MovieChat Forums > Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) Discussion > this has to be the worst jurassic film t...

this has to be the worst jurassic film to date

OK - maybe not. The first film was OK - the second one meh - but what came after made the first 2 films seem brilliant in every way.

This film? Utter crap - but I dunno if I can say if it was necessarily worse than the last film.

At the end of the day, this is transformers-like quality - skip it if you value your time. Watching the paint dry may lead to some deep thoughts - watching this film kills your brain cells.


I like dinosaurs.


considering how awful all the CGI looks in the trailer,
you'd have to be a braindead idiot to spend money on this absolute shit


A "braindead idiot"? As opposed to an intelligent idiot? lol
Pretentious fool. There is absolutely nothing unintelligent about enjoying CGI.
Only morons judge other peoples intelligence based on the films they enjoy.


CGI is degrading the minds of our youth in this country,
practical FX have been proven to expand the brain's functionality and reduce fatal mistakes like accidentally watching a chris pratt movie

reply feel the Beast of Hollow Mountain should be lauded instead of Jurassic Park?


steven speilberg didn't use CGI in jurassic park,
those dinosaurs are animatronic


There is CGI in the original JP...


in your dreams,
1st use of CGI in a movie was "lord of illusions" by clive barker


In my dreams? lol The brachiosaurus, mate....In the very first scene you see a dinosaur...CGI.
Just like the gallimimus and also the stegasaurus in The Lost World....They were certainly not animatronic.
Computer generated


those were matte paintings photographed in succession, similar to how cartoons are made


Try google.


Search "Jurassic Park CGI", read the results and come back and apologize.


i'd rather do a reverse search scope analysis on your search history,
revealing dozens of variations on "chris pratt shirtless" and "chris pratt in sneakers,"
then i think the apology should be coming from you to me


You've embarrassed yourself, mate. Now be a man and admit you were wrong!
Has it been a long time since you saw the original JP or something? lol
Go and watch it again.....And get ready to blush.


i saw it at the drive-in about a year ago,
practical FX, animatronic wizardry, and the soulful Sam Neil giving one of his best performances in an American film


So now you are just denying reality lol. Are you a liberal by any chance?
Seriously though.....There was CGI and I'm sorry but it is pretty damn obvious.
A quick google search will confirm this, which someone already told you but it's quite clear you don't want to be proven wrong...


the new movie looks to be about 97.34% CGI,
that is the point of this conversation,
not whether the delightful original film is strictly all practical FX,

chris pratt? ok, i'll give it to you that he has a rockin' bod, that's your thing....but he doesn't hold a candle to the talent sam neil possesses in his pinkie finger,

hopefully they can get speilburg to do another JP film & bring back sam to complete the circle using only practical FX like the first film


lol No, the point of the conversation is that you think there was no CGI in the original JP.....Which is incorrect.
And now you trying to move the goal post and acting as if I was trying to argue that this new film is better than the original lol...Which we both know isn't true..

I'm not gonna lie to ya, buddy this thread is a pretty embarrassing read lol.


Ur all wrong. 1st 1 wuz done wid sock puppetz


My vote’s on the 2ND film.

The politicized bullshit with Goldblum’s annoying Buckwheatess daughter sucked like a $600/night hooker.



And again the clone cliche🙄


The action was good but there wasn't much plot.


I liked Blue the most.Some recognisable characters too


Any scene with the t-rex is good for me but blue was cool too.


Nah t-rex,those scenes with the indoraptor were better


I was disappointed the t-rex wasn't in many scene's but the indoraptor was bad ass


Indeed it was,but Blue took care of him


You didn't even like the first JP and yet you continue to watch the sequels and then advise others not to watch them?
What kind of a moron are you?


The first one was OK - which is not the same as 'meh'.


The first one is a classic, mate lol

If people liked the previous films, then it is highly likely they will like this one.
I just find it a little strange that you went to see the film when thought all thought all 4 of the sequels were bad and weren't even a big fan of the original.....And then complain about it to people n tell em not to watch it lol.
If you aren't even a fan of the franchise then, why would expect this one to be any different?


I like dinosaurs - and I thought the first film was all right. I keep hoping that they'll recapture the best traits of the first film, but you are also right - if they weren't able to recapture the best qualities of the original film in 3 follow up sequels, the odds of them doing it in the 4th are pretty low, so I should stop.

Still - I did have high hopes for this film. They brought back Jeff Goldblum - alas, he was only in one or 2 scenes, sitting down the whole time.

They also brought in Chris Pratt - who is pretty good in comedic roles - alas, the writers failed miserably in the humor department.


well this movie is better than the last one. and since the last one was easily better than the 2 JP sequels... thatd make JW:FK the 2nd best Jurassic


I honestly don't know which of the sequels was the worst -
I didn't see anything in this film that was superior to the sequels. Pretty crappy acting (which suggests bad direction, since the actors themselves were actually capable of decent acting) + the script!
I mean, seriously - the script! The first time they did the whole 'oh, that was close! I was almost killed, but I'm saved now - but wait, what's that? Ah - I'm not saved after all' scene, it was kind of funny, but they did the same thing 5 times in one film.
I mean, I can see that they were trying to inject some humor into the film, but the lack of decent writers really killed it - they had the same joke repeating again and again and again.


" they had the same joke repeating again and again and again. "

Can you give me an example of the jokes that they repeated over and over again?


That was the joke - the scenario playing out over and over again, a guy gets almost killed but is saved in a nick of time - he sighs with relief and then in the next second gets killed anyway. That happened, exactly the same way 5 times in this film - to different characters.



Don't listen to them. The movie is great.


JPIII is probably my favorite. Worst story, but the best action.


Which one was the one where they were falling down a cliff in a bus for a half hour. That was my least favorite.


Jurassic Park II
