MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Discovery (2017) Discussion > The Problems with "Discovery"

The Problems with "Discovery"

Time to start the list! Yes, there are LOTS of things wrong with this mess. Let's start...

1.) Why send Burnham out into a highly radioactive zone to do an investigation? Don't you people have drones in the 23rd Century?

2.) The turgid Opening Titles. The standard morose non-music score. The parade of names like Nicholas Meyer and Eugene Roddenberry that you know had next to nothing to do with this thing.

3.) The lack of ability in keeping a camera level, and to not point it at lights. It's almost scary that such an accomplished cinematographer like Guillermo Navarro shot the first episode. He must really have wanted to do Trek very badly. Otherwise, why would he want to do all that J.J. Abrams garbage? Put. The camera. Level. Now! :-) Plus, the vertigo-inducing camera whirling around was too much to take.

4.) The super-heavy Klingon make-up makes it so the actors inside can't emote much at all. Plus, they're talking in Klingon makes it tough for the audience to connect with their emotions.

5.) I guess that the people running this show want to refute, as much as possible, Roddenberry's vision on having little crew conflict. That's why the crew on this series are at each other's throats on numerous occasions.

6.) So, Burnham assaults a superior officer and commits treason in the first episode? Are we supposed to "respect" her now? And, if so, how does that work, exactly?

7.) I'm guessing that this is just going to be another TV-MA "Game of Thrones"/"Walking Dead" thing with lots of violence, people yelling at each other, and generally depressing goings-on. I guess if that's where you want to go with this, they will get those viewers wanting that.

Add your own to the list. You know you want to! :-)


Agree about the askew camera angles. Also, seemed like there was a lack of warmth or chemistry between the crew members. They only really spotlighted four of them, that I can see. Doesn't have the emsemble feel of earlier ST shows.


They diverged too far from Star Trek canon, this is unwatchable.
1. Klingons don't look like this, period
2. Klingons don't talk like two-year-olds. If I had to guess, I'd say they did it so slow readers could keep up with the subtitles.
3. Speaking of which, hate it! When I come home from work and want to settle in with a show I do not want to work it it.
4. There was no respect on the bridge. Michael even shoved the science guy out of the way.
5. Klingons do not save the bodies of the dead. After they send their warrior spirits away by yelling, the body is empty and gets disposed.
6. The technology is way beyond that of TOS, not 10 years before.
7. This looks like it's going to be a serial or continuing story, not stand alone episodes. Another ploy to hook people in and pay a monthly fee?
8. Why would Star Trek fans have a mutineer as a hero? It also makes no sense that she is convicted and sentenced to life in prison, only to somehow end up serving as an officer on the USS Discovery. Since we are obviously curious about how this comes about, CBS is using this bait to get us to pay. NO!
9. This piece of trash should not be included in the Star Trek universe. I for one will not be watching.


I pretty much agree with your points!

1) Agreed. I was thinking how stupid are these people to send their commander out in a space suit a thousand kilometers into a danger zone when they didn't have to, at all.

2) I was looking forward to seeing the USS Discovery flying amongst the stars, exploring asteroids, planet rings, supernovae, and black holes, instead we see schematics and blueprints with lines jumping around. There was Enterprise's odd intro given the choice of music, but at least the starship progression made sense.

3) I noticed a lot of JJ Abrams motion blur, blur in general, and lens flares. It's not Star Trek.

4) The Klingons spoke so slowly which drove me insane. You don't become an advanced race with warp capabilities by speaking at quarter to half the speed of the human race, they are not Prime Universe Klingons and it makes me angry. They also look terrible.

5) Number One Michael Vulcan gripping her Captain after serving with her for seven years is really disturbing. It tells me she never respected her at all, and she doesn't truly appreciate her authority. In the other series, a meeting would have been held in the briefing room with the senior staff and all points considered--not a stupid I'm taking over command coup d'etat maneuver.

6) Exactly. And to make things worse she's part of the "diverse" portion of the crew, what are we the viewers supposed to think by seeing the African-American Second in Command totally disrespecting her Captain the way she did, just because of her 'feelings' regarding what the Klingons will and won't do.

7) Tough to tell what comes next, but the arc is just beginning, it's not looking very promising thus far. I think the only people I could relate to was the Captain and the Admiral, and they're both dead now, replaced by a vicious second in command who seeks to undermine her Captain's and Starfleet's orders in the very. first. episode, no doubt this will be a trend in the rest of the season.


The open title is horrid.

The Klingon makeup was glossy and wet, it looked like makeup instead of skin.

The Klingons look like alien turds.

The Klingons don't know their own language and speak as if someone is feeding them words one at a time.

The crew interaction is awkward. The Captain and #1 act like it's their first mission together. Interaction between the Science Officers and #1 is juvenile.

It's a spoiler when Michelle Yeoh is introduced as a "Special Guest Star."

Here, the show was pushed back in it's timeslot so the last 10 minutes were cut off. Way to go CBS/affiliate/whoever.

The technology is too advanced for pre-TOS. The Klingons didn't get cloaking technology until later. Federation tech is all over the place.

Another "not Vulcan" Vulcan.


1.) The object was in a sensor dead zone. I don't think we have seen any automated drones used in Star Trek before.

2.) I liked the call out to the original Star Trek (well maybe it was motion picture) opening music. The style is all the rage now, best get used to it until the next thing comes along.

4.) I noticed that with the make-up too. I didn't mind the language but I watch a lot of films with subtitles. The slow speech pattern of the main character was weird though.

5./6.) I have watched a lot of the original series lately and there was similar conflict. The rivalry between Michael and the science officer wasn't adversarial in my opinion. She acted the way she did out of respect and love for her captain and crew, she made a wrong decision and I'm certain that will be dealt with as the character is developed.

7.) I think it's too early to make that call. It's not going to be a forehead makeup of the week type of show and will have a single story arc. Nothing wrong with that is there?

8.) Why did the captain and first officer go alone on a mission to capture the Klingon? Surely only one of them should have made the trip and that should have been with at least half a dozen red shirts. I guess the plot needed to find a way to kill the captain off.

9.) The admiral would have evacuated as much of his crew as possible before self destructing to take out the Klingon ship that rammed him. That didn't make any sense.


>>>>4.) I noticed that with the make-up too. I didn't mind the language but I watch a lot of films with subtitles. The slow speech pattern of the main character was weird though.<<<<

I don't think it was the subtitles that was the problem. While I overall enjoyed the first episode, the issue with the Klingon language was that they were speaking it so slowly. I do recall Klingon being a bit more measured in tempo than English, but that doesn't mean speak like you are thinking only one word at a time.


"1.) The object was in a sensor dead zone. I don't think we have seen any automated drones used in Star Trek before."
We've seen sensor probes used before in a few episodes. I'm also suprised they just sent her out in an environment suite. I was expecting her to use a shuttle craft.

2.) I liked the call out to the original Star Trek (well maybe it was motion picture) opening music. The style is all the rage now, best get used to it until the next thing comes along."
The theme actually reminded me of paranormal sci fi Fringe.

"5./6.) I have watched a lot of the original series lately and there was similar conflict. The rivalry between Michael and the science officer wasn't adversarial in my opinion. She acted the way she did out of respect and love for her captain and crew, she made a wrong decision and I'm certain that will be dealt with as the character is developed."

There have been disagreements between the crew before but the crew on this ship seem to be dicks to each other. And actually belittle each other like what the hell? The show just kinda of reeks of millennial sarcasm and deprecation of their peers.


Some very good points which I pretty much agree on.

Point 1 also led to her flying around in the asteroid belt at high speed, with something about her suit's computer automating its avoidance of all the rocks. But surely there's a billion micro particles floating around which are like bullets and real problems for satellites in reality. Just seemed ridiculous. Why not take a shuttle?


Yes, that suit travel thing was ridiculous. The accelerations that her body would have undergone would kill her ... but then again only in space the way it is portrayed on Star Trek. The battles are ridiculous as well. Things would happen so fast in space that the battles would be left to computer. Then there is how the whole ship blinks off and on and is always failing on power, and then back up at 100% ready.


How about that they said we haven't heard from the Klingons in a hundred years and then just five minutes later they said, are you sure you aren't upset because your parents were killed by the Klingons? Who gets paid to do continuity over there?


There were some good things about it, but a lot of bad too and I agree with a lot of the OP.

Michelle Yeoh was the best thing about it for me and I wish they were just making her the lead. The scene with she, Burnham, and the alien science officer in the ready room felt like it should have been the dynamic for the whole show with them as the three leads. Although I do have some issues with Burnham. They seem to be going the opposite of past ST incarnations by having the emotional person be the right one in the conflict and the logic devoted character being "always wrong". The idea is that you're supposed to be between Spock and McCoy, not go all the way in one direction. Like the OP said, her basically betraying the captain in the first episode is silly. We're supposed to believe everything will be okay after that and she'll just get taken back to her old role.

There were also some fan gripes. Shooting at the Klingons first wouldn't ensure peace, they'd then feel honor bound to fight you to the death. They respect people are firm, but if you go around picking fights with them you're going to get one. It also didn't make any sense that she would be so emotional if she was raised by Vulcans. Since she's not Vulcan they may not have made her go through all the emotion purging rituals they do since she's not biologically Vulcan, but growing up in that environment and being educated by them would create a very cold, logical person. As another poster said, it also didn't make any sense that they hadn't had any contact with Klingons for 100 years but then they said Klingons killed her parents. That's the kind of thing that could get explained in later episodes, though.

I did like the titles, though.


I'm willing to give them some time on the story part, because things that don't make much sense today may come into focus in a few episodes. But I dearly hope they don't continue the hyperactive camerawork. It's gotten to the point that I just can't watch things like that anymore. It's literally nauseating.
