Once I was in the Hungarian town of Debrecen, and a friend of a friend took us to a small out of town bar. When i walked in everyone had skinheads and blatant forearm Nazi Tattoos and swastikas on the backs of their heads. We ended up going to a local football match with them and luckily they weren't too bothered by me and didn't say much too me. They seemed quite friendly really, but not many of them spoke English. I remember I had long hair at the time and one of them threw up the rock n rock V sign with his hand, and my friend nervously whispered to me to return the gesture.
luckily they didnt trap us in rooms and the red laces didnt show up :/
I have never been to a bar like the one in the film, I have only run into Neo-Nazis on the street in passing. About two years ago when my girlfriend and I were walking through an old rural Ohio town, a strange man approached us and started telling us about himself before gradually revealing details of drunken fights and other weird experiences he had throughout the town. I noticed he was covered in tattoos, which I asked him about since I find tattoos interesting. He started showing me his full sleeves on each arm before lifting his upper arm to reveal a full set of Swastikas and white power icons.
That same summer my girlfriend and I were at a store in the area and saw a couple who each had elaborate Neo-Nazi tattoos.
Besides them, and occasionally seeing a Neo Nazi at a show here and there, I don't run into them too much.
When I went camping when I was almost 17, I think I saw a group of skinheads standing right in front the general store at the main entrance. I had no interaction with them, I just saw them and kept walking.
Not all skinheads are Neo Nazis, the original skinheads had been fans of black music, especially "Jamaican rude boy", they actually liked outsider cultures.
Sadly, since the 90's Neo-Nazi youths have started to adopt the skinhead style as their own, and now everybody with a shaven head is considered a "Neo Nazi"
Yeah, it's a common misconception, just because look " the same " doesn't mean they think the same. White kids that joined with black kids (and anyone else!) to unify are worlds apart from the monkeys who beat on their chests about white power (...what is that again? Oh yeah, ruining the world)
The connection between skinheads and the right wing started in the late 70s in the UK. Skinheads were used by the far right as "shock troops". Skinheads were always into drinking, violence and football hooliganism and were often patriotic, the right wing realised they might be good to have on their side so used the patriotic aspect to lure them in.
This album was released in 1981 and the cover features a very well known nazi skinhead called Nicky Crane. He died some years back of HIV....
I lived in Alabama for a brief time so I have experienced skins and KKK. The klan seemed much more laid back and wanted to discuss issues and politics while the skins honestly scared me. They were a lot like the skins in this movie in that they were all racist skins but they also dealt in drugs which made them doubly dangerous.
I only had in depth conversations with 2 skins in my life, one wore red laces and had an actual Hitler mustache and he just talked matter of factly. He was one of those straight edge guys that hated drugs and booze (although didn't mind dealing in it). I just got this feeling that he felt he was wasting his time talking to me as I wasn't skin material and as such would rather be somewhere else talking to someone that was.
The other was this really laid back dude who was a hardcore stoner which is odd considering he was good friends with the straight edge skin. Maybe he hid his drug use from his friends but he was extremely open about sharing it with me (and we were strangers). He was so calm and cool and never ONCE brought up any racial topics. In fact if you didn't notice his tattoos you would have never in a million years thought he was racist.
I'm not stupid and I realize that both KKK and Skins were probably on their best behavior around me since they knew I wasn't into that and they probably wanted to somehow recruit me or have me be a sympathizer by acting civil and not screaming our racial slurs every other sentence. Unfortunately for them I have tv and internet and I have seen how they act in marches and speeches when they are in full blown racialist mode so I kinda saw through them as far as that goes.
If you're wondering how the hell I got in the position to be talking to these people, the woman I was dating had grown up with a lot of these people before the racial stuff when they were just regular kids and we would run into them in town from time to time. I wasn't going to rallies or anything.
Whilst I'm not a skinhead per se, I am someone that shares values of their doctrine, so I am an interesting guest to this thread ;)
Firstly, Understand that 'neo nazis' is a central theme of this movie because it is a socially accepted group to have a go at, as is the nazis themselves.
Despite being todays major focus issue, and racking up murder numbers in ways that would make the nazis blush, you will NEVER see Hollywood touch the topic of ISIS with the same bravado they would at a nazi gang.
And that is the issue.
These double standards in life, the hypocrisy, this is what leads jaded white people to become skinheads.
How warped is it that interracial crime in the USA is something like 99% black on white, yet White people cop the blame of racism.
How in the recent protests where 5 white cops got murdered, white people were being blamed?
Or how, every white country is targeted to be indoctrinated with multiculturalism, whether they want it or not, when other nations, such as Japan, have never bothered with the concept and have never been criticised for it.
Sometimes white people just simply want to be amongst themselves, in their OWN culture, LIKE EVERY OTHER CULTURE HAS AND DOES.
My point is, Most skinheads, are actually nice people, they are just fed up in a politically incorrect way. They probably dont have any problems with an individual asian/black if they are good people, but who s listening to their concerns?
They arent really likely to cause any problems in the street like other racial gangs, of course, youd get the odd riff raff on the edge, but it isnt the norm.
Well, you honestly come across as a well spoken, intelligent person and although I do not share your exact feelings, I thought you gave interesting arguments for the things you stated.
Good point about the Japanese; I had never thought of that... Also too, although very nice and good natured people as a whole (I know you cannot generalize) I have observed that Hispanic people seem also to prefer to gravitate towards people of their own culture. They are not in any way exclusionary though; they seem gladly to invite others of other cultures to join them and such, but the main gist I get is that they too really prefer to associate with people of their own culture.
Again, I myself personally am not a proponent of your views about white people preferring to 'stay amongst themselves', however I DO indeed see your point about perhaps constantly having 'multi-culturalism' FORCED upon them.
Most interesting...
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Latheofheaven, thanks for replying with an open mind.
Japan is almost a perfect culture in the sense they are hoogenous, hardworking and fairly logical, rejecting 'progressive' ideals that eat at their traditions and culture.
My issue with them, like other nation nations, is their appaling records towards animal rights, whaling etc. They just dont care.
Also regarding my birds of a feather flocking together post.
Consider this, what if you moved to an area thatwas predominantly black/ethnic and they are bullying you.
Do you think, the way the world is going, your concerns would be taken seriously? In my observation, you would not.
A case study in this is modern day Zimbabwe, where white people make 1% of the population, the country actually has affirmative action for black people DESPITE making up 9 million of the population (vs 40,000).
My white friends cop snide comments every day about their whiteness, and when they cry out they are seen as whingers, as if they deserved it for having white mnority rule till 1980, forever condemned to legal racism as revenge.
They are pretty defiant so they stay, but alot of them have been murdered for their farmland. There was one heartbreaking image about 15 yrs ago of a bashed/dead white farmer whos little dog wouldnt leave their side.
Not true Japan is very progressive and has made strides in immigration policies that have brought people in to replace their aging workforce. White Nationalists that beat up on Asian Americans some how admire the Japanese is hilarious, they know nothing about the in depth history or culture.
As for Africa, who have to consider that these people were stunted at their right to self determination due to European colonization and generations of oppression. The South Africa region was long inhabited by the San people and other tribes long before being colonized. Zimbabwe is the land of Mugabe and dictator that is the epitome of a confusion and anger. I've read his biography.
"In a country where nationals favor a racially unique and homogenous society, the foreign population accounted for only 1.7 percent of the total population in 2010, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Japan's strict immigration—or, rather, anti-immigration—policies have drawn heavy criticism."
"Rita Yamaoka, a mother of three who immigrated from Brazil, recently lost her factory job here. Now, Japan has made her an offer she might not be able to refuse.
The government will pay thousands of dollars to fly Mrs. Yamaoka; her husband, who is a Brazilian citizen of Japanese descent; and their family back to Brazil. But in exchange, Mrs. Yamaoka and her husband must agree never to seek to work in Japan again."
“They don't have the idea that you can become Japanese,” says Guest. “And they don't have the idea that you can solve some of the country's chronic labor problems by importing foreign hands.” In its health care sector, for example, Japan is estimated to be short almost 900,000 workers 2025. It started to invite foreign nurses, and since 2008 almost 600 have come to Japan. But only 66 have passed Japan’s notoriously difficult nursing proficiency exam, which requires an expertise in written Japanese. Japan’s health ministry has made the test easier, adding some English translations, but critics say it’s still unreasonable. “It should be good enough that they are able to communicate verbally with people and that they are able to read the words they need to know for the tools of their trade,” says Guest. “It worked perfectly well in other countries.” And it’s not just foreign workers who might run into obstacles. In some cases, it’s immigrants who have been living in Japan for decades."
There's a lot of what you mention that I simply do not agree with, but at the same time I understand why you feel that way.
The indignation and underlying anger about how whites are being portrayed by liberal media is something I can definitely sympathize with (but not in any alt-right/nazi/nationalist way, just as in terms of I understand the frustrations).
Part of me suspects a lot of your anger is being misled by today's utterly contemptuous and corrupt media. There's a lot of BS being spread around to promulgate racial tensions and move everyone toward a race war (I really hate the media for this).
There are issues with cops killing unarmed people, but you'll also find the media trying to use someone with a criminal history and unsavory behavior as a poster child of white on black crime, which muddies the issue.
Sadly it's beyond the point where people can actually discuss why this is happening in the way that it is, but instead everyone is being pushed to hate one race or the other. That's not to mention the constant lopsided handling of the refugees and radical Islamists; the blatant cover-up of more than 1,000 assault reports in Brussels still makes me sick to my stomach. I would love to ask one of those reporters who covered up those attacks how would they feel if it was one of their teenage daughters who was raped that night on New Year's Eve?
Nevertheless, I also understand some people's desires to want a measure of isolation from multiculturalism. Mixing isn't bad, but forced acculturation can lead to the very issues that they're having in Europe at the moment, which unironically led to Brexit.
Anyway, you make some interesting points. I understand where you coming from even if I don't entirely agree with some of those points.
People like you are more dangerous than the raging skinheads. Most of your statements & statistics are BS and have been debunked too many times but racists like you keep using them to justify your PC racism.
I respect open racists more than sleaze ball PC racists.
Despite Tom Araya's Chilean heritage (and drummer Dave Lombardo being Cuban-American), Slayer has long been accused of being Nazi sympathizers, based on the song "Angel of Death" as well as using Nazi imagery on their shirts and such in the 80s. It's all for show and to provoke people, but I can see how neo-nazis become fans of Slayer in that case.
I went to a Slayer show once and saw a couple of neo-nazi guys next to me. It's funny cause the lead singer is a Mexican, but hey Neo-Nazi's are dumb.
He's Chilean, actually.
On a related note, I remember reading someone said they saw neo-Nazis at a Disturbed concert, which is hilarious, given that the lead singer is openly Jewish.
_____________________________ I'm a heavy metal maniac. Metal = best form of music ever
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Never had any real experience... People in my high school (in 2003) said they were skin head n stuff... But no one took them seriously. I'm interested in hearing peoples stories
yeah, when I started first year of high school in a new area where I knew no one I quickly found out that skin heads pretty much ran the school and treated anyone who wasnt a skin head really badly. After school on a lot of days me and other kids in first year would get bullied as we waited for the busses to take us home. There were big dumpster bins with large heavy lids on them right behind the bus stop and these skin heads who it seemed were basically just dumb thugs would threaten us all with 'getting shanked' or tazed if we didnt get in the large bins, then they'd lock us in them by latching them closed. We'd be stuck in there for quite a while sometimes, we always got out eventually by banging and screaming from the inside until someone opened the lid for us so we could climb out.
They also tried to sell us drugs all the time. They were just loser bullies. Wearing all that English punk style crap, mo hawks or skin heads, doc martins, lots of leather jackets and ripped jeans and other crappy 'fashion'.
I always wondered how those idiots turned out. I guessed about half of them would have died and most of the rest would have been in and out of jail.
My family and I were staying at a run-down motel in Indiana. One night people started banging on the walls next door so my brother started banging and yelling back, and when my dad went outside the hallway there was a coked-up skinhead outside the door giggling.
Pardon my ignorance, but what's this rock n rock V sign you mentioned? I used to be good friends with a former neo nazi, and don't recall seeing anything like this from him. I don't really have any good stories of run-ins with skinheads, seeing as my friend wasn't really down with them anymore, as he'd moved from Ohio to Portland away from their gang (he was however a patched member of Gypsy Jokers MC).
I've had a couple encounters with them in Toronto. The thing is, Toronto is one of the most diverse cities in the world. The part of Toronto I'm from is 56% foreign born, and 53% non-white(South Asian, Chinese, Filipino and Black/Indo Caribbean). They tried to recruit me when I was in high school. My girlfriend at the time was Indo-Guyanese, she walked up and stuck her tongue down my throat, and I did the same. I saw the horror in their faces...I have no time for these clowns and was happy they went off pissed off.
The second time, one was running their mouth at a bar. He went outside for a smoke, and I guess pissed someone off inside, because I went out 10 minutes later and the guy was knocked out on the sidewalk. That's what you get I guess.
Seems like a waste of time in life to throw so much hate around...
I'm a retired police officer, which may or may not be popular to say, but.... I had only one memorable encounter with some neo's, skinhead' whatever they thought they were. Very typical deal. Denny's at 3:00 in the morning dust-up. They were very like ALL gang types. Only threatening because they were in a group. I generally employed the same tactic with all such "pack" types. Explained that ultimately my gang would always be larger, backed up by the law, and win. Pay and go.
Maybe it was because the skins had a philosophy, or purpose behind their pack other than geography, but they responded much more positively to logic and reason. There was some sense of order, and less mouth. Still, I got the impression that they'd likely hang together when the crap hit the fan more than the typical bangers.
Gangs can be dangerous for sure, but they are persons that seek strength through numbers. The people that I encountered that really scared me were the certain individuals that were truly dangerous all by themselves. The people that are not afraid in a one-on-one confrontation. Those are the people that will get you.