MovieChat Forums > Yellowstone (2018) Discussion > Question regarding why Beth hates Jamie....

Question regarding why Beth hates Jamie... Caution, spoiler alert if you haven't watched past season 3, episode 4

Like I warned in the title, if you haven't watched past episode 4 of season three, dont read...

Now that that's out of the way, in episode 5 of season 3, we find out why Beth hates Jaimie so much but what I'd like to know is why didn't he tell Beth the truth that if she gets her abortion done at the Indian clinic, she'll walk out without her uterus unable to have kids ever again? I understand him agreeing to do it there just to have a better chance at keeping it out of the public eye but due to that one little thing, he should have told Beth that and being that he didn't, she has every right to hate his guts.

I can't remember if it was in the same episode or not but in the scene where Jaimie punches out the window in the door the day when John confronts him about that incident after Beth tells her dad that she'll never be able to have kids of her own, it looked to me like we the audience was about to find out had Kayce not interrupted them when he came in asking what was going on and John left the room telling him to ask his brother.

But as I wrote all that, did I just answer my own question? Was that the reason why Jaimie didn't tell her she'd be sterilized so that she wouldn't demand to be taken to the other abortion clinic??


I think Jaime didn't tell her just to mess with her. It was a choice made purely out of his evilness. What bugs me is how come the staff didn't inform the patient what kind of procedure they are about to perform. That's bad writing imo.


they did tell Jaime that the abortion would include a hysterectomy. Jamie was only a teenager at the time so he shouldnt be blamed for Beth getting knocked up at 15.


Yeah but my question was, why didn’t Jamie tell Beth when he came out of the clinic and back to the truck where she was at and told her that if she gets an abortion done here, they’re going to take your uterus too…

But I agree, no matter the case, Jamie shouldn’t be blamed for this anyway, because it wasn’t his fault that Beth got pregnant.


oh, I dont know. but it would be the last thing you want to say to a girl that just got an abortion. he prob should have told her later but was prob scared of Beth. she was nuts.


I don't think Jamie was messing with Beth - Beth put Jamie in a position that he wasn't ready to deal with. He was caught off guard and did what he though was best even if it was woefully bad.

I'm sure if Jamie could have a do-over, he would just go to his father and rat her pregnancy out.


Egh, I don’t think Jamie not telling her was done just to mess with her and I don’t think Jamie was an evil person back then either. I really kinda do believe that in that scene where him and John get into it in the kitchen right after Beth told her her dad about it that Jamie was about to explain why he did it, but we never get to see it because Kaycee comes in and interrupts them with something he thought was a lot more important than whatever he thought they were bickering over.

But on last part though, how do we know the clinic never did tell Beth that she’d be sterile if she got an abortion there? What, because that’s what Beth said?…lol. Hell for all we know, Beth probably never wanted kids at that time and she might’ve even been a little bit upset at young Rip for getting her pregnant which is the reason why she came to Jamie in the first place to take her to the abortion clinic to get rid of it and who knows; as Beth grew up and became a little bit more mature, she probably realized she made a big mistake and being that Jaime never did tell her she’d be sterilized, she probably used that against him so that she wouldn’t look bad in her dad‘s eyes.

Hopefully this November when they finally show us the last half of season five, maybe the truth will be revealed.


Beth needed someone to hate because she hates herself so much it's typical projection.

Jamie is not her real brother.

The abortion stuff is horrible what he did was a disgrace and not many people would be able to forgive someone for something like that and not really any case to side with Jaime on it either he withheld important details on purpose because I bet she would have said no to having it done.

If you add those 3 together it does make you wonder why she has no killed him given how that family is.

Someone else mentioned about informing patient today yes that is a must but not back then remember Beth is what close to 50 plus this was not a licensed place.

Jamie is very smug as well which doesn't help things.


….because I bet she would have said no to having it done.

So you think Jaime didn’t tell her on purpose? I don’t buy that. Nobody knows why he didn’t tell her as it wasn’t revealed.

But why would Jaime care either way regardless if she got an abortion or not? It wasn’t his problem even if Beth did try to lay it partly in his lap too.

…but not back then…

I don’t buy that either. I think they did tell her but she’s playing it like she didn’t know. Hell, they told Jaime they would so I think they woulda told Beth too, when they brought her in.


You have shown you clearly do not watch the show.

It is shown he keeps it a secret & does not inform her about the risks.

You can keep repeating you dont buy things all it shows is your lack of understanding plus real world knowledge.


LOL.... Oh yeah? How's that? Ive actually watched it all, twice. Have you really watched it??

And I know he doesn't tell her, that's not even remotely close to what I'm talking about. Are even reading my responses? I'm asking why he doesn't tell her and how and why did the clinic not tell Beth if she truly never was told?

And where is this "lack of understanding" plus "real world knowledge" you speak of? You talk like you have all the answers and the show's not even over yet and we wont even know until this Fall when the last half of season 5 comes out.

But just because I say I dont buy your opinions, that warrants you to say I lack understanding?? Laughable.


Her character hates everyone. If the abortion / infertile stuff didn’t happen, she’d hate Jamie for another reason


I wouldn't say Beth hates everybody, she just doesnt take shit off of anyone.

I dunno, all I can say at this point is we'll just have to wait and see how it plays out when the show comes back on because in the episode where Beth tells her dad that she knows about the Train Station, I'd sure like to know what it was that John told her after she recommends to her dad that maybe Jaime needs to taken there because again, it just doesnt make any sense to me that the Indian clinic where she got the abortion wouldn't have told her when she went in there that they were going to take her baby factory as well. I mean shit, if I was going to have any kind of medical procedure done, Id sure as shit expect them to tell me, the patient about something of that nature rather than them hoping my family told me about it.
