MovieChat Forums > Krampus (2015) Discussion > You people, Are from different planet???...

You people, Are from different planet???? 6.3 for rating????

How can some adult mind bear to watch this movie and give it an even 3 for rating let alone 6 or more????
who is rating on IMDB??? just a bunch of 10 year olds with IQ lower than 40 and have not seen any other movies in their shallow life???

I'm getting dizzy just thinking about there are people who do not see how far this THING is from a good movie , even as Art or Industrial Product....


Loved it! Great writing, acting, production. A lot of talent and energy goes into something like this complex film, and all you trolls, acting as a team, couldn't come up with anything close to it.
And you know it.


Apparently you only like long, boring drawn out drama movies. What a boring life you must lead. Maybe you shouldn't watch horror movies. And for that matter comedies, fantasy, or action.


I'm 44-years-old and I totally enjoyed this film. It reminded me a lot of Gremlins because of its blend of horror and humor along with the Christmastime setting and nifty old school practical special effects. 8 out of 10 from me.

I've been chasing grace/ But grace ain't easy to find


This movie should have been rated even higher, in my opinion. It has a classic feel to it.

I've never fooled anyone. I've let people fool themselves.


I couldn't believe how much I enjoyed Krampus. Honestly there is something for everyone and I appreciated the nods to Gremlins and House. Excellent film and the practical FX are breath taking. I bought the BD and watched all of the behind the scenes footage, the Director clearly loves the genre. 9/10.

It's all a deep end.


I'm no 10 year old and I bet I have a higher IQ than the OP and I gave this movie a solid 8/10.

Name call all you want. Cry and throw your toys out of your pram while you're at it. This movie was very well done. It may not be for everyone, so you'll just have to suck up that rating, snowflake.


I liked this film. IF you don't like it fine. But why be a troll. I hate comic book movies but I do not go on imdb boards and attack people for enjoying them. Original Poster Grow Up!


I just gave it a 10, Merry Christmas loser trolls :)

So long and thanks for all the fish!


I rate the grammar on this review 2/10.
