MovieChat Forums > The Last Kingdom (2015) Discussion > Who is your favorite character to hate? ...

Who is your favorite character to hate? And Why?

All through the books, there were some characters I just hated with a vengeance...

Aelswith (Alfred's wife) - because she's a pinched-face, vicious, depraved *beep* who parades as a pious goody-goody.

Odder the Younger - because he's a devious, envious, fraud and sycophant.

Alfred - because he's a fraud incapable of owning his darker nature and so hides behind sanctimoniousness. Because he has a warped sense of justice. Because he's a brilliant, Machiavellian manipulator willing to do anything to achieve his goal. Even so, I could forgive all that if only he had a sense of humor...

God made man because he loves stories. —Rabbi Nachman


Haesten smug, slimy git who I wanted to see get a sword rammed up his pooper every time he made an appearence.


There's no character named Haesten. Do you mean this guy?

Odder the Younger?

God made man because he loves stories. —Rabbi Nachman


Haesten will probably pop up soon.

"Now, who has the key?"


There's no character named Haesten. Do you mean this guy?

Odder the Younger?

Nope, I meant who I said, Haesten....

The Young Dane who Uhtred frees at the start of the Pale Horseman, the one who then goes on to be a bit of a sh!t throughout the entire saga

With all the character culling I doubt he'll make the TV show though.


Odder the Younger...but also in real live these non-performer rise through the ranks by succesfully claiming the credits of others.

Alfred had not much of a choice after Uthred made the mistake no to follow Leofric's advice.

Odder is also a very powerful Lord now and Uthred's actions had to be answered in order to restore "the peace" and thus the unchallenged status of Alfred as king and leader.

Ich bin kein ausgeklügelt Buch, ich bin ein Mensch mit seinem Widerspruch.
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer


Odda the Younger, a slimy little two-faced worm.


I guess I need to read these books. However, having seen the first few episodes (we are only halfway through the series here in the UK) I must say that I'm somewhat surprised at the way Alfred is portrayed. Normally he is the all conquering hero who achieved great things. That having been said though, showing him as a devious mannipulative statesman probably makes the show a little more interesting.


I must say that I'm somewhat surprised at the way Alfred is portrayed. Normally he is the all conquering hero who achieved great things. That having been said though, showing him as a devious manipulative statesman probably makes the show a little more interesting.
Nice guys seldom achieve anything. He's doing what it takes and his personality is fascinating.


Im somewhat surprised at the way Alfred is portrayed. Normally he is the all conquering hero who achieved great things. That having been said though, showing him as a devious mannipulative statesman probably makes the show a little more interesting.

This is Corwell's version of Alfred, which he admits has his own prejudices written into the portrayal... and has said he thought he would not like the real Alfred.(too pius and religous he says)

Yes, Alfred is usually portrayed very differently.

Here the author makes his distant relative Uthred, the big hero.

Humankind cannot bear very much reality. ~T.S. Eliot


I pretty much agree with the OP's choices, but I particularly hate the wife and Odder.

Odder really grinds my nerve because he's such a pathetic, conceiving worm. I hated him from the beginning. He's just a weasel and his father was right not to think much of him. The wife is pretty self-explanatory. Uhtred's wife is annoying as well but that's more due to her naiveté.


I hate Alfred more than I hate Odda because he is conniving, devious and sanctimonious.


Odda. He's cowardly worm. I wouldn't be surprised if he puts the moves on Mildreth.
Alfred, for reasons everyone stated.
The one eyed guy who made off with Ragnar's daughter.

ADDED: Found this characterization of Alfred's wife: "Speaking of characters, though, there was one person in this book who cheered me up whenever he appeared on the scene and that was the British priest Pyrlig, who offered a much needed dose of light relief. I was particularly enamoured of his description of Alfred's shrewish wife Ælswith, of whom he says: 'Got a tongue in her like a starving weasel'. Now there's an insult worth remembering."


I hate Odda the Younger but I quite like Alfred. He's like a long suffering parent trying to deal with a toddler prone to temper tantrums, i.e. Uhtred.


He's like a long suffering parent trying to deal with a toddler prone to temper tantrums, i.e. Uhtred.

GREAT description

Humankind cannot bear very much reality. ~T.S. Eliot


Queen Aelswith
Odda the Younger


Totally agree but I think I dislike Brida the most as I think you're supposed to like her whereas the other two I think are intentionally annoying.
