Re: The Box

Creepy story, but no resolution? IMO, that is some very weak story-telling. Almost anyone can write an intense story, but can you finish it? A very weak display of writing by Jovanka Vuckovic. I doubt even she knows what was in the box.

Re: The Birthday Party
And why was she trying to hide her husband's body? The only thing she did was incriminate herself in his death.

Re: Don't Fall
This would've made a good horror movie all by itself. But since Roxanne Benjamin messed it up in 20 minutes, I doubt she could make it work for 1hr and 30 minutes. Thanks for sparing us.

Re: Her only living son
No surprise regarding that ending. Right on track with the rest of this half-ssA movie.


I agree with you on The Box. It really cried out for a decent resolve.


Agree about 'The Box' also. Really wanted to know what was in it, and what the son told his sister and father.


This movie was so crap, I would never see it again. Every story was just a con. I guess they made some decent revenue by filling the theatre seats on the first weekend. They knew what they were making.


Of course Jovanka Vuckovic doesnt know what was in the box. In the original short story by Jack Ketchum, its never mention either.


Yeah good story. Lots of creepiness but what the hell, no ending...


The first story was genuinely haunting---I actually liked that you're never told what's in the box---it makes you wonder (it could have done without the one gory scene in it,though.)

The second story was more of a dark comedy (interestingly enough, the director, St. Vincent, said that she dosen't like horror movies, which is why she went the comedic route---she also created the music for it,since she's a well-known musician.) that's why the ending was definitely screwed up in a very dark way. And, yeah, I wondered why the woman didn't just call 911, since her husband had obviously offed himself---she didn't have to put herself through all of that just because she didn't want to ruin her daughter's birthday.

I've seen a whole bunch of films like "Don't Fall", but yeah, this would have made a good horror all by itself, since the setup was perfect. Probably the creepiest one of the stories, even if it was pretty predictable. I'm guessing that a short shooting schedule and a low budget was why the ending,it seemed, was wrapped up so quickly.

The last tale did a good job of building the suspense up to what was going to happen to the woman's son soon as he came of age---I didn't like what happened to them in the end---I wanted them to fight back against the thing that was coming after them.

Liked the little weird, creepy, disturbing stop-motion animated parts in-between the stories----it reminded me of the kind of stuff animators Jan Svankmejer and the Quay Brothers used to make. All in all, the film as a whole could have been better, but it wasn't that bad for what it was. Plus it nice to see a horror anthology made primarily by women for a change (including the animation.)


At the end of the movie there is a poster that says “Shame can be fatal.” Danny felt shame After looking inside the box and passed it on.
