It might even be a climate thing too. Big malls tend to still do okay in places where the weather is harsh, like in the Midwest or the Northeast, because part of the year, it's either boiling hot, or freezing cold, and people like being able to shop without sweating or freezing to death while browsing. I lived in Texas for a few years and we had a gigantic mall in a town a few miles away from mine.
However, when I lived in IL, something different happened in regards to our malls. I lived in a town that was smack-dab in the middle of the state, and it had 2 malls that had been built in the late 80s/early 90s. One was an old mall, and the other was built in a more popular area of town, so it was no surprise that it sucked all the customers and business away from the old one. Eventually, the old mall was almost completely empty, save for two or three big "anchor stores" that were still independently in business. So the town knocked down the old mall, save for the anchor stores (making them into their own separate buildings) and built an "outdoor mall" where the old mall used to be, complete with a bunch of little shops wrapped around parking and a small green park.
The newer mall is still there, but I sensed it was dying a slow death in the last few years we lived in that town before we moved away to Texas. For one thing, less and less people were going to the smaller shops besides Macey's and other anchor stores. For another, gangs had moved in and you saw certain people hanging out and loitering by the less-used entrances, which gave the whole mall an ominous vibe. (Thank you SO much, Shitcago, for dumping your trash on our town back in the 90s. We really appreciate the spike in crime that came with it. It did nothing to clean out your South Side, and now crime is worse in your city than it ever was before).
That, and I quit going to that mall when they closed the bookstore and replaced it with yet ANOTHER clothing store. It's like, gee, having 6 or 7 clothing stores already wasn't enough? Let's cater to the idiot plebes in town who hate to read books anyway, as well as jack up the rent, and put ANOTHER useless clothing store in there! That'll increase business!
I was so glad to move out of that state. It wasn't because of the malls; they were just the tip of the iceberg as to what was wrong with that town.