 10:15). That will limit your take if you are simply looking at an opening weekend.


MCU would like to have a word...


I had to google MCU so I guess I'm in the minority. I don't watch the typical superhero movies but movie goers obviously make up for my disinterest. The bottom line, in regard to Doctor Sleep, is that it's an excellent film regardless of the take at the box office.


I wish they'd just spell things out like marvel Comic Universe so I don't have to keep googling every new unencountered three letter acronym.


The proper name is "Marvel Cinematic Universe".


Doctor Sleep is the name of the book it's based on, that's why.


Doctor Sleep is terrible name for the book and the movie.


Doctor Sleep was one of King’s most financially-successful novels of all time, and held the #1 spot on the NYT Bestsellers List for quite awhile. Pretty sure the title is just fine.


As far as the book goes, it doesn't matter what it's called because it's Stephen King's name that sells the book to the reader. But for the movie watching crowd, the title does matter. Doctor Sleep is a terrible title that contributed to not selling many tickets this weekend.


Exactly. You can't compare the book crowd to the movie-going crowd.


Why not? I like books. I like movies.


Good for you, sweetie


Thank you for supporting me, papa bear!!! The next time I’m in Buenos Aires, let’s meet up and poop back and forth.


You like movies? So are you an ironic hipster or did you just forget that your logon id is "MoviesSuck"?


Uh oh...papa bear is upset.


People forget that the Shining took a while to make a profit too. Its appeal is largely cult based and I think part of the problem is that people who are fans of the Shining are not necessarily Stephen King fans but Kubrick fans, and that's a huge distinction. Critics were not as favorable to The Shining when it debuted in theaters as they were towards this one either. All the marketing and press might have worked in its favor but the better question is whether this will age as well as the Shining did. I'm a bit skeptical on that front...


I'd argue that people in general nowadays have a lot less faith in critic reviews than they did in the past, for a good reason.
I suspect we are witnessing the beginning of decline of capitalism - where corruption runs rampant; where everything, including the reviews and presidential elections, is being paid for by the corporations; and where people have less and less faith in the broken system. Add to that the complete lack of creativity in hollywood with remakes, reboots, etc -


Yep, exactly. It's become very obvious to people that critic reviews are just meaningless marketing now, and don't mean anything in terms of whether a film is enjoyable or not. When you have Indie movies like Parasite making serious bank, people recognize that they can get better movies outside the formal "Hollywood" system. Hollywood is just apart of a global industry, The 5 Studios are not the only film studios in the world.



I think it will be stopped - once people have had enough. Just like with paid reviews, there are plenty of signs that people are getting sick of this shit. Usually that sort of discontentment leads to a revolution - and replacement of the existing system with something else.... that unfortunately also has major flaws and later leads to a similar resentment, revolution, etc. The circle of life -


Greed -- for lack of a better word -- is good.

Greed is right.
Greed works.
Greed clarifies, cuts through , and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.
Greed, in all of it's forms -- greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge -- has marked the upward surge of mankind.
And greed -- you mark my words -- will not only save Hollywood, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA.



Its was the same with Blade Runner , back in 82 mixed reaction/barely broke even. Sequel almost 40y later critically praised but didn't make any money either


Well, the masses don't really care for quality, they only want cheap entertainment while they eat their popcorn...


Because that’s the name of the book.... I honestly wonder how many 12 year olds are on this website.


Doctor Sleep is a terrible name for the book and the movie.


Tell that to King as the book reached number 1 on NY Times best seller.


I think even King would admit that people don't buy his books based on the title printed on them, but rather because his name is printed on them.


Then the title doesn’t matter then.


As far as the book goes, it doesn't matter what it's called because it's Stephen King's name that sells the book to the reader. But for the movie watching crowd, the title does matter. Doctor Sleep is a terrible title that contributed to not selling many tickets this weekend.


Or maybe it’s a R rated movie that didn’t get a lot of advertisements and unless it’s a superhero movie people don’t go to the movies anymore.


I not sure he would admit that. His Bachman experiment proved otherwise. And, had he not been outed, "Bachman" could have reached similar heights.


I agree, maybe Bachman would have reached similar heights, but the fact is that those books sold exponentially more as soon as it was revealed to be King. Also, just my opinion, but I find quite a few of King's later novels to be far from "Best Seller" worthy, but people buy them anyway because it is written by King.


Books can literally be called anything and still be recieved just fine. Movies are different, and Doctor Sleep honestly doesn’t translate very well as a movie title. Many people weren’t aware that King wrote a sequel to The Shining, and seeing some movie poster called “Doctor Sleep” at their local theatre likely wont attract too many people.

Regardless, most adaptations don’t use the same name as the original novel. Calling the film “The Shining: Doctor Sleep” probably would’ve helped the film sell more.


It’s a great title and it’s not my fault people are uneducated troglodytes. Get some knowledge.


Doctor Sleep sounds like a lame TV drama series on Fox or something, not a horror film. No reason to get angry. Nobody said anything was the fault of yours. Though since you’re obviously a stupid kid, maybe it is all your fault?


So? A lot of movie adaptations don't use the same title the book has. To give some examples just using Stephen King novels, the film Stand By Me wasn't called "Different Seasons: The Body", the film Maximum Overdrive wasn't called "Trucks", the film Silver Bullet wasn't called "Cycle of the Werewolf", the film No Smoking wasn't called "Quitters, Inc." and the TV series Haven wasn't called "The Colorado Kid"


If it's bonbing that's sad because I just watched it and it's very very good. I think this will be a classic like The Thing.


Have you ever heard the phrase, electric boogaloo?


I can see the argument for Shining 2 since Doctor Sleep isn't a captivating title at all. However, I'd probably go the middle ground with something like Doctor Shine.


Because saying the phrase "electric boogaloo" is now considered racist.
