I was actually never against the casting of Gal Gadot. She was the last person I would've cast as Wonder Woman (that's part of the reason I would be god awful at being a casting director), but I was never against her being cast. To me, it was just an interesting and out of nowhere casting choice. But I was willing to give her a chance from the start.
My initial reaction was "huh, that's an interesting casting choice, would've never picked her, but I'll give her a chance. I liked Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne/Batman and I believed they were on to something with Heath Ledger as Joker. So maybe they know what they are doing casting the one actress from the Fast & Furious movies as Wonder Woman."
I also didn't need Wonder Woman to be curvy in the T & A department either, so that further explained why I was okay with Gal Gadot. And I'm a guy that doesn't really care about boob size. As long as they are real, I'm fine with whatever size they are. Plus I figured she'd put on some muscle weight for the role like most actors/actresses do for an action movie/superhero role.
I am also a HUGE fan of the Fast & Furious movies, so it was going to be nice/interesting seeing someone from those movies take on a role like Wonder Woman, and be a little more well known to moviegoers once they see her in the role. And in the end, I'm glad I was one of the few that gave her a chance. She was pretty good as Wonder Woman, and it would be hard to picture anyone else in the role, although I'm sure someone could do better. Plus she can't always be Wonder Woman. I guess for this take on Wonder Woman she was the right choice. She was surprisingly my favorite part of the Justice League movie. I originally wanted to see the movie for return of Superman, Batman (favorite superhero), and being introduced to Aquaman. But after thinking about it, Wonder Woman had the best moments in the movie. Maybe it's because a few months before Justice League, I got a whole movie focused on Wonder Woman.