MovieChat Forums > Krampus (2015) Discussion > You people, Are from different planet???...

You people, Are from different planet???? 6.3 for rating????

How can some adult mind bear to watch this movie and give it an even 3 for rating let alone 6 or more????
who is rating on IMDB??? just a bunch of 10 year olds with IQ lower than 40 and have not seen any other movies in their shallow life???

I'm getting dizzy just thinking about there are people who do not see how far this THING is from a good movie , even as Art or Industrial Product....


I think it's 5/10 at best, but I tend to be generous for a film that maintains my attention for 38 hours, or however long this was. I'm just glad it's over.


I do not know what rating I would give this movie. It wasn't terrible nor was it good. I just felt tricked while watching it. Compare this movie to others with the comedy/horror tag and it's like a day and night difference. I didn't expect a splatter movie(but please that would have made the movie good), it focused so hard on *trying* to be funny.

Having watched this movie it feels like I wasted 1 hour and 37 minutes for nothing. I get more satisfaction just typing on this forum than having watched that movie. It's truly a shame because the movie had everything it needed to be a good movie but it just didn't have the balls to go the length.


Want a movie with balls... watch Phantasm!

3rd generation American from a long line of Gottscheers... it was Drandul, dude!
