It seems like a lot of people on this board prefer Dark matter but honestly, I liked this one much better. Dark Matter to me felt very 90s/ early 00s. This one at least felt like it had a chance to grow into something original, even if it isn't right now.
Both show have cliches but the ones in Dark Matter just seem more...obnoxious and obvious? Or maybe they just happen to be ones that personally annoy me the most. The 'tough guy' who wants to shoot everyone, the female android, the 'mysterious' teenage girl...none of those are things I have much desire to see ever again. Both shows have fairly typical "sexy, kickass" women but I for some reason way preferred Dutch to Two or whatever her name was. Perhaps it was the actress' acting or just small differences in the writing. I also prefer the two brothers to the male characters we got in Dark Matter, and the setting seems more interesting.
I do think that Dark Matter is the slower developing show. Not that there wasn't action in the first two episodes, just that it may take longer to establish where the show is going.
I agree. And I like the way that the writers are not beating us over the head with the various mysteries within the show. The question of who wiped their memories is, of course, a central issue, but the other mysteries (the box, the door, the girl) are mostly background to the early action and will become central in their own time.
If they're really skillful, they can peel back the mystery's layers like an onion, as was done for the first several seasons of Burn Notice. Burn Notice ended with a big reveal in Season 1, and yet we learned that the big reveal was only the first layer, and so forth for a couple of seasons. I think it's more fun that way, because each big reveal is satisfying, but doesn't eliminate the mystery entirely, or perhaps raises even more questions than it answers. If they reveal all the secrets at the end of Season 1, then Season 2 pretty much loses that mysterious element. I mean it's not necessarily bad to have a season after we know the truth, to see how the characters react to it, but it's more fun for me at least to have mysteries wrapped in mysteries so that even as we're seeing the characters deal with one big revelation, we're still seeing more secrets hidden beneath the surface of which some or perhaps even all of then don't know yet.
Before I even saw the show, I started wondering which of the 6 actually knows who they really are. After seeing the first episode, I was leaning toward Six, because he was the last to awaken and everyone saw him not know who he was. Of course that could have just been good acting on Six's part. He was also the only one to start on the side of Three when they were debating whether to help the colonists, and then switch to the side of One. If he's trying to convert them--say from bad to good--appearing to start out on the selfish side and then get persuaded by One to do the right thing seems like a good way.
Once the conveniently complete files popped up at the end of the pilot, however, I started to suspect they might actually be heroes who the bad buys are trying to convert into assassins. In the second episode, the android's insistence that they had no reason to doubt the veracity of the conveniently complete files she conveniently found, and her calling Two by Two's alleged villain name, made me wonder if she might be the one who really knows.
A couple of people have suggested Five, since she's young and appears innocuous--not capable of physical mayhem--combined with her apparent skill with electronics, which some think might have summoned the ship that attacked them. I personally think she's too creepy and by being too creepy is calling too much attention to herself, but of course that could be a trick to throw us off.
One thought it was Three, since he appears to be the stereotypical big, dumb, violent guy, and likewise who would suspect him? I think though we saw him genuinely obsessed with finding out what's behind the big door, so I don't think so.
it's fun though that the one with the memory isn't obvious. It's even possible that none of them has their memory.
Yes, it's very possible none of them have memory. And it is possible that their memories might come back.
How about this idea--the android was programmed to not access her memory until a certain time in the future. Then dormant commands could be put into play.
And obviously there could a person (or persons) behind the big door. It has so much potential to be a game changer.
I've been wondering too if Five is getting memories and dreams because she hit her head on the bunk when the artificial gravity resumed. If so, then perhaps, as you say, they might all get their memories back, one way or another. So far circumstances have conspired--or someone has conspired--to keep them busy and off balance, such as with the attack from the unknown ship. If they'd just assassinated the colonists, then they might just get their next assignment and go on being assassins. Now that they've rejected the first assignment, however, they might have time to start exploring ways to recover their memories.
I think it would be funny if it turned out that One actually was a murderer and criminal, and Three was some devoted family guy or something.
I like your ideas about the android and the door. I wonder too if it's possible that there's more than one someone, or more than one group, manipulating the crew, perhaps as cross purposes. I guess the obvious candidates could be the evil multi-corps and the rebels, but what if multi-corps are fighting each other (we've already seen they're competing with each other) or there's an evil government too? Maybe the attack on the ship wasn't a diversion at all, but rather an attempt by one faction to completely destroy the work of the other faction(s)?
Me too, I saw the promos and thought, not watching that looks terrible, but its nothing like the promos, its smart, well written, the characters are all flawed and relate-able even Johnny who is the good one, hes jealous, judgmental and makes assumptions, and hes the moral compass of the show
Dark Matter, 7 characters cant remember which is which other than the girl with green hair is the new Wesley Crusher, child genius, and the fighter lady is a poor mans Dutch
I'm liking both shows so far. DM probably just edging it so far for me but then I've seen one more ep of that.
I prefer the chemistry of the guys in Killjoys though - although of course the lack of chemistry in DM is because they don't know who they themselves are never mind each other.
On a superficial level i prefer 2 to Dutch (visually)
I dig both of them. I mean, for real, they are just about the only space-based shows on TV right now, so we sci-fi fans can't be too choosy at this point. They're both entertaining, IMO.
+1 I couldn't understand what I liked about Dark Matter the most and it's the music. Even when they do something simple the music makes it seem like they're disarming a nuclear bomb or something.
Yeah, it's that essence of Cowboy Bebop that is working, plus the characters are let loose, no slow emphasis on everything.
Stargate Writers, I think some of them get stuck on emphasizing "hot girl," "strong guy," and inane power drivel sometimes.
But I am giving DM a chance. I'm starting to LIKE the big alpha male. *hangs head in shame* Well sort of, up until the final few moments of episode two, he was nonchalant about human empathy entirely. Damn it
the problem is, if you've watched firefly, you've basically seen darkmatter.. the characters are exact matches to the same characters from firefly. even #1 looks and acts exactly like Dr. Simon Tam from firefly. hell look at the ship they're in and look at Serenity(ship from firefly), enough said. even though i liked and watched every single episode of stargate, i don't have much faith in the show going past season 2 if it even reaches that far. it's going to be another Stargate Universe(which should of never been canceled) again, but oh well.
Yes, it has a lot of cyberpunk themes. Take William Gibson's Molly Millions, toss her into Bruce Sterling's shaper/mechanist universe, and you have half the show concept behind Killjoys. And for the visual side of cyberpunk, Blade Runner is still the go-to source for inspiration.
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Killjoys has more adventure oriented plot, maybe they will give different case for each episode. Dark Matter is more mystery focused, so it has heavier theme.
I think Killjoys has better production overall, but I'll probably stick around for a couple more episodes for both shows.
dark matter is not that bad we are in need of good sci-fi these days they are hard to come by, i suggest enjoy the ride while it last guessing from past these two will be cancelled after first season, i think we need to be less judgemental on watching just to first part i am hoping they will not get lazy with script and action.
they are not making good sci-fi movies and when they are decent it gets cancelled do to rating excuse, i can not believe they are not making a ton of cash out of good sci-fi ??? i try to watch the Dome i have not seen anything sci-fi about but yet still it is going on, i did not like Falling Sky due to the war element, Walking Dead i would not call it a sci-fi, Orphan Black again no sci-fi, Defiance is the only show at the moment i would call a sci-fi but script writers should be fired on that one nothing interesting happened yet in the movie, i am hoping they would bring back one of the SG or ST series back hell i would not mind another Galactica series i am so desperate lol.
Yeah, the have put some weird stuff on SYFY, I think if they never made some of their more stranger shows/movies, they'd possibly have had more money in the budget for shows like Dark Matter.
I gather space operas cost more, and I feel KillJoys budget is bigger... which is kind of ...after all Stargate offered to SYFY, seriously?
Again, I don't want to complain, *whispers*, it's all we havee.
Other than that, there have been some strange sci-fi shows on regular cable and some new weird thing with angels and demons and the such... I honestly am really tired of 'anime' related science fiction. All this heroes and devils things for fanboys that started since the first Spiderman movie with Tobey Maguire way back when. *Now it won't STOP, it's endless, all the weird outfits, superhuman abilities b.s./drivel.
It seems like a lot of 'science fiction' (it is just fiction/fantasy, IMO) IS very much now synonymous with young males who doubt their inner strength and turn to deep super-hidden ego-centric powers to change the fate of the universe saving all the souls of humanity and get all the babes with deep super-hidden... blah blah *gag*.
What is wrong with you people... Dark Matter was acceptable. It wasn't great, but it was acceptable and it got me exited to see more of it. But this piece of s*** was so bad it hurt to watch.
The story sucked, the production values where all over the place and the acting was bland an insincere. Aaron Ashmore who isn't the greatest actor to begin with didn't even try on this one. And that preppy English accent on a (supposedly) dark and gritty bounty hunter is laughable. And she's called Dutch... so why does she have an English accent?!? The production and set design where all over the place. No let met rephrase that, the sets had no design at all. They where just locations, it might just as well have been some random half assed police drama... I wouldn't have seen the difference.
I mean cmon people tell me what about this piece of crap was convincing? The tech design was at least five years out of date. And people have the stones to liken this to Cowboy Bebop?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! OMFG Don't *beep* all over Bebop by even mentioning them in the same sentence, no paragraph, no, no, no don't even mention them on the same friggin website! That's just wrong. This show has no atmosphere what so ever. And that's something Dark Matter got right.
I found Dark Matter to have an interesting premise and very nice designs. And I know there's far less locations in that show. But as a creator that gives you the possibility to circumvent the biggest weak-point in space based sci-fi, namely the ability to convincingly portrait an alien (i.e. not earth) world. Something in which Killjoys absolutely failed by the way. Dark Matter had an interesting and well produced set design where a lot of the action took place (IMHO definitely the smarter way to go). Granted the acting wasn't Oscars level, but the acting in Killjoys was worse (probably because the actors had less to work with). And what are you talking about character development... What developed? These characters are flatter than the lead actress' ass! At least Dark Matter had the excuse that they didn't know (so what's there to develop).
If we're talking about potential, then Dark Matter is where it is. As for Killjoys (such an appropriate name) I give it a 3 for the effort, Dark Matter gets a 6 pending the development of the story. So to answer your question, NO I did not dislike Dark Matter but like this! I do think this show is absolutely at home at SyFy channel, seeing there both crap!
I find it utterly amazing and laughable how some people can have a completely developed and iron clad opinion of any show after watching ONE FRIGGIN EPISODE.
Don't like it, don't watch it.
Do other people want to hear how much you don't like it? not friggin likely.
Oh nose, did someone offend your delicate sensibilities by saying that a show about bounty hunters reminds them of a cartoon about bounty hunters (a bit). Grab your "stones" and hold on for the ride, it is gonna get a "bit" bumpy! LOL
I do wonder how many words you would need to express your outrage about something really significant? A War and Peace sized diatribe?
Oh sorry I took the time to write an actual reply, substantiating my opinion... Sorry that I disagree when people compare a soulful piece of work with a shamefully lazy, unimaginative disappointment. In the future I'll write a three word troll, would that make you happy?
The problem is that your comment is just full of bullsнit. In your lengthy post you haven't offered a single valid argument, just a completely baseless personal opinion. Next time just don't waste your time.
Soulful? CB was violent, and it was fun, it wasn't 'soulful' (you mean Spike was basically a smartass and former gang member now depressed because his former girl is now on the run from his blood buddy the entire time?). It's just anime, get a grip. Oy... where's that ignore button man.