100% concur. This film is like an insane, visceral, vibrant, and wildy entertaining comic book come to life. A PROPER comic film. One filled with depth, humor, despair, unpredictability, chaos, charm, surprises, and non-stop riveting action. It was all extremely well done and with such ease. Furthermore, all the characters were “perfectly balanced” and - in spite of what some have said - no character felt like they were either underutilized or given too much focus. They were, as far as I see it, all given a chance to shine and made their moments count (admittedly, Rogers and Romanoff had less screen time than expected).
The arguments made against the film for having “too much action” and not taking a breather... well, I disagree. Its fast pace is one of the reasons IW reflected the comics so well. With Thanos and his children waging war on the universe like never before seen, there was absolutely no time to waste. This was a war from start to finish and so I thought the film took the right direction. The action and structure was superbly executed.
And sure we didn’t get a Hulk at the end. No Hawkeye or Ant-Man. Also, despite what many of us were lead to believe in recent months, this film is certainly a first parter. But putting all this aside, I can’t say that I was let down at all. I pushed my expectations out of the way and went in to this film simply wanting to enjoy the ride. That’s the mindset I especially had when it came to Thanos. Wow, what a villain! For me, the most badass, threatening, relentless, and yet oddly empathetic villain I’ve ever seen in superhero cinema. His presence was staggering.
In all, I found this to be an utterly satisfying cinematic comic book masterpiece. Did I stutter? The ultimate and possibly greatest comic book film made to date. All the disagreements and laughs thrown our way over statements like this can come (MAINLY by non-MCU fans), but this is where I stand. The much beloved The Dark Knight? Great film, but its only comic book aspects come from the characters’ identities. And even so, Infinity War has so much more going for it; the size and scale of it alone is unprecedented. So even for a Marvel film, this was truly something special.
Now, I cannot wait for the epic conclusion! If the Russo bros didn’t earn enough of my respect with their brilliant Captain America films, then they certainly did with IW. Their direction was magnificent as always.