MovieChat Forums > Krampus (2015) Discussion > You people, Are from different planet???...

You people, Are from different planet???? 6.3 for rating????

How can some adult mind bear to watch this movie and give it an even 3 for rating let alone 6 or more????
who is rating on IMDB??? just a bunch of 10 year olds with IQ lower than 40 and have not seen any other movies in their shallow life???

I'm getting dizzy just thinking about there are people who do not see how far this THING is from a good movie , even as Art or Industrial Product....


You're pretty judgy for somebody with such terrible English. Maybe learn the language first, before trying to bash other people's tastes? Bye.


The film definitely had more potential. After all the script was good and had a lot of German folklore Krampus spirit.
But I had a nagging feeling that there had been some meddling going on which made some scenes seem out of whack or too long winded or even out of order.
This did the story no good at all.
I would like to see the director's cut.


I really enjoyed the movie. It's a fun popcorn movie that you're not supposed to take seriously, I watched most of the movie laughing or with a grin my face. I think you're taking it way too seriously.


Are you insulting the OP or people with Autism?


How could you love Dumb and Dumber and not this? That is just wrong.


I just watched this movie. I thought it was f'king terrible. It was meant to be a comedy horror, fine, except it wasn't funny and the horror was predictable and tired, right down to having the evil toys lunge at the screen in the final scene. Most of the acting was weak, a special mention to Adam Scott for his utterly anaemic performance. What the hell was Toni Collette doing in this crap?

I scored this film 1 out of 10.


Oh what a surprise. A marvel fan with garbage taste.


Thank you for that thoughtful and logical response, which was really relevant and has enriched the level of debate in this thread.


Well I had to since your post sure didn't. :>


I understand not liking the film, but a 1 out of 10? Come on, there is no way you thought this was one of the worst movies ever made.


i would really struggle to answer if someone asked me what was the worse or best film i ever saw. i reckon every film must have some merit and all films have deficits. my 1 out of 10 represents my total lack of enjoyment in this film.


"my total lack of enjoyment in this film". Some people don't enjoy The Godfather or The Wizard of Oz, and would like to give those movies low scores even though those are considered some of the best movies to date. A movie is not only good if it amuses someone, especially not if that someone has horrible tastes in movies, not saying you do or don't, just making a point. When scoring a film there is more than just subjective " I liked it" or " I didn't like it". Sure I his movie doesn't deserve a 9 or something like that but to say that it doesn't even deserve a 3, come on it was a well built movie that was well executed. It wasn't perfect but a six is perfectly reasonable.


You should just stop watching horror films. They are obviously NOT for you. Maybe just stop watching films in general.


But Krampus is NOT a 'horror' movie. It has some old school horror elements, but it is clearly NOT a horror movie.

3rd generation American from a long line of Gottscheers... it was Drandul, dude!


Great Old School Darks 80's kids movie. Nothing like this gets made anymore. Get over yourself people.

