MovieChat Forums > Yellowstone (2018) Discussion > I still don't get why Beth hates Jamie s...

I still don't get why Beth hates Jamie so badly

I honestly don't get it, she acts as if he killed their mother and she got blamed for it and forever has a deep hatred for him because of it, which is not what happened.

Cause that scene in S2 when she tells him one day he's gonna have someone he loves, and shes gonna enjoy tearing it away from him, i was like damn where is all this hatred stemming from? she even told him to go kill himself, and when she found out he attempted it she said give her the rest of the day and she'll get him to see it through, like Jesus Christ i've never seen such deep hatred for a sibling in my life.

I've watched both seasons now and maybe i wasn't paying enough attention but i can't figure out why she has such a deep hatred for him.


We'll find out soon.


Yeah i just saw an interview with the cast on youtube and the one who plays Beth said in S3 its revealed why Beth hates Jamie as badly as she does and what happened between them. So yeah i can't wait, S3 is gonna be great, also Josh Holloway is an amazing addition to the cast.


I would be disappointed if there's an actual reason, some traceable event that explains her psychology (I just finished S1). I much prefer the idea that Beth despises Jamie simply because she perceives him to be a pussy and has special disdain for guys who mask their insecurities with well-polished white collar professionalism.


I get it after seeing the recent ep. I won't spoil it for you but I would say it is probably on the Top 5 list of why you should be able to hate someone for life.


I know why she hates him, i'm all caught up on the show, infact i have a post a couple posts below this where i talk about it titled "So thats why Beth hates Jamie so much" lol.


It doesn't add up for me. For a few reasons. Spoilersish.

#1 - Jamie was a minor when he took her... to the place. He's allowed to make a poor decision or two.
#2 - There's no way in seven hells that the employees wouldn't also warn the girl.. ahem... WOMAN that they are about to walk through such a damning door. The employee was quite passionate when she spoke to Jamie. She would have also warned Beth. Sloppy writing.
Beth was old enough to get herself in this situation, old enough to decide to take care of it the way she wanted to, but yet not old enough to understand what they were doing? You can't put all that on Jamie.


I have been binge watching the series ..

Beth treats Jamie like shit and their father says nothing..

I get after her mother died she couldn’t count on a father figure for a sense of belonging or direction.

At 15 she was flirting on the ranch and presented herself in Rip’s room and she got Rip to kiss her .. she bonded with him because he confessed to having killed his father and she for having caused her mother’s death.

She then gets pregnant ..she doesn’t want to tell her father and instead of sharing her “problem” with Rip the father ,she goes to her brother Jamie who is 16 ,one year older than his sister Beth.

He is definitely not mature enough to deal with the problem . They go to the only place where Beth can get an abortion without the news getting out ..

unfortunately while Beth is in the car waiting Jamie is told that there ( the Indian reservation) they sterilise the patient too.

Yes Jamie should have told her but I don’t believe that he understood the implications for a female not to be able to bare kids anymore ..

he knew Beth was desperate to abort so he thought there was no other solution ...

personally I want to add at I am not so sure if Beth in that precise moment would have not gone through with the abortion knowing she would have been left sterile.

obviously, later growing up she blames Jamie hence she treats him like shit ..

she verbally attacks him and belittles him anytime possible ..even insinuates he is gay ,

She physically abuses him too and their father says nothing . Continues...


Jamie went to study law in Boston at a young age to appease his father who wanted a family member able to deal with the law in case of need.

His whole life, Jamie has used his skills to protect his family then one day his father agrees it would be a good idea for the family if he enters politics..

Surprising, Jamie likes it but when he sees Jamie is too busy wth his campaign and not there for him 200% , he wants him to stop running for the elections.

Jamie for the first time in his life rebels .. and his father to get his way throws him out of the house /family and will not support his campaign.

He feels betrayed , and unloved and steered wrongly in a moment of doubt, he gives an interview against his father.

This comes back to bite him despite in the meantime he has surrendered to his father’s wishes and has dropped the campaign.

.. his father is in good part to blame for the potentially dangerous situation created with the reporter.

Jamie tries to make the reporter drop the scoop but she tells Jamie with glee to be happy to bring down his father , John Dutton ..

Jamie in a moment of rage attacks and kills her . He must save the family

Guilt is weighing down on him and Beth, instead of being there for him, she pushes him deeper into the pit and tells him he should kill himself , which he nearly does ..

It’s time she stopped punishing Jamie for what happened when she was pregnant ..

... he was a kid too and he could not understand all the ramifications of that decision he made to not tell Beth..

.... he just wanted to help her solve her problem.


Dude, that is a really good summation! My wife is saying from the other room that we do have to remember that Beth is not emotionally mature, even in adult level, and when you experience intense trauma at a young age, your emotional development stops. Until she deals with the trauma of her mother and family blaming her for the death of her mother, she will not actually, emotionally, deal with the rest and mature.

So, while you are totally right about Jamie, Beth is remembering things from her own perspective and that is really from a child's perspective, emotionally.

Still, such a great show!


Her own mother is the first to blame .. she knew Beth was not much of a rider .. it would have been more logic to send Kayce back .. he would have been quicker

Turns out that not only did she fall off her horse , she was not able to give her father any useful info on where to find them .. at least point them in the right direction...

As for Beth’s personal feud against Jamie

I want to add that to me what torments her is not the abortion in itself but the fact that she was sterilised.

She had more options than many teens that fall pregnant have.

The abortion was her idea entirely

She didn’t want to go to her father ..she didn’t want to see the disapproval in his eyes ..lose his affection

She also decided for Rip .. she just lied and told him she wasn’t pregnant ..

Instead she took her problem to Jamie , who was obvious completely immature too .. he wasn’t fooling around having sex like her.

Beth enjoys teasing him heavily that he is gay because he doesn’t have girlfriends.

She knows it’s not true but she thrives on belittling him .. making Jamie’s life a living hell.

For years John Dutton let Beth abuse verbally and physically Jamie ... no loving father would let that happen.

He should have put a stop to it years ago.
If he had , Beth might have confronted her demons earlier rather than vent her anger continuously on Jamie.

I’m so glad I found and binge watched this series ..

I read that some believe Jamie is behind all those attempts on his family . I personally, don’t believe that.

Looking forward to season 4 !


Here's a thought: what if Beth's belittling of Jamie coupled with their history (ie: the abortion / sterilization) is actually what keeps Jamie from getting close to a woman (or guy, if in fact he is gay)? It was more traumatic for him than he realized / let on and subconsciously keeps him from getting close to a woman and potentially getting her pregnant...

Also, since you are a fan and I love the show, your thoughts on who played Godfather at the end of season 3? Who is actually to blame? My wife, my parents, a really good friend, and I have gone back and fourth since the end of the season on this and still have no true consensus!


by 100000 :

Here's a thought: what if Beth's belittling of Jamie coupled with their history (ie: the abortion / sterilization) is actually what keeps Jamie from getting close to a woman (or guy, if in fact he is gay)? It was more traumatic for him than he realized / let on and subconsciously keeps him from getting close to a woman and potentially getting her pregnant.
Jamie's mother died so he too was left without a female figure besides Beth's toxic one. ..

When he made that bad choice at the clinic, he honestly didn’t understand the gravity making his sister sterile. After that, all he has had is abuse from the only female he knows Beth.
So yes her abusive attitude definitely stumped Jamie emotionally and psychologically.

Jamie’s error of judgment was made because he was simply too immature to understand the future implications.

Beth’s abusive behaviour towards her brother instead is intentional .. she wants to hurt her brother, and she does her utmost to put their father against Jamie too. I found it hard to feel empathy for her.

Despite all the animosity, Jamie always goes to her for help and when he follows her advice she teases / belittles him after for doing what she said... she is an evil soul.

Let's be honest, she had an opportunity to have a child but she willingly chose to dispose of it to avoid her father's disapproval and disappointment ..Beth is not troubled by the abortion... it's the sterilization that she can't accept.

Why isn’t Beth angry with her father ? He was absent as a parent and she felt she could not go to him for help .. all this would not have happened had John been a father .. But Beth instead gives him a pass.

Like I mentioned, it’s only been about 10 days since I started to watch but I got so hooked that I finished binge watching the three seasons.

I googled: Yellowstone series / Godfathers. Sorry, I have not seen this saga so I can not make the connection.




Personally, I think Jamie has decided to save what he can of the ranch....he dedicated his life to safeguard it for the family..

Both Kayce and Beth would like their father to sell too but they ultimately will leave the choice to John. Jamie instead will fight his father not because he wants the money but because he wants to save what he helped build and protect.

Kayce and Beth were not even living on the ranch when the series began. They are not as invested in the ranch as Jamie is.

Jamie was sent to study law so he would be an asset when it came to protecting the Dutton Empire.

He's not going to now let it go to waste because John feels he must keep some promise made not to sell the land.

So the question is : how far will Jamie push to succeed in his intent?

For now, I don't think he would harm physically his family so I don't think he is behind the 3 attacks.

Further down the road, depending on how matters evolve /get ugly, I don't know.


Good insights! Ok, as for the Godfather reference, who tried to kill everyone in the family off in simultaneous strikes? (I do recommend the original Godfather, btw, but I find 2 to be slow as hell, though about half of the movie is a masterpiece, but all of part 1 is a masterpiece.) We have been speculating as to who actually attacked the family. Note that the last episode gave everyone motive!


I appreciate the recommendation mav100000 but I won’t be watching The Godfather.

I’ll just base my opinions on what happened in the series without trying to find similarities with the characters in the Godfather saga.

Have you personally come up with a possible theory on who is the culprit?


Not a good one! Everyone had motive so it really could be any of them. However, I don't think it was Jamie. He at least would have killed Rip too, to be safe.


by mav 100000:

Not a good one! Everyone had a motive so it really could be any of them. However, I don't think it was Jamie. He at least would have killed Rip too, to be safe.

So ultimately you feel Jamie would have killed off his family to save the ranch.

For now, I think Jamie doesn’t think his father has the cards to win and he is confident to win this dispute legally.

Jamie was not targeted because he is for selling .. the money they would receive from the land sold to build the airport would allow them to save the rest of the ranch.

John Dutton is against the sale so I can see why he became a target.

Beth, in season one or two, told Jamie that when their father dies, she’ll be happy to sell her part of the estate immediately. She is obviously not attached to the land. ..she is willing to help her father fight to keep it even though she did try to make him realise that within a year they would be broke and would have to sell the land at pennies worth.

So I can see why she was targeted too.

As for Kayce ..I guess they didn’t want a son on the rampage looking for the people that killed his family.

I wouldn’t be surprised that the culprit turns out to be a new character who so-called was watching in the shadows and made his/her move knowing that those openly hostile towards the Duttons would be the first names linked/accused of the 3 attempts.


I think Wila is behind Beth and Kayce, but John was targeted by Jamie's bio father. Reason why I don't think Jamie was targeted is either because he was with the governor who is highly protected, or they know he is the only one trying to sell the ranch and maybe even setting him up to be the fall guy.


Totally agree. We don't even know if he understood that the abortion would sterilize her. But the frustrating thing is if he didn't, he doesn't explain that to her or his Dad.


I was going to ask whether he didn't tell her but yeah they would have mentioned it to her.



1.He's allowed to sterilize her? She will never be able to have kids. That's a pretty big deal. She was about 15 and Jamie was "the grown-up". She was definitely underage, so not old enough to know what to do.
2. Yes, it's hard to believe they didn't warn her. But they assumed he told her and she was ok with this. Of course you shouldn't let a teenager to something so serious without a little counseling. But it was a reservation clinic, so maybe they had a lack of interest in counseling a white girl.
3. Even if he did something unforgivable, it's hard to believe that Beth is so hatefully towards him that All The Time.



I've always been interested in this show, but only watched the odd episode or two in the background. From what I can tell, Beth isn't a good person, LOL. She hates EVERYONE.


Beth was boinking Rip, and maybe a couple others in the bunkhouse, just a couple years after her mother dies

As happens she got pregnant

She asked Jaime for help

HE took her to a reservation health clinic where he was told they could do the abortion but would also do a hysterectomy, HE said OK and took Beth inside


By foster:

Beth was boinking Rip, and maybe a couple others in the bunkhouse, just a couple years after her mother dies

As happens she got pregnant

She asked Jaime for help 

HE took her to a reservation health clinic where he was told they could do the abortion but would also do a hysterectomy, HE said OK and took Beth inside.

@. Beth was desperate to get an abortion and Jamie being a teen didn’t understand the severity of a hysterectomy.

Jamie regrets what he did but Beth has no intention to stop abusing Jamie physically and mentally.

Beth made the wrong choices and puts all the blame on Jamie.

Beth was no ran away teen with no money, she should have gone to Rip , instead she opted to lie and say she had made a mistake and she wasn’t pregnant.


She could have gone to her father… but she didn’t like that option because she wouldn’t be daddy’s girl anymore.

I don’t feel sorry for her , she got rid of hers and Rip ‘s baby and it was a choice she alone made.


Why can't they forego the hysterectomy at the clinic?


They could have, yes, but it was (supposedly) a NA thing - maybe the thought being that a woman who would kill her baby by abortion shouldn't or couldn't be trusted with having a child later?

IOW, getting the abortion there at the NA clinic for anonymity's sake required the sterilization as part of the cost, so Beth didn't have the option for an abortion alone.

EDIT: I did some checking and apparently there was a LOT of sterilization of NA women at publicly funded clinics:


Did you find out why or was it spoiled for you?
