MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > No Spoilers - Best Comic Book Film Ever ...

No Spoilers - Best Comic Book Film Ever Made

This is the best comic book film I've ever seen in terms of a non-stop, exciting comic book come to life. I'd possibly rank a couple others as high in terms of overall cinematic qualities, but there has never been a better full-on comic book film than this. It was superbly paced, and though a large number of characters were featured, they were effortlessly juggled in way that nothing felt rushed and nearly everyone had a significant role. Most remarkably, though a second film is on the way, this told a complete story from start to finish, and it is completely satisfying on its own. If this had been it, and no sequel were pending, nothing more would need to be said, done, added, or omitted.

In short, it's a remarkable film. I've never seen anything like it, and it delivers in every conceivable way one could ever want an action film to deliver.


This isnt a movie at all. Its just a part of a movie with tons of lazy plot decisions.

I wouldnt suggest to watch it before the second part is released. Cause that first part alone is completely useless.


What about it felt lazy to you? And really, why do you even feel a second part is needed? The fact that one IS coming, is great, and it will continue the story, but Infinity War has a start, middle, and satisfying end, and no sequel is required to clear up, resolve, answer, or fix anything. It will be interesting to see where they take the story, but what they gave us was no less complete than any other comic book film.


- Realizing that your wrote shit after you realized that the whole story is about the time stone. And there you either destroy it instantly (and have no script at all) or you steal that one first. Everything else is .... lazy writing.

- Starlord avoiding to save the universe. That was as dumb as the stupiest and cheapest western movie of the 1950s. No character in that universe would have either let him near Thanos (if its well known that he is the biggest idiot in the galaxy) or Starlord would in real life waited that Thanos lost his glove and then killed him in best "best served cold" manner. But thos losers werent able to do that.

- Displaying Hulk as an complete idiot. Thats nice politics, but nothing else. therefor it shouldnt be part of any script of a comic book movie.


Good Lord, you are just a complete dunce, aren't you?


So you really werent the only one at the cinemas not knowing that Thanos will get all stones when Strange stated "I dont give a sh*t about humanity. Keeping my toy is far more important!". In which movie universe wouldnt have lead that to regret at the end of the movie? That statement was so superherounlike that it could only conclude to one development.

And thats how a smart moviegoer acts. Seeing the good things at a movie (this could have been one of the few depressive superhero movies). But also dont deny that this plot bug alone opened the ending for you.


Stop pretending you're a "smart moviegoer," you're not fooling anybody.


What did you think about Thanos's character, his motivations, and his relationship with Gamora?


I agree and until now my favorites were Captain America and Guardians 1. Just enough of everyone to keep the story rolling along and a devastating ending which won't be settled until Avengers 4. Not sure how they can do the films between now and then though.


The only films in between are Captain Marvel, set in the 90s as a backstory to the hero Fury summoned post-credits, and Ant Man and the Wasp, which may or may not tie into Infinity War.



The devastating ending was in its own way satisfying. Sometimes, the villain wins. If this were a standalone film, it still works. It doesn't need a sequel. A followup that continues the story is great, but had this just been Thanos' film, then so be it.


I too liked it a lot more than I expected

One thing that kept going through my head was the Russos' claim that Thanos was the film's protagonist.

Looking at it that way, it's an oddly satisfying and self-contained film.

(of course we KNOW that's not how they'll leave it, but still ... the ending felt like an actual ending)


I could not be in more agreement.

It was incredible in a way that no movie has been, not since 1980's Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back. They are both examples of movies with media build up that merely touched on the stakes and then carried you along for a ride you never anticipated, with surprising highs and lows. You feel winded, awestruck and gut-punched as you walk from the theater.

I will add this, Thanos is the BEST comic book movie villain I've ever beheld. Yes, he's even more impactful than Ledger's Joker and I'm sure that A:IW will stir up a whole new online debate between which character is the more menacing baddie.

To everyone who hasn't seen the movie yet, RUN out and see it this weekend. It will leave you in a state of mixed euphoria.


I really enjoyed this movie, which surprised me, cuz as a fan of character development and character interaction I thought it would have waaaay too many characters to do those things justice. But it excelled at this. My biggest complaint is the plot. I like plots that build and thicken and culminate, but this didn't do that for me, at least not in the way that I like. I would rate the first Avengers and The Winter Soldier higher than this one, but I really enjoyed this movie.


Not to start a bicker of any kind but in response to your issue over the plot, I can't see how you can complain about building the plot when Thanos has been searching for the Infinity Stones since his debut at the end of the first Avengers. How much more building does there need to be? There's been 13 movies since then, usually with Thanos in the background and playing either a minor or secondary role in the plots of those movies, with the stones always weaved into plots as well (Red Skull with the Tesseract/Space Stone, Loki's scepter/Mind Stone, Vision's creation/again Mind Stone, Jane Foster taking on the Aether/Reality Stone, Star Lord with the Orb/Power Stone, Doctor Strange with the Eye of Agamotto/Time Stone). What part of the plot seems weak? Not trying to pick you apart, it's your own preference how you viewed the movie, I just wanted to point these facts out.


I wasn't arguing that it didn't have a plot, I was just stating that it wasn't developed in the way that I enjoy the most.


Gotcha. Movies are like art, both are subjective.


I agree. There were things that I wish happened and characters I wish we saw, but I am very pleased with what we got.


there are parts(Big parts of this film) that truly are beyond anything I've ever seen in a CBM.

Thanos is simply astonishing...easily for me the 2nd greatest villain in CBM history(Behind Ledgers Joker) and may become number 1 with Avengers 4....from His Goal, Threat Level, to the absolutely INCREDIBLE seriously, He is one of the very best example I've ever seen of a CGI character(right up there with the new Planet of the Apes films)

IMO the 2 very best things about this film and Its the very best out of Any CBM ever!......Is The Beginning of this film and The Ending to this film

I dont know which one is better, but IMO, The start of this film, The way we are introduced to Thanos and his Black Order, The Things that Happen, Thanos Literally Destroying 2 Strongest Avengers , Letting Thanos completely destroy The Hulk and then Thor, Immediately lets the audience Know The power and threat Level Of Thanos...IMO the absolute Perfect Beginning to Avengers IW and for me The best beginning to any CBM ever

Then we get the absolute HAUNTING and Shell shocker ending.I've never seen an Ending like this in A CBM...IMO its the best.

other absolute ICONIC moments for me were..The Fight Between Thanos Vs IM, Docctor Strange,SM,Drax,SL,Nebula and Mantis, was just Incredible, One of the best fights scene ever, made even better by Thanos's absolute dominance during the entire fight, They literally Threw everything at him and never even really hurt him.

Biggest Letdown!....The Wakanda Battle sequence...I kept wondering why the always showed the same shots in all the trailers/tv spots, and the reason why is, Not much went on...just some hand to hand fighting, a couple fly over shots from Falcon and War Machine....

Another Letdown....NO HULK during Final Battle...unforgivable!

All in All...Completely lived up to my expectations(I was massively letdown my Age Of Ultron)....Avengers IW gave me ALMOST everything I wanted...There was a few moments during the middle of the movie where I felt it lost a little steam, But The Beginning and End is just so ALL TIME great in makes up for it...

about 6 to 7 Great/SAD Surprises...

biggest takeaway....It was The Thanos Show....The greatest CBM Threat ever put on screen...and may end up being ranked up there with Ledgers Joker as the Greatest CBM villain after A4..


100% concur. This film is like an insane, visceral, vibrant, and wildy entertaining comic book come to life. A PROPER comic film. One filled with depth, humor, despair, unpredictability, chaos, charm, surprises, and non-stop riveting action. It was all extremely well done and with such ease. Furthermore, all the characters were “perfectly balanced” and - in spite of what some have said - no character felt like they were either underutilized or given too much focus. They were, as far as I see it, all given a chance to shine and made their moments count (admittedly, Rogers and Romanoff had less screen time than expected).

The arguments made against the film for having “too much action” and not taking a breather... well, I disagree. Its fast pace is one of the reasons IW reflected the comics so well. With Thanos and his children waging war on the universe like never before seen, there was absolutely no time to waste. This was a war from start to finish and so I thought the film took the right direction. The action and structure was superbly executed.

And sure we didn’t get a Hulk at the end. No Hawkeye or Ant-Man. Also, despite what many of us were lead to believe in recent months, this film is certainly a first parter. But putting all this aside, I can’t say that I was let down at all. I pushed my expectations out of the way and went in to this film simply wanting to enjoy the ride. That’s the mindset I especially had when it came to Thanos. Wow, what a villain! For me, the most badass, threatening, relentless, and yet oddly empathetic villain I’ve ever seen in superhero cinema. His presence was staggering.

In all, I found this to be an utterly satisfying cinematic comic book masterpiece. Did I stutter? The ultimate and possibly greatest comic book film made to date. All the disagreements and laughs thrown our way over statements like this can come (MAINLY by non-MCU fans), but this is where I stand. The much beloved The Dark Knight? Great film, but its only comic book aspects come from the characters’ identities. And even so, Infinity War has so much more going for it; the size and scale of it alone is unprecedented. So even for a Marvel film, this was truly something special.

Now, I cannot wait for the epic conclusion! If the Russo bros didn’t earn enough of my respect with their brilliant Captain America films, then they certainly did with IW. Their direction was magnificent as always.


I loved this movie and I'm seeing it for a second time tomorrow! I'm sure I missed a lot of little details the first time around. There's so much going in!


Will be watchin 3rd time next week. No real reason but just enjoy burnin moula.


I'll see it for "free" with my MoviePass at least once. I'm not sure if the new "can't see the same film twice" change applies to an annual membership, or if I have repeat viewings grandfathered in.
