Do some f.cking reading meannie75, it was Charlene Lamb (Deputy Assistant Secretary for Security) that was the person in State most directly responsible for the lack of security! Hillary wasn't DIRECTLY responsible, but she was in charge, so everything eventually rests at her feet. She was trying to earn brownie points by keeping costs down, and sending people to Benghazi was expensive, and she didn't want to spend a lot of money hardening a facility that likely wouldn't be used for very long.
If you're going to bring up that the "Clintons feel they are above the law, and they always have" then they have a LONG way to go until catching up to the Bush Family and all the War Crimes committed by George H. W. Bush then even worse by his son George W. with the allowing of torturing men caught on the battlefield and sent to Abu Ghraib and/or Guantanamo, extraordinary rendition to CIA Black Sites, all the KIAs from the illegal Iraq War so now the US and Dick Cheney have all the Iraqi oil contracts.
If the United States wasn't the World Superpower, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfield would be brought up on charges at the International Criminal Court!
Why Cheney Can't be Prosecuted for War Crimes, and how Bradley Manning Could Change that
If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost