MovieChat Forums > Green Room (2016) Discussion > Anyone had any experiences with Neo Nazi...

Anyone had any experiences with Neo Nazis?

Once I was in the Hungarian town of Debrecen, and a friend of a friend took us to a small out of town bar.
When i walked in everyone had skinheads and blatant forearm Nazi Tattoos and swastikas on the backs of their heads.
We ended up going to a local football match with them and luckily they weren't too bothered by me and didn't say much too me. They seemed quite friendly really, but not many of them spoke English.
I remember I had long hair at the time and one of them threw up the rock n rock V sign with his hand, and my friend nervously whispered to me to return the gesture.

luckily they didnt trap us in rooms and the red laces didnt show up :/

Thats mine, any one had any run ins?


Nope. After all, whites are statistically the least racist, which is why the membership of racist organizations like the Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, and La Raza all outnumber groups like the KKK and other neo-Nazi groups by something like 10-to-1, each, despite whites being the overwhelming majority in the West.

White communities tend to police their own and use shaming and shunning to suppress undesirable elements.


I saw three of them at a Metallica concert when I was in my twenties, and since I am from Panama, one of them bumped into me with his shoulders while he was walking down the stairs to the arena, and I was walking up. He was with two more Skinheads.

A few years later, I was at a supermarket, and I said something to my mom in Spanish, and one of them looked at me as if I was from another planet. He was wearing camouflaged pants, and had regular hair. His friend had a leather jacket, and his head was shaven.




You must be a Clinton supporter. This link is for you:


"Statistically," huh? I'd like to see your statistics lol. Nation of Islam is based on religious affiliation, La Raza is a political group, and the Black Panthers were a response to brutality during the civil rights era. I'm not a fan of any group that promotes violence, btw. In contrast, The KKK was formed so angry former slave owners could continue terrorizing people of color after they were freed by the civil war. As white culture is the majority culture in the US, there is no need for a special interest group to protect it - by default, the "accepted" hegemony and social mores in the US are white ones. Most people outgrow the need for a "tit for tat" "white pride day" - EVERY day in the US is pretty much white pride day!

Anywho, as to the question from the OP, I was friendly with and occasionally dated traditional skins (anti-racist) in high school (a million years ago in the late nineties). Sometimes, we'd run into racist skins and a fist fight would break out (NOT something I approve of). They did go to the same punk and ska shows, though. There was one racist skin in particular who would hit on a friend of mine and I if he cornered us at a show, explaining how we were doing our race a disservice. We just rolled our eyes and told him to eff off, though I did hear later that he raped a girl after I'd moved away. Wouldn't surprise me, he was pretty aggressive.

They're coming to get you, Barbara!


Usually on genuine requests for statistics I'll oblige, but I tend not to waste my time when people will reject the information because it conflicts with their own beliefs.

The KKK was formed so angry former slave owners could continue terrorizing people of color after they were freed by the civil war.

It sounds to me like you actually agree that there are barely any KKK members. There are no "angry former slave owners" any more. There is very little to no terrorization of blacks any more.

In fact, interracial homicides are another one of the ways I quantify racism in our society. Here are those stats:

FBI Homicide by Race 2011

White-on-black murders: 193
White % of population: 78%

Black-on-white murders: 448
Black % of population: 12%

(448/12) / (193/78) = (37.33) / (2.47) = 15.11

If you use math, you will calculate that *the average black person is 15.11x more likely to commit an inter-racial murder.*

The data for 2012 is basically identcal to 2011:


"Statistically," huh? I'd like to see your statistics lol. Nation of Islam is based on religious affiliation, La Raza is a political group, and the Black Panthers were a response to brutality during the civil rights era. I'm not a fan of any group that promotes violence, btw. In contrast, The KKK was formed so angry former slave owners could continue terrorizing people of color after they were freed by the civil war. As white culture is the majority culture in the US, there is no need for a special interest group to protect it - by default, the "accepted" hegemony and social mores in the US are white ones. Most people outgrow the need for a "tit for tat" "white pride day" - EVERY day in the US is pretty much white pride day!

Yup! You GET it! Right on point!

He is risen!


The violence by black people is more related to drugs, gang affiliation etc., most of this crops from the poor economic and social status of the black community. I have never come across an educated black man/woman who are racist(they may be present). I understand white power and racism from uneducated and poor white people, they are not very informed about the topic and do not have the competency to take a wise decision. But, I have seen many many educated and rich white people in the US and in the UK that definitely looked down upon colored people. I used to hangout with some middle eastern, Indian and Pakistani kids at college as I wanted to travel around their countries. I had first-hand experience of my classmates calling them 'terrorists', just because of their color. I overheard many a discussions that would spark a riot if I spoke it outside my college.
Crime statistics do not explain racism. There are many many white Americans in universities that are scared to physically attack other races but so not think for a second to verbally abuse or bully them.
There are many educated white people who stand against racism, myself included, but the problem persists.


When I was studying in Australia - on my very first day, some...really drugged up skinhead approached me and asked me for bus change and called me "Sir". I don't know if he was so drugged out of his mind that he didn't notice that I'm brown or didn't care but he was really polite. So, I helped him out. And he honestly seemed totally out of it.

Death is the standard breach for a complex prize.


I met the neo nazis in the trenches of Europe. Oh, that were the Nazis. Well, never mind!



I lived in Portland for a decade just through Y2K. One of the dark secrets of Portland are it's neo nazi groups. It's kinda fitting this movie takes place around Portland because [at least in the 90's and earlier] there was a definite presence there. I was dating a girl, and her cousin Lori was dating a guy. We would go out as a group occasionally, and I grew to be friends with 'Jason'. Turns out Jason was an ex skinhead. He was a nice enough guy but there was certainly an edge to him, and he relayed some crazy stories of what he'd seen and done in the past, and claimed to not be that way anymore. It was his other friends that I met via a couple of big parties we attended that were eye opening moment of holy shiz Im partying with a bunch of nazis. Literally. One example was at Sand Lake a ORV area on the coast. The public parties hard there, overnight camping, and riding, on the dunes. There were hundreds of the public there. Some of these dudes camping in our same site were friends of Jason, literally were adorned in full on swastika nazi regalia, and played some pretty crazy hate music at full blast. It was then I realized --dammit I am camping WITH the campsite group that I would hate to be camping next to. I dated that gal for 6 years [thank god I didn't marry her].. was arms length from a few weird instances during that time, but always tried to stay at a distance because that stuff is very distasteful to even be "around". It just reeks of stupid ignorance.

---Listen, you smell something?---


I knew one in college but he was an intellectual, dressed neatly, finely combed hair, had no tattoos afaik and doesn't associate himself with the typical neonazis but he was a neonazi himself.

Maybe we'll hear from him in the near future running for office. 


I had a friend who was attacked on their way home from shabbat services and was beaten into a coma with bats by "white power/'aryan nation' members. When I was about 9 or so a bunch of skinheads who were probably more just little *beep* without understanding the idea behind what they were doing, but they lit our porch on fire, along with a line actions like spray painting 'k%ke' on our house, and bricks through our windows during hanukkah (when we had little menorah decals up). I live in the PNW in the US and normally I've run across some solid bigots when it comes to specifically hating blacks and jews but try my hardest to stay away from it. Though I know from people I have been friends with in the past who have friends with things like the SS lightning bolts and swastikas tattooed on them. It's honestly scary.

 Rand
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My friend from 🇬🇭Ghana🇬🇭 was raped by a group of Neo Nazi's and he did not recover from it, I miss him very much!
