MovieChat Forums > Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders (2016) Discussion > Despite Title, Criminal Minds Clearly Fi...

Despite Title, Criminal Minds Clearly Filmed in the USA

Did you notice that every scene with actors in appears to be filmed in the US?

That the few wide shots of Thailand are don't have the actors in them.

The market scene is way too clean looking. Not even close looking to the street markets of Bangkok.

That the outdoor scenes with the vegetation in them looks nothing like the jungles of Thailand.

During the roof top scene with the actors the skyline don't remotely look like the skyline of Bangkok. It looks more like Los Angeles.

In short, it looks like any episode of Criminal Minds. Nothing new to see here.


I watched the show on line in Thailand and laugh my ass off! Sort of like watching old cowboy movies with white actors playing Indians but the worst was the scene with a great big volcano. The people in charge must no know that there are no volcano in Thailand. Also, no A/C in the car that the FBI was using in Thailand? If they have a posh private plane that can fly them around the world they could at least get a car with A/C or rent one from Hertz Thailand.


The only thing that bothered me about the location shooting was the obvious green screen while they were driving. In Criminal minds it at least appears that the actors are doing the actual driving.


I was sure, for years, that the USA/Paramount TV show La Femme Nikita was filmed in Europe. They always had European plates on all the vehicles. Their location shoots were awesome.

This was before I had a PC. Maybe before the internet. IDK if the credits said anything about Toronto. Maybe.
My point is that the illusion was pretty well done in that show. Roy Dupuis was awesome. Peta Wilson was mega hot and awesome.

The producers cared and it showed.

BTW, I hated the remake of the TV series with Maggie Q. The guy that played Micheal was a tiny, wimpy, little weasel of an actor with no real muscles, strength, athletic ability or acting ability. Sorry. Off topic, I know. I just had to mention this.


I think they do a good job of recreating the locale it's supposed to be shot in.


Beyond Borders is Criminal Minds meets CSI. There are a lot more forensics in this show.


What did you expect? They aren't going to foreign countries to film each episode. That's unrealistic. No network has a budget that would allow that to occur. I would prefer that filming in the US/S. Calif, than having the actors appear in front of a blue or green screen. That's too obvious and I really hate them. But, it's far too expensive to think that they would be flying a cast and crew to Japan, China or Europe each week. Some countries love to having films done in their countries, while some others do not allow it, especially China.


And they assume thailand have the idiotic "knob" door handle on their doors as well, which is a rarity in the world, as it should be.


Episode 10 was definitely filmed in South Africa and at least partly in Johannesburg though.

If the police office, informal settlement and interior scenes were not filmed in SA, I would be hugely impressed, because they were all spot-on.


Madam Secretary does the exact same thing. But as so many Americans know nothing about the outside world, I guess they will be happy with it.

