MovieChat Forums > Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders (2016) Discussion > Despite Title, Criminal Minds Clearly Fi...

Despite Title, Criminal Minds Clearly Filmed in the USA

Did you notice that every scene with actors in appears to be filmed in the US?

That the few wide shots of Thailand are don't have the actors in them.

The market scene is way too clean looking. Not even close looking to the street markets of Bangkok.

That the outdoor scenes with the vegetation in them looks nothing like the jungles of Thailand.

During the roof top scene with the actors the skyline don't remotely look like the skyline of Bangkok. It looks more like Los Angeles.

In short, it looks like any episode of Criminal Minds. Nothing new to see here.


Perhaps you already know this, but all of the CSI shows are / were also filmed right here in L.A. ~ even though they are supposedly taking place in other U.S. cities.


I was laughing so much I had to stop watching the El toro bravo episode where they are supposed to be based in the city of Pamplona, Spain, during the annual running of the bulls. So many inaccuracies. Spanish from Nothern Spain doesn't sound anything like Spanish from SoCal (the place where they probably shot it), neither the churches, official buildings or people, really. Also I spotted too many Spanish flags hanging from balconies (instead of ikurriñas, the local flag).
I had a good laugh, anyway.


I was actually surprised to see some ikurriñas. Almost as much as I was when I saw the gigantic mass of rojigualdas (dudes, this isn't America). There were also flags of Pamplona. The one that did not appear at all was the flag of Navarre.


Just like Madam Secretary, nobody actually travels anywhere. And it is so obvious!

