MovieChat Forums > Z Nation (2014) Discussion > Season 5 needs more gimmicks

Season 5 needs more gimmicks

I don't know why, but this season isn't as good. They're really pushing George as something special, but she's not interesting. Its taking itself too seriously. We need more jokes and gimmicks.

Update: forget what the show needs. It doesn't need anything. Its done. I couldn't finish episode 6. Im out.


i’m not enjoying this season either, too preachy


Yep. I stopped watching. I had a Similar experience with scrubs. After season 3, I was done.


I watched it all on Netflix. Guilty pleasure.


I watched it all as well, not a guilty pleasure for me at all.

But season 5 was the worst season and extremely preachy and weird. Its like a leftist inclusion agenda pounced this show for its last season (season 5). Seasons 1-4 didnt have that vibe at all.


They gota let that kid with the number name hit his eponymous quota.


I thought he did, but seems he was close to nine thousand by the series end in season 5


Must be terrible to be afflicted with that
like being allergic to nuts or something , so much stuff you just cant enjoy because of hypersensitivity to

"and extremely preachy and weird. Its like a leftist inclusion agenda "


You're just trying to put me down and make me feel bad. You dont really care if I like something or not. Thats an evil way to treat somebody.


I must admit , your enjoyment is not my *top* priority , but I do kind of feel sorry for you folks so hung up about "woke" (to use the catch-all term) wherever you see them that you cant enjoy tv.

Its just friendly advice "Dont sweat it , go with it "
or ignore/filter it , whatever you have to do


But I did finish season 5 of Z Nation, so I must not have that ailment to the severity you think? Also one could say you can ignore us or filter us out who dont like when people put these woke agendas in a show. I truly enjoyed the first four seasons of Z Nation, such a turbo shot compared to the Walking Dead (which I mostly love as well! I plan on watching Daryl Dixon and the Rick and Michonne spin-offs so I can see a conclusion to some of my favorites)

Are you a Predator movie fan?

There were people spitting vitriol on youtube and such about the newest Predator movie titled PREY and that its woke. But I ignored the negative people and didnt watch their critique of the movie because I wanted to watch it and judge for myself. I could tell within the first two minutes of the movie that I would like this movie based on the cinematography alone. The ambience set was a good mood for an ancient Predator film. And it I enjoyed the film!

Theres a crowd that is so tired of the woke nonsense they will automatically judge a film without seeing for themselves and the other side of the coin is people who call conservative people "nazis" which is equally wrong.

I hope you are doing well, at the moment I am not. But I hope to be soon


He’s a bearded mamma


Warren became a neofeminist Christ figure and George was some kind of milquetoast reimagining neofeminist George Washington. The fun was mostly gone. I also quit watching halfway through s5.


Same thoughts I had. They got agenda heavy in that last season. I finished watching it though. When I rewatch it in the future, I wont even bother watching season 5 again.


The first couple seasons are the best, it plummeted in quality after Garnett was killed.
