Is it just me, or is anyone else NOT excited for this at all?
I'm not the type to bring undue negativity to a film, but I can't get over the fact that every time I see something about this movie it just does not look good.
Frankly, I'm just not seeing what's to get excited about here. From what I can tell from all the trailers, there's not much of a plot. It's basically Humans Go To Island --> Humans Fight Kong --> Kong Fights Some Other Creatures --> The End.
Granted, I could be wrong and the trailers are holding back on pretty much all the plot, but I think what we're going to end up with here is two hours of action with a threadbare plot to hold it together.
And I have to say, while I know Peter Jackson's film has been greatly criticized over the years, I rather enjoyed it and think it looks about 10x better than this film. Not only did it have a fleshed out story, but it did one thing I have to give it a lot of credit for:
It made me care about a CGI gorilla. I always tear up a little when Kong dies at the end.