MovieChat Forums > Green Room (2016) Discussion > Anyone had any experiences with Neo Nazi...

Anyone had any experiences with Neo Nazis?

Once I was in the Hungarian town of Debrecen, and a friend of a friend took us to a small out of town bar.
When i walked in everyone had skinheads and blatant forearm Nazi Tattoos and swastikas on the backs of their heads.
We ended up going to a local football match with them and luckily they weren't too bothered by me and didn't say much too me. They seemed quite friendly really, but not many of them spoke English.
I remember I had long hair at the time and one of them threw up the rock n rock V sign with his hand, and my friend nervously whispered to me to return the gesture.

luckily they didnt trap us in rooms and the red laces didnt show up :/

Thats mine, any one had any run ins?


I'm a brown woman who studied in the US. One summer, me and my friends were travelling by car from Seattle to LA. We stopped in a small town to eat at a fast food place. That is where I first saw skinheads wearing jackets with swastikas on their sleeves. I felt exceedingly uncomfortable and unsafe so I ate as fast as I could to get out there. Being a foreigner, I was baffled as to how people could get away with displaying such signs of hatred and bigotry and I was so glad my university was in New York where this sort of display would be unacceptable (in my perception since I'd never encountered anything of the sort before!).


In my country, one of the major political parties refuses to admit that they're actually Nazis.

An opinion is not offensive just because you do not agree with it.


Gonna preface this by saying I'm not a nazi or a member of any hate group. I think that people are more alike than different, but i think i might have a little bit of perspective on the neo-nazi thing that a lot of you don't. I'm a white guy who just finished a 7 year prison sentence. I spent the entire bit in max-security prisons and knew a lot of men who were covered in swastika tattoos, 1488 tattoos, and some of them just had (poorly done) portraits of hitler. They didn't get into that because it was fun or because of some irrational, ill-informed hatred of a different race. Most of them got into it, or learned to think that way, because of years of forced interaction with people of color (mostly black, in the state I was in the whites generally get along with the Mexicans) who were a constant threat and an unending source of aggressive, childish behavior that you NEVER stop hearing no matter what time of day or night. There was very little time during my entire sentence that I didn't hear a black man screaming vulgar nonsense about *beep* white b****es while using their bed frames as a surface to make beats on till 3 am while screming rap lyrics about their imaginary life as Tony Montana. In most black gangs it was okay (speaking about where i was, i can't speak for anywhere else) to have a sex case, rape isn't that big of a deal if you freestyle all day about slapping and pimping (ie: extorting) women. But those same gangs went out of their way to extort any white person who had a sex case or was gay. Most of the nazis (they didn't ever call themselves neo-nazis) were hateful and angry but also wanted to protect themselves and their brothers from people that never stopped acting like children and made life hell for anyone with a set of eardrums. I'm not excusing racism or trying to say that every black inmate everywhere is a loud-mouthed, rapist, gangbabnger. But to say that everyone who considers themselves a nazi is ignorant, or that their ideology didn't come as an understandable reaction to years of exposure to ugliness and threats, is a mistake. Nobody is calling the vice lords or the crips a bunch of racist dumb-asses because they are openly violent towards anyone they don't like, victimize white people whenever they get the chance, and pride themselves on abusing women, and those gangs kill a lot more people than any group of nazis on the street ever will. These are ugly places that produce ugliness, but you can't assume that they are stupid.


Every time I log onto IMDb. Natch...

When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.


Sat behind some skinheads once a train during the day, they really didn't do or say anything extreme during that 1 hour trip, so I didn't even notice or care after 10 minutes. Granted it was middle of the day so. Only experience i've ever had so far, I must be pretty sheltered.

Cool story bro.


In 2006 in Manassas, VA. Neo Nazi Skin Heads mtbing at the Fountain Head. You got to realize how much a trench it is in America or any Colonized Country as a person of color. Literally you are vacuum in a area where you don't have total freedom without the imminent threat of racism either violent or non-violent. The new administration is an all white nationalist team and everybody knows it from Mike Pence, Steve Bannon, and of course Jeff Sessions. America is about to get worse for people of color.....


Once at a Rammstein show I saw some clearly skin German guys nearly starting a fight.
