why do we celebrate girls turning 18?
its really creepy.
shareYou're right, we should return to celebrating a girl turning 16. Or 15 if you like the quinceañera tradition.
shareif dems had their way they would change the legal age to 12.
shareDon’t think those Catholic priests were democrats.
shareevidence please...
shareEvidence…for which part?
sharegoing to need evidence as the burden of truth is on you.
shareGay priests so chances are they were also dems.
shareyup, exactly.
shareIf you counted up the politicians of either side who have been caught in gay / pedo scandals what would the score be ?
95% dems
4% other
1% rino
I make it 48 Dem vs 67 Rep on this page.
I counted 79 dems, 15 other and 6 rino.
I still find it amazing that Hillary didnt care her husband was banging a 19 yr old intern in the Oral Office. I just hope the carpet and drapes were replaced by now.
shareThey're pretty much over the hill by 18.
shareCreepy? In what way? I think 16 is actually the age we celebrate the most, as in 'sweet sixteen'. Which is a coming of age celebration similar to Hispanic tradition of quinceañera which is set at 15. Occasionally, when I'm at the mall, I'll see a Latina girl dressed up in the traditional quinceanera dress. Beautiful site to see.
It's not creepy at all but a tradition that goes way back. You must think it's sexual or something? Get your mind out of the gutter.
wait what? are you saying its ok to celebrate 15 yr olds getting banged?
sharewoah! what???
No one said anything about sex.
oh ok, lol.
shareCelebrations like this are not uncommon in other nations too like Spain, France and few other southern Euro countries.
Sure, it could be seen as sexual because a quinceanera party is very symbolic of a young girls budding sexuality and future life as a married woman. But it's not indecent, it's a highly moral celebration.
In fact, traditionally, during a quinceanera, the father introduces his daughter to potential suiters. But all they do is dance. lol... no actual sex happens.
I suppose it's not much different than when a jewish kid celebrates his (or her) bah mitzva, which is set at 13 years of age for boys and 12 for girls.
Do you get out much, willi? you should know these things...
Occasionally, when you're at the mall??
What is this, 1986?? Since when does anyone go to malls anymore
There are some malls in my city that are still very active. In fact, one mall in my town has an ice skating rink inside the mall. Yes, it's a huge mall... more than 3 stories high. One day I saw Tara Lipinski (pro skater) practicing there. This was when she was competing in the Olympics back in the day.
But a few days ago, I watched some youtube videos on malls that have been abandoned. So strange when you see so many of them become like mini ghost towns. When was the last time you went to the mall?
You know what is creepier?
Hunting down a 10-year-old film about celebrating girls turning 18 that has no comments and making the film trend.
I agree. I've seen comments on here of people counting down days until a young girl turns 18.
sharebecause people are trying to celebrate sex within the confines of american law which doesn't actually track along real human sexuality.
shareIn Africa, they're usually grandmothers by 18?