MovieChat Forums > Corneileous

Corneileous (434)


Looking for where to watch the European version of this…. Well, I’m gonna say it…the series finale was great… **warning, spoilers** How is the new sales tax loophole thing that Kacey came up with that Beth is so excited about now…. Question about how Doc even gets to meet Clara before she died. John Duttons hit….. Question about why Marty even bothered going back to 1885… Music change in mall scene from what I remember first time I watched this. Just curious about y’all’s thoughts about how the show was supposed to end…. Question regarding why Beth hates Jamie... Caution, spoiler alert if you haven't watched past season 3, episode 4 Am I the only one who noticed this? View all posts >


So again, how do you know he didn’t pay for that himself? Why are you automatically assuming “we” paid for that? I mean shit, we probably did but who knows, maybe we didn’t. But are you bothered by as well, all that bullshit spending Elon’s been digging up or is that fine in your mind? Where’s you proof of any of this and what do you mean when you say billionaires are giving him millions of dollars?…lol. Yep. I’d sure like to know how so many people just turned stupid. First off, being that Trump once again isn’t accepting the salary of POTUS like he didn’t the last time he was in office so if you add that up, that’s like what, $1.8 million for four years at what, like $450k per year? Besides- being that Elon’s uncovering like the $40 million a year on useless spending so you have the audacity to whine about this?? Hell, for all we know, Trump probably paid for this himself to go to the Super Bowl. Exactly. I’m really thinking they do because you know, fuck Trump, right? That’s all that matters to them. They’d rather bitch about Trump going to the Super Bowl and spending all that “tax payer” money for the motorcade and the security but this has no importance. Hell, I even watched a video on TikTok or wherever it was where some braindead Liberal fucknugget in California said he was happy to pay 9 dollars a gallon as long as Trump didn’t get re-elected. Egh, even though the Armsel Striker and Armsel Protecta are similar, they’re still two different guns. Sorry I’m late to the discussion but there were actually two rotary shotguns used in the movie- a SWD/Cobray Street Sweeper rotary 12 gauge that was used during the freeway chase scene- …and an Armsel Striker 12-gauge that was used by one of the assassins when they were in the old hotel or whatever it was that the police was using as a safe house. Yes they were… Well I wish I could help but I coulda sworn my DVD copy of this was widescreen but I just checked and it’s not…. They probably never released a widescreen version. View all replies >